Planting phlox: timing, location & procedure

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In order for the flame flower to bloom properly, it needs the right location. Here you can find out what else you should pay attention to when planting phlox.

Planting phlox
If you plant phlox properly, you can enjoy it for many years [Photo: Thoreau /]

the Flame flower (phlox) having in your own garden is a real pleasure. The vigorous plants cause little work and still offer a wonderful sight.


  • Plant phlox
    • Planting phlox: the right time
    • Planting phlox: the perfect location
    • Planting phlox: instructions
    • Caring for phlox after planting

Plant phlox

Do you want to establish the Himmelsleitergewächs in your garden too? Once you have decided on a nice variety, let's get down to work. Flame flowers are perennial plants, the flowers of which you can enjoy for many years. It does not matter whether you choose the rather small upholstered phlox (Phlox douglasii) or the towering Tall Perennial Phlox (Phlox paniculata) have decided. We have summarized the most important things about growing phlox for you below.

Planting phlox: the right time

The plants are usually offered in pots at markets, in stores or online. Planting out is therefore possible throughout the summer. However, choose the time so that the phlox can still get to it before winter sets in can get used to the new location, because getting used to this always means stress for them Plant.

Annual phlox species such as the summer phlox (Phlox drummondii) you should of course plant in spring. Since these species do not tolerate frost, it is advisable to plant them only after the ice holy, which in the period from 11th Until the 15th. May lie. After that, there is a high probability that no more forest can be expected.

Planting phlox
In combination with other perennials, the flame flower unfolds its full effect [Photo: kirillov alexey /]

Planting phlox: the perfect location

The location requirements of the phlox differ a little depending on the species. Many phlox species such as the high perennial phlox, the carpet phlox (Phlox subulata) or the cushion phlox like a bright and sunny location. While the tall perennial phlox thrives on deep and moist, but still permeable soils, upholstery and carpet phlox prefer a sandy or stony subsoil. Some species like the wandering phlox (Phlox stolonifera) or the forest phlox (Phlox divaricate) can also cope with shady conditions. Often, however, phlox is prone to Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum), which is why you should choose an airy location. In this way, moisture can always dry off well.

Planting phlox: instructions

Do not plant a phlox directly after a previous phlox. It is better to keep a cultivation interval of about seven years so that nematodes and powdery mildew are deprived of their nutritional basis. This has the advantage that pests can no longer multiply and are significantly reduced. So that the plants can dry off well and do not hinder each other as they grow, you should also plan a planting distance of at least 20 centimeters, depending on the species. Up to five plants of the high perennial phlox on one square meter develop into strong specimens.

Planting a flame flower
Small phlox species such as the cushion phlox are ideal as ground cover between taller perennials [Photo: Lithiumphoto /]

Mix the soil well before planting compostto get the phlox off to a good start. In addition to compost, long-term fertilizers like ours are also suitable Plantura organic flower fertilizer optimal. So you hardly have to fertilize later and the phlox is well taken care of. Put the plant in a hole deep enough so that the root ball fits in and you can put some soil over it. Water after pressing - and the phlox is planted.

Tip: Many phlox species are quite thirsty, but require a sunny location. To prevent drought, you can apply a layer of bark mulch after planting to prevent drought.

Summary planting phlox:

  • Adhere to the cultivation break
  • Plant spacing of at least 20 cm
  • Soil with fresh compost or before planting Slow release fertilizer mix
  • Put a layer of mulch around the plant to keep the soil moist

Caring for phlox after planting

The first time after planting, the phlox needs a little more water every now and then until its roots have penetrated deeper soil layers. Apart from that, the plant hardly needs any maintenance.

The most important thing about Care of phlox we have summarized for you here.