The healthiest fruit and vegetables at a glance

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Fruit and vegetables are definitely part of a balanced diet - but which are the healthiest fruit and vegetables? We'll tell you.

Various fruits and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are part of a balanced diet [Photo: Maksim Shmeljov /]

We are taught that fruit and vegetables are healthy as early as kindergarten age. But did you know that there are clear differences when it comes to the health value of fruits and vegetables? In fact, there are extremely healthy types of vegetables and fruits, which are mainly characterized by a high content of Vitamins and minerals distinguish themselves, but also with health-promoting secondary plant substances shine. But what are the healthiest fruits and vegetables? Giving an answer to this is not that easy, as a large number of variables have to be considered. In our ranking, we primarily took into account the vitamin and mineral content of the fruit and vegetable varieties. In addition, you will only find vegetables and fruit of local origin in our list. Long storage times, transport routes and storage pesticides can significantly reduce the health value of fruit and vegetables. It is therefore better to rely on seasonal and regional food in organic quality - ideally from your own garden - if you want the healthiest fruit and vegetables.


  • The healthiest vegetable
    • 1. Watercress
    • 2. Chinese cabbage
    • 3. spinach
    • 4. Brussels sprouts
    • 5. radish
  • The healthiest fruit
    • 1. strawberry
    • 2. blackberry
    • 3. Plums
    • 4. Raspberries
    • 5. Blackcurrant

The healthiest vegetable

Vegetables are considered extremely healthy when it comes to nutrition. There is actually a reason for this: vegetables often have many vitamins and minerals and at the same time have a low calorie content. But which vegetables are the healthiest? We have summarized the healthiest types of vegetables for you.

1. Watercress

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is one of those plants for most people that rarely land on the kitchen table. It's a shame, because watercress is often considered the healthiest vegetable. The high content of vitamins A, C and K in particular make vegetables rich in vitamins a real enrichment in your diet. But their high content of minerals such as iodine, sodium and phosphorus is also remarkable. In addition, watercress is one of the Vegetables with a lot of iron. The plant is anything but fattening up: With an intake of just 100 calories, thanks to the watercress, you can meet your daily need for minerals and vitamins. Due to the mustard oils it contains, watercress is also said to have a healing effect, for example in the case of respiratory diseases. In addition, the healthy vegetable is known in folk medicine to stimulate the appetite, stimulate the metabolism and purify the blood.

Watercress is particularly good at meeting the nutritional needs of humans [Photo: Oleksandr Zamuruiev /]

2. Chinese cabbage

Cabbage is often considered very healthy - Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) is no exception: low in calories and therefore suitable for a slim line, it convinces with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Above all, its high vitamin C content, but also its wealth of B vitamins, folic acid, potassium and calcium qualify the cabbage variety for its place among the healthiest vegetables. The mustard glycosides contained in Chinese cabbage are also considered antibacterial and should support the body's natural defenses.

Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage is high in vitamin C [Photo: goodbishop /]

3. spinach

Taste can be argued over. You have to add one thing to the spinach (Spinacia oleracea) but leave it - it is one of the healthiest vegetables. Even if it is now known that spinach does not contain as much iron as was once thought, the healthy vegetable still impresses with a fairly high iron content, as well as a good portion of potassium and Magnesium. The spinach is low in calories, but richer in vitamin C and various B vitamins. It is not for nothing that people often say "Spinach replaces half a pharmacy."

Tip: Repeated heating or long storage at room temperature can transform the nitrate contained in spinach into nitrite which is harmful to health. It is therefore best to always use spinach as fresh as possible.

Fresh spinach
Use spinach as fresh as possible [Photo: alicja neumiler /]

4. Brussels sprouts

When it comes to healthy vegetables, one thing shouldn't be missing: the Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera). Brussels sprouts are mainly considered Vegetables high in vitamin C. known, but also shines with a high content of B vitamins and vitamin K. Brussels sprouts are also considered to be a good supplier of minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. Brussels sprouts also contain a high proportion of mustard oil glycosides, which have an antibacterial effect and, according to current studies, are even suspected of being at risk for certain types of cancer reduce.

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts are known for their high vitamin K content [Photo: Dream79 /]

5. radish

Snacking without a guilty conscience? That's with radishes (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) No problem: The spicy delicacies have particularly few calories and a low glycemic index, which is why they are perfect for when you're hungry. The healthy vegetables not only fill the stomach, but also provide important nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C and iron. Incidentally, the radish gets its spiciness from the mustard oils it contains, which have an antibacterial effect and are therefore supposed to be health-promoting.

