Hibernate plants: flowers, potted plants & Co.

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Winter is coming and not all plants are happy about that. But with these 10 tips for overwintering, your plants will survive the cold season too without prejudice.

The temperatures are falling and the days are getting shorter: It cannot be overlooked that winter is approaching us in seven-mile boots. But while people enjoy the first snowflakes, many plants don't like the cold at all. Warmth-loving exotic species in particular suffer in winter and can even die. We'll show you ten simple tips with which you can still get your favorites over the winter without damage.


  • 10. Which plant has to overwinter?
  • 9. Hibernate in a pot or outdoors?
  • 8. Winter in the winter garden and greenhouse
  • 7. Hibernate plants in the house
  • 6. The right light
  • 5. Hibernate plants outside
  • 4. Don't forget to pour
  • 3. No chance for pests
  • 2. Winter in the bed
  • 1. Professional winter rest

10. Which plant has to overwinter?

Not every plant is at war with winter. In fact, most of the native plants can handle the cold temperatures very well. On the other hand, exotic species, especially from southern countries, have to be prepared for winter. These plants include all citrus fruits, but also geraniums, oleanders or a

Olive tree. Annual plants do not have to hibernate, but are simply sown again the next year. Even Boxwood or rhododendron as well as all perennials survive the winter in the bed very well.

Plant in the pot in winter with snow
Some plants cope very well with cold and snow [Photo: Erkki Makkonen / Shutterstock.com]

9. Hibernate in a pot or outdoors?

The question of the questions: Should my plant in the bed even though it is not winter hardy? In most cases it is advisable to keep plants that are not winter hard in the tub. As soon as it gets colder, the plants can easily be carried to a sheltered place. If, on the other hand, you want to admire your plant in the bed, it has to be dug up every autumn and put back in in spring - a lot of work. In addition, the roots of the plant can be injured when excavating, so that the plant is weakened and does not have a good start to its winter dormancy. How one Hibernate potted plants properly should, you can find out in our special article.

8. Winter in the winter garden and greenhouse

Anyone who sits in a glass house can lean back in peace. Winter gardens and greenhouses are the perfect place for evergreen plants to overwinter, because even in winter oleanders need, laurel and Co. enough light. It is therefore worth cleaning the windows again before storing, so that the plants get as much of the valuable sunlight as possible. Another advantage of the winter garden is the right climate: Temperatures between 5 - 10 ° C are perfect and bring the plants safely through the winter. But be careful: It can also freeze in the greenhouse - so arm yourself with a suitable greenhouse heater or a frost monitor.

Greenhouse in the garden in winter
Winter gardens and greenhouses are ideal for wintering evergreen plants [Photo: Jon Naustdalslid / Shutterstock.com]

7. Hibernate plants in the house

If you don't have a winter garden or a greenhouse, you can overwinter your plants indoors. The right room is of the utmost importance here: it should be bright and unheated so that the plants feel comfortable. In most buildings, stairwells, garages or basements are therefore best suited for wintering. The temperature is also crucial - the temperature in the room should never fall below freezing point, otherwise the plants could suffer frostbite. Some more sensitive cultures even resent temperatures below 10 ° C. Therefore, always inform yourself exactly about the pain threshold of your respective protégé. At the same time, however, it is important not to heat too much. Not only does the dry heating air weaken the plants - temperatures that are too high cause the plants to restart their metabolism. However, since there is too little light at the same time, the plant begins to develop long, thin shoots and grows withered. In addition, most plants need - unless they are in areas of equatorial or tropical climates are at home - a period of rest to recharge your batteries so that you can start again next year can.

Potted plants overwinter indoors
The plants can also spend the winter indoors [Photo: imnoom / Shutterstock.com]

6. The right light

As mentioned above, evergreen species need a sufficient amount of light even in winter. However, the following applies: the colder the room temperature, the less light the plant needs. Plants such as star jasmine or myrtle, which can cope with a cool 0 - 5 ° C, can do without light at a constant temperature just above freezing point. Foliage plants like Angel trumpet or fuchsia on the other hand, should generally overwinter in the dark. If they come into contact with light too early, it can otherwise happen that they sprout prematurely.

