Chinese cabbage varieties: the best at a glance

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Overview of new, old and resistant Chinese cabbage varieties. Seeds and seeds of the various varieties can be conveniently ordered on the Internet.

ripe Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage can be harvested until late autumn, as it can withstand a bit of frost [Photo: mujijoa79 /]

Chinese cabbage can also be grown successfully in your own garden in our latitudes without any problems. You can buy the seeds in garden shops, hardware stores or from us online. On the seed sachets you will find the correct information regarding cultivation, harvest, storage and use of the respective variety.

Chinese cabbage in the garden
Young Chinese cabbage plants need plenty of water [Photo: Lilu2005 /]

In the following we have put together some well-tried, but also new varieties for you:

  • garnet: long heads with serrated leaves; popular due to its excellent taste and particularly delicate leaves; above-average vitamin content.
  • Hong Kong F1: dainty, very firm heads; good taste.
  • Kasumi F1: early variety with an exquisite look; particularly aromatic taste.
  • Kilakin F1: modern breeding; extremely bolt-resistant with high yield; resistant to coal hernia; very good shelf life.
  • Michihili F1: the heads of cabbage are somewhat compact in a rounded-oval shape; very robust and productive.
  • Natsuki F1: long, tender, sometimes also tiny Chinese cabbage heads; extremely bulletproof; very popular as raw food due to its excellent taste; resistant to the clubwort.
  • Parkin F1: medium variety, bullet-proof and robust against clubheads; medium-sized heads with crisp, delicate, very aromatic leaves.
  • Scarlette F1: the characteristic of this special cauliflower variety are the red and purple leaves; great taste and very productive.
  • Spectrum F1: very high yields; especially tender cabbage leaves.
  • Yuki F1: medium variety with extremely compact cabbages; very pleasant, mild taste.

Are you now curious about Chinese cabbage? In our overview on the topic Chinese cabbage you will find information on cultivation, harvest and use.

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