Gardening in June: all tasks at a glance

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There is still a lot to do in the garden in June. We'll show you what gardening work you have to do in June and what to plant or harvest at the beginning of summer.

Blooming garden
There's still a lot of gardening going on in June [Photo: Derek Harris Photography /]

Is your work in the garden over in summer? Wrong thought, things only really get going in June! In our overview we reveal what needs to be done at the beginning of the warm season.


  • Sowing in June: what to plant now
  • Harvest in June: what can you harvest in June?
  • These plants bloom in June
  • Support beneficial insects in June
  • More gardening work in June

Sowing in June: what to plant now

Not much can be sown in June? Far from it - in fact it is Sowing calendar filled to the brim even in June: Pak choi (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis) and some Varieties of cauliflower, but also cultivated forms of chicory (Cichorium intybus) can now be sown. Who doesn't yet radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus), Carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus

) or salad has sown, can also repeat this in June - with these varieties there is still time for subsequent crops after the first harvest. The sowing of all kinds of herbs ensures aromatic enjoyment such as dill (Anethum graveolens), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) or Winter cress (Barbarea vulgaris). The ornamental garden can also be re-equipped in June: The Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) can now be sown directly and can reach an impressive height of up to three meters within a few weeks. If you prefer something smaller, you can too forget Me Not (Myosotis) sow, which then show their blue flowers in the next spring. Even the daisy (Bellis perennis), the Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) or the gold lacquer (Erysimum cheiri) can be sown in the garden month of June. In fact, the month is also perfect for a beneficial insect-friendly flower meadow - for example with a Plantura seed mix - to put on.

Seeds are sown by hands
Numerous types of vegetables can still be sown in June [Photo: Indre Pau /]

That can now be sown in June:

Vegetables:cauliflower, French beans, fennel, Spring onions, Carrots, Swiss chard, Pak choi, radishes, Radicchio, Beetroot, spinach, Runner beans, White cabbage, zucchini

Salads:Endive, Iceberg lettuce, Lettuce, arugula, Pick salads

Herbs: Savory, dill, coriander, parsley, chives, Winter cress

Flower: Daisies, gold lacquer, Corn poppy, Cornflower, marigold, sunflower, forget-me-not

Harvest in June: what can you harvest in June?

One of the most important gardening tasks in June is definitely the harvest. Numerous vegetables, including peas (Pisum sativum), Carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) but also different Cabbage varieties are now ripe and just waiting to be harvested. Salads such as iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) are picked fresh from the field. Tomatoes can also be seen in the greenhouse (Solanum lycopersicum) and peppers (Capsicum) at their best and are ready to snack. If you prefer something sweeter, you will also find what you are looking for in June: Strawberries (Fragaria) and blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) now give us their delicious fruits.

These fruits and vegetables are ripe for harvest in June:

Vegetables: Cauliflower, broccoli, Mushrooms, broad beans, peas, potatoes, carrots, Kohlrabi, Swiss chard, rhubarb, Radishes, radish, cabbage, asparagus, White cabbage, zucchini

Salad:Batavia, Oak leaf, iceberg lettuce, lettuce, lollo rosso, dandelion

Fruit: Strawberries, blueberries, sour cherries

From the greenhouse: Peppers, cucumber, tomatoes

Strawberries in flower beds are picked
For those with a sweet tooth: Strawberries come fresh from the field in June [Photo: Julia Zavalishina /]

You can find a detailed overview of the harvest season for the various types of fruit and vegetables here in our Seasonal calendar.

These plants bloom in June

Anyone who lets gardening rest in June will quickly find out that this month is one of the most beautiful in the The garden year counts: Numerous flowers adorn beds and plants and the garden is at its most beautiful Page. Classics like that hydrangea (Hydrangea) or the Peony (Paeonia) show off their most beautiful flower dresses and fill the garden with their splendor. But also mustache (Dianthus barbatus), Splendid spar (Astilbe) and the large star umbel (Astrantia major) show their impressive flowers. The large individual flowers of the daylily are also particularly impressive (Hemerocallis) that bloom in June. The first flowers can also be seen in the herb bed: for example, the shows thyme (Thymus vulgaris) here already its pretty flowers. Even some trees still have their flowers in June: The Linden tree (Tilia) now unfolds its delicately fragrant flowers.

