Watering orchids: how often & how do you proceed?

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Orchids do not need a lot of water, but the better doses should be poured. That makes watering orchids a real art.

Orchid is poured
Orchids require very little water [Photo: Andrei Dubadzel / Shutterstock.com]

Orchids (Orchidaceae) are enjoying increasing popularity in Germany and can now be found in almost every household. Anyone who has had an orchid for a long period of time knows that the right watering is primarily crucial for plant health. We show how often and in what way you should water your orchid so that it continues to bloom vigorously and live for a long time.

Watering orchids correctly: how often?

Orchids are among the most demanding houseplants that normally grow epiphytically (epiphytic). Due to this botanical peculiarity, they are equipped with so-called aerial roots and do not need a lot of water because they are not located directly in the earth. It therefore applies to the care of orchids: it's better to water less than more. Depending on the pouring method, pouring once a week is enough. If it is very hot in summer, watering can be done twice a week. In addition, it is advisable to spray the plant from time to time with a spray bottle. The orchids in the trade are predominantly species of tropical origin and enjoy high humidity.

Spraying orchid
When the air is dry, spraying the orchids is beneficial [Photo: Andrii Spy_k / Shutterstock.com]

A little hint: A transparent planter is always ideal as a pot for the orchid. In this way, you can quickly check whether too much has been poured, as root rot can occur in a shorter time. In this case, remove the affected part directly at the root.

Watering or diving orchids?

When watering orchids, it has proven useful not to water the plant directly, but to water it by immersing it in a water bath. In this way you avoid waterlogging, which leads to rot in an immediate time. When diving the orchid, make sure that you only use soft water with little lime. Simple rainwater, for example, can be used for this purpose. To properly immerse the plant, you can either take the orchid out of the pot and immerse it in a water bath for a few minutes or, if there are enough holes, simply immerse it with the pot. Just make sure to pour off all of the water afterwards.

Watering orchids and fertilizing at the same time?

Since orchid fertilizer is mostly available in liquid form, it makes sense to combine watering and fertilizing orchids with one another. This saves you the additional work step. You can easily add the fertilizer to the irrigation water during the weekly dipping of the roots so that the plant can absorb all the nutrients directly. It is essential to pay attention to the dosage recommendation, as some fertilizers can only be applied every two weeks and therefore the amount of fertilizer should be halved. You can find more information on fertilizing orchids here.

We recommend the following products for magnificent orchids:
  • Floragard orchid soil: Peat-free Special soil for the special requirements of your indoor orchids. Pine bark and coconut chips create a light, airy structure. Premium fertilizers such as guano ensure strong and vital plants.
  • Cuxin liquid fertilizer orchids: The special fertilizer for orchids contains many organic nutrients for lush flowering. Iron chelate ensures deep green leaves.
  • Cuxin leaf care spray: Care spray for orchids based on an ionic wetting agent. The trace elements contained in it balance the moisture balance of orchids in a dry environment and thus ensure fresh green leaves and a high degree of flowering.
Floragard peat-free orchid soil 5 L

Floragard peat-free orchid soil 5 L


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Cuxin liquid fertilizer for orchids, 400 ml

Cuxin liquid fertilizer for orchids, 400 ml


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CUXIN leaf care spray for orchids 250 ml

CUXIN leaf care spray for orchids 250 ml


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