Radishes in the ground
Delicious and healthy: the radish [Photo: nnattalli /]

Tip: Radishes are perfect for growing at home as they can be grown both in the garden and on the balcony or window sill. This has the advantage that you can eat the healthy vegetables fresh as a dew and you don't have to worry about the use of chemical agents. With our Plantura vegetable growing kit the cultivation of radishes and Co. is really easy, so that you will soon have the first home-grown vegetables on your plate.

The healthiest fruit

For a long time, fresh fruit was considered the epitome of healthy nutrition. Then more and more voices were raised claiming that fruit is not that healthy because of the sugar it contains. In fact, tropical fruits in particular contain a lot of sugar and are therefore among the most unhealthy fruits. Our domestic fruit varieties, on the other hand, score above all with a high content of vitamins and antioxidants and are therefore often considered extremely healthy. But which fruit is the healthiest? We have put together the healthiest types of fruit for you.

1. strawberry

Snacking allowed: the strawberry (Fragaria) is not only a delicious temptation, but also holds the place as the healthiest fruit. In fact, the delicious berry is extremely low in calories and therefore also suitable for the slim line. At the same time, the strawberry is particularly rich in vitamins. So it doesn't just count Fruit high in vitamin C., but also has a high content of folic acid, which is especially important for pregnant women. The healthy fruit can also be used as a supplier of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and copper. In addition, strawberries contain a lot of digestive fiber and polyphenols, which are said to help prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Snacking on strawberries is allowed [Photo: minicase /]

2. blackberry

It is one of the most vitamin-rich fruit ever: the blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) is a real vitamin bomb. Their content of provitamin A, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, is one of the highest among the berry fruits. In addition, the blackberry contains a lot of vitamin C, but also valuable vitamins of the B group and vitamin E. The fruit with the most vitamins can also convince with a high proportion of minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, the anthocyanins, which are responsible for the dark color of the berries, protect the cells of the Body from free radicals, i.e. molecules and ions that are highly reactive and cause damage to cells can.

Blackberries are real vitamin C bombs [Photo: Dionisvera /]

3. Plums

A real all-rounder among the healthiest types of fruit is the plum (Prunus domestica): The healthy fruit contains numerous trace elements and minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc, but also provitamin A, as well as vitamins C, E and B. The high content of pectin and cellulose in the plum has a digestive effect. That is why plums are still used today as a gentle means of preventing and relieving minor constipation.

Plums on the tree
Plums are also one of the healthiest fruits [Photo: nnattalli /]

4. Raspberries

Although the sweet raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is quite high in sugar, as it is one of the healthiest types of fruit. Thanks to their high water content, the sweet berries are actually quite low in calories, but are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. Above all, the content of vitamin C and vitamins of the B group are particularly high in the healthy fruit. But the delicious berries also contain phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium. The flavonoids contained in raspberries have an antioxidant effect and thus neutralize cell-damaging processes.

Raspberries are very healthy [Photo: Ekaterina_Minaeva /]

5. Blackcurrant

The black currant is considered a real vitamin C bomb (Ribes nigrum): With a content of 180 mg vitamin C it has more than three times as much vitamin C as a lemon (Citrus × limon). But the black currant is also impressive in terms of its other ingredients, because it is also a good supplier of vitamin E, calcium and potassium. In addition, the black currant is one of them Fruit high in zinc. Furthermore, there are numerous anthocyanins in the healthy fruit, which have an antioxidant effect and are said to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

Black currants on the bush
The black currant has more than three times as much vitamin C as a lemon [Photo: Aleksandr Nesterov /]

What is the most unhealthy fruit?

In fact, the question of which fruits are the most unhealthy is difficult to answer. One thing is certain: tropical fruits like papaya (Carica papaya), Mango (Mangifera indica) or pineapple (Pineapple sativus) contain more fructose than many domestic fruit varieties and are more frequently contaminated with pollutants and pesticides due to the cultivation on large plantations. In addition, imported fruit often loses some of its nutrients due to the long shipping and storage times. For this reason, it is recommended to only incorporate tropical fruits into your diet sporadically and instead to use more regional fruit in organic quality.

Not only regional, but especially seasonal fruit and vegetables are extraordinarily healthy. You can find out which fruit and vegetables are in season in our Seasonal calendar.