Blooming flowers in June: Large star umbels, hydrangea, peony, splendid spar, petunias, steppe sage, daylily, miracle flower

Blooming herbs in June:Curry herb, Clary sage, thyme, lemon balm

Flowering trees in June: Blossom ash, Barberry, liguster, Linden tree, magnolia, Physalis

Linden blossom on branch
Linden trees also bloom in June [Photo: Insolite /]

Support beneficial insects in June

Beneficial insects in the garden are irreplaceable - that is why one of the most important gardening tips for June is to thank the little animals for their work and give them a helping hand. You can support beneficial insects with even small changes in the garden: renouncing chemical pest control and using it organic fertilizer can already make a huge difference for bees, bumblebees and the like. Also one Nesting aid for wild bees or a Bumblebee nest box helps the hard-working insects. In addition, you can support the animals by choosing insect-friendly plants: Many bee-friendly herbs supply the busy pollinators with nectar and pollen in June, for example. In addition, it is wonderful to have one while gardening in June Flower meadow to put on. With beneficial insect-friendly seed mixtures, this work can be done quickly and after just a few weeks the little animal helpers will find a full buffet to help them build up their energy reserves for the winter to fill up.

If you know more about beneficial seeds want to find out, visit our shop, where the Plantura bee pasture and other insect-friendly seeds are waiting for you.

More gardening work in June

Not only the fruit and vegetable patch should be tended during gardening in June. In addition to harvesting and sowing, there are a few other things that need to be done to keep the garden in good shape. Our other gardening tips for June include:

To water: So that the harvest in late summer is good, care should be taken in June that all fruit trees are properly supplied with water. An additional covering of the root area with mulching discs made of coconut fibers or bark compost also reduces evaporation in the root area.

Fertilize multiple bearing strawberries: Strawberries are a particularly delicious treat in summer. To ensure that it stays that way after June, a regular supply of nutrients is necessary: ​​Strawberry varieties with multiple bearing should be given an organic fertilizer such as Plantura in June Organic tomato fertilizer taken care of in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

Cutting grapevines: So that nothing stands in the way of the grape harvest in autumn, it is important to prune the plants during the flowering phase. During the summer pruning of the vines (Vitis vinifera) each fruit shoot above the fourth to fifth leaves behind the last inflorescence is cut off so that the future grapes have more light and water to grow - this is the only way to create sweet, aromatic ones Grapes.

Grapevine is cut
In order for the grape harvest to be successful, the grapevine must be pruned regularly [Photo: eugeniek /]

Cut and fertilize roses: For rose varieties that bloom more often (pink) Cutting off the faded inflorescences can further increase the growth and flowering of the rose. In addition, rose varieties that bloom more often should be fertilized one last time at the end of June so that they can present their blossoms in full splendor. A special rose fertilizer such as Plantura is particularly suitable for this Organic rose fertilizer.

Pruning rosemary and lavender: In order to rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) stay in good shape if you trim them in June. At the Cutting the rosemary the tips of the shoots are shortened after flowering so that the plant does not become bald from below. It is similar with Cut of lavender.

Skinning tomatoes and thinning cucumbers:Pickled shoots on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) not only require a lot of space, but can also have a negative effect on the yield. To prevent this from happening, the stinging shoots are removed from the tomatoes in June. So that cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) do not produce too many fruits, they must also be thinned out. To do this, only the first fruit on every sixth leaf of a side shoot is left on the plant - all other fruits and side shoots are removed.

Maintain lawn: To ensure that the lawn looks well-groomed, gardening in June also largely consists of lawn care. Regular mowing of the lawn keeps the grass in shape and compacts the sward. Smaller bald spots, for example through Dog urine on the lawn, can still easily work with one in June Lawn repair kit, be re-sown so that the grass shows its full glory again in time for summer.

Lawn is mowed in summer
The lawn should be mowed regularly in June [Photo: Tretyakov Viktor /]

Keep tree grates clear: Especially in early summer, numerous herbs and grasses grow around the trees in the garden. So that there is no competition or the dreaded collar rot, the area around the trunk should be weeded and then mulched.

Topiary on hedges and bushes: Regular pruning should be carried out so that hedges and topiary keep their shape. Of the Topiary on boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), laurel (Laurus nobilis) or other evergreen hedges is best done at the end of June, as the growth of the plants slows down from this point onwards and they keep their shape. However, you should exercise restraint: Since many birds are still breeding in June, only shaped pruning and no radical pruning are allowed. If there is a bird's nest in the hedge, it is advisable to move the topiary backwards so as not to disturb the feathered animals.

Caring for rhubarb: From the 21st June the rhubarb season is officially over, otherwise the oxalic acid concentration will be too high. Still you should rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) do not ignore: So that the plant will thrive well in the next year, you should be Fertilize rhubarbby working two to three liters of compost into the soil.

Also in July there will be some tasks waiting for you in the garden. More information about the Gardening in July get in this article.