Pet-friendly plants for home and garden

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It is better to be safe than sorry - especially with our four-legged friends. That's why we're going to show you 10 plants that are absolutely non-toxic even for pets.

White cat and black dog sit in the garden
Dangers to pets from poisonous plants lurk in your own garden [Photo: Budimir Jevtic /]

One time you didn't look and it happened: the dog gleefully eats a flower from your garden and the cat nibbles on the potted plant. Not only do you get annoyed about the destroyed plants - since many plants are also poisonous for our four-legged friends, this little mishap can lead to a trip to the vet. But you can prevent such a horror: Here you will find ten plants for the house and garden, which your animals can chew on to their heart's content without you having to worry.

By the way: The products in our Plantura shop are not only sustainable and environmentally friendly, but also harmless to your pets!


  • Pet friendly plants for the garden
    • 1. Nasturtiums
    • 2. lavender
    • 3. Daisies
    • 4. sunflowers
    • 5. Catnip
  • Pet friendly houseplants
    • 1. Culinary herbs
    • 2. Palm trees
    • 3. Swedish ivy
    • 4. Money tree
    • 5. Room hibiscus

Pet friendly plants for the garden

In the following you will find 5 plants that are absolutely harmless to dogs, cats & Co. and still visually enhance your garden.

1. Nasturtiums

Whether as a climbing plant or as a ground cover, the colorful one Nasturtiums (Tropaeloum) always cuts a fine figure. Mainly because of its many colorful flowers, it is also very popular as a garden plant in Germany. But the nasturtium is not only suitable as a decoration: the flowers are actually tasty too Very good as a salad and a tea made from the leaves will even strengthen the immune system attributed to. Of course, the nasturtium is also non-toxic for animals - so occasional nibbling is allowed.

Nasturtiums are even tasty as a salad or tea

2. lavender

The rumor “Lavender is poisonous for cats” is widespread and causes uncertainty again and again. But no worry: lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is absolutely harmless for cats - even if some house tigers avoid the plants due to their strong smell. The purple lavender poses no danger to dogs either. On the contrary: Lavender has always been considered a sedative and can provide natural relief, especially to nervous animals. The smell, whether of fresh flowers or a lavender pillow, helps stressed animals to calm down. However, one should be careful with hamsters, rabbits or guinea pigs - the lavender is actually poisonous for them.

Dog lies in the lavender field
Lavender can help against nervousness [Photo: dezy /]

3. Daisies

Not only do they look innocent, they are too: All kinds of daisies (Leucantheum) are non-toxic for humans, but also for cats, dogs and rabbits. But that's not the only thing that makes the daisies special - with their white flowers they look particularly beautiful and are part of every blooming summer meadow. Her little sister, the daisy, is probably one of the most famous and beautiful meadow flowers and is a welcome snack for many of our pets. At the same time, both flowers are easy to care for and very robust, so perfect for creating your own flowering dream.

Cat sits in daisy field
Marguerites are non-toxic for humans and animals [Photo: vvvita /]

4. sunflowers

It lives up to its name: The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) shines from summer to autumn with its namesake and is not a popular decoration for nothing. But the kernels of the plant are also popular nibbling fun for humans and animals. So what luck that you can grow the sunflower in your garden without hesitation. In fact, none of its parts is poisonous, neither the stem, nor leaves, or flower have any negative effect. The animals can nibble on the plant to their heart's content or help themselves to the delicious sunflower seeds.

Bird kanbbert at sunflower
The kernels of the sunflower can serve as food or even as nibbling fun for four-legged friends [Photo: geertweggen /]

5. Catnip

The name says it all: catnip (Nepeta cataria) is the number one favorite plant for house tigers. It almost seems as if the plant has a beguiling, almost euphoric effect on cats. The animals rub against the bush, play happily or wallow in it - even otherwise lazy house tigers get the catnip on their toes. The catnip also has a calming effect over a longer period of time and can thus defuse trips to the vet or stressful situations. Catnip, on the other hand, has no particular effect on dogs - but the plant is also non-toxic for them.

Cat plays with catnip on the floor
The catnip - a favorite toy of cats [Photo: Anna Hoychuk / Shutterstock]

Pet friendly houseplants

In the next few lines we will show you which 5 houseplants are absolutely harmless for your beloved pets.

1. Culinary herbs

Culinary herbs like dill, thyme, parsley or mint Not only people taste it - pets also like to use it. Although people may be annoyed that their kitchens have been looted, mouth robbery is not a cause for concern: almost all kitchen herbs are absolutely harmless for pets. In fact, some of them even have a positive effect. thyme helps with respiratory problems, for example, and supports the digestive tract. So you not only have a small supply of spices, but also a medicine cabinet on the windowsill.

Dog sniffs at kitchen herbs
Herbs can also taste good to four-legged friends [Photo: Switlana Symonenko /]

2. Palm trees

Tropical jungle ambience in the apartment? Those who are looking for this often use palm trees as decoration. Since these are often on the floor, they are particularly easy for dogs and cats to reach. But here, too, you need not have any concerns. Almost all palms, including the popular coconut, cobbler and areca palms, are completely harmless to pets. Just that Yucca palm (which actually belongs to the asparagus family) should not get into the apartment: the leaves and stem of the plant are poisonous and can cause severe diarrhea. You can find out more about this in our article "Is the yucca palm poisonous?“.

Cat sits in palm pot in the house
Palm trees are mostly harmless, but not all [Photo: Korneevets-Vydrenkova /]

3. Swedish ivy

Ivy (Hedera helix) is known to most as an ornamental plant - unfortunately the climbing plant is not only decorative but also poisonous and therefore extremely unsuitable for animals. For those who still don't want to do without ivy, there is a safe alternative: Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticaillatus). Swedish ivy looks astonishingly similar to its namesake, but it has one huge advantage - it is completely non-toxic.

Swedish ivy
If you don't want to do without ivy, you can use Swedish ivy as a non-toxic alternative [Photo: FJZEA /]

4. Money tree

According to one superstition, a money tree is said to (Crassula ovata) to help you grow rich in your home. Even if that's probably not the truth, this will reduce your veterinary costs In any case, plants, unlike many other houseplants, are non-toxic Animals. In addition, this lucky charm is absolutely easy to care for and does not need a lot of attention. A bright spot and some water is enough for the plant to thrive so you also have more time for your pet.

Money tree in room
The money tree is not only non-toxic, but also easy to care for [Photo: Olga Miltsova /]

5. Room hibiscus

Beautiful and still easy to care for? The room hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) shows. The plant is a popular houseplant due to its magnificent flowers, but it doesn't need much attention. The hibiscus only makes a few demands on its location, so it should be bright, but not in the blazing sun. If you consider this, the room hibiscus is an ideal roommate. At the same time, it poses no danger to cats or dogs - the indoor hibiscus is not poisonous for either.

Room hibiscus flower
The non-toxic indoor hibiscus needs light, but not sunny [Photo: Vahan Abrahamyan /]

We have a list of them for you poisonous houseplants compiled. An overview of the most poisonous garden plants for pets can be found in our special article. If you are looking for products for your garden that are safe for pets, you can also use our Plantura shop drop by.