5. Hibernate plants outside

Potted plants can not only hibernate inside - some plants can also get through the winter outside with a little help. Boxwood, or bamboo Cherry laurel are hardy in the bed, but need some support in the tub. The reason for this is that the soil in the pot freezes through much faster than the soil in a bed. Styrofoam, bubble wrap or fleece around the pot keep the cold out a little. Also a jute sack in which you put the pot and which you then fill with dry leaves, or a layer of mulch reliably warms the plant. To protect the plant from the cold of the ground, you can raise the pot a little with a few wooden blocks. Close to a house wall and huddled together, the plants are also protected from the weather and can usually cope with icy temperatures without any problems.

Trees packed in the bed
With a little help, some plants can also overwinter outside [Photo: Oleinik Iuliia / Shutterstock.com]

4. Don't forget to pour

One of the most common mistakes when wintering: forgetting to water. Even if it is hard to believe, plants need an adequate supply of water even when they are in hibernation. Evergreen plants in particular need regular watering so that they do not die of thirst. But too much of a good thing can be harmful to plants. A rough guide is to water once a week - but only water when the soil is dry. On the other hand, the plants do not need fertilization because their metabolism has slowed down significantly.

Tip: If you overwinter an evergreen plant outdoors and the root ball is frozen through, place the plant in a place protected from the sun. Otherwise photosynthesis can be stimulated by the radiant heat and the need for water increases. However, the plant cannot cope with this due to the frozen ball and dries up as a result.

3. No chance for pests

Not only plants feel at home in their winter quarters: all kinds of pests find wintering in the house simply great and spread unhindered. So before you get in, make sure that the plants are visited by aphids or something similar. If so, keep the plant separate from the others until it has been treated and is free of pests. Otherwise, all of your plants will quickly have unwanted guests, because the mild temperatures and the many plants in one heap are a real paradise for pests.

2. Winter in the bed

Not only container plants need some support in winter. The plants in our beds are also happy to give you a helping hand. A layer of brushwood, some garden fleece or leaves make it easier, especially for young plants, to survive their first winter unscathed. Roses can use a little help too. Since their areas of refinement are very sensitive, the earth should be heaped up to this point. So the queen of flowers gets through the cold season well. Garden professionals also do not cut new plants such as perennials or grasses in autumn, but only when new shoots appear in the following spring. On the one hand, the dried plant material protects, on the other hand, no additional gates for the frost are created due to fresh interfaces.

Hibernate plants in the bed with clay pots over them
Clay pots can also protect plants in beds from the cold [Photo: Nik Cain / Shutterstock.com]

1. Professional winter rest

You don't have a winter garden, the cellar is full and you can't find a suitable place for your darlings in the apartment either? No problem: many nurseries now offer a cost-effective wintering service. The conditions for the plants are perfect in the greenhouses. At the same time, you save the weekly watering and can enjoy the winter with a clear conscience. In spring you can simply pick up your plants again and be sure that they too had a good winter break.

These products protect your plants from frost:
  • Thermo garden fleece: Ideal for protecting your plants from cold and frost in winter. Can be cut to size individually.
  • Burlap sack / blanket: Reliable protection against cold and frost made of 100% jute. Decorative natural fabric with a long lifespan.
  • Coconut mat: Excellent heat storage made from natural fibers. Breathable, weatherproof and durable.
Garden fleece, frost protection, growth-promoting microclimate

Garden fleece, frost protection, growth-promoting microclimate


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Jute protective fleece made of 100% jute fibers, approx. 105 x 500 cm

Jute protective fleece made of 100% jute fibers, approx. 105 x 500 cm


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- 30%

Coconut felt mat, cold protection 0.5 x 1.5 m, brown,

Coconut felt mat, cold protection 0.5 x 1.5 m, brown,


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With cold-resistant plants you have significantly less work in winter than with those that cannot easily withstand the cold temperatures. We offer you a selection hardy plants before - herbs, palms, exotic species and more.