Lavender: Tips for a long flowering period

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Above all, lavender impresses with its lush purple blooms. You can find out how to keep this bloom as long as possible and how to extend the bloom time here.

Lavender with purple flowers
Lavender should not be missing in any garden [Photo: NAPA /]

The heyday of the Lavender (Lavandula) is in the summer months from July to August. While the lavender in its original homeland, the warm Mediterranean region, opens its flowers as early as May, we usually have to wait a little longer. However, some types of lavender then bloom well into autumn and enrich the garden with a fragrant sea of ​​flowers. With suitable care you can even extend the flowering time of your lavender. In this article, we will explain what you have to pay attention to.


  • When does lavender bloom?
  • Extend the flowering time of lavender
  • Long-blooming lavender varieties and types

When does lavender bloom?

The flowering time of lavender is mainly dependent on the species. There are early-blooming and late-blooming species and varieties. Of the

Coppy lavender (Lavandula stoechas) grows mainly in its homeland, the coastal regions of the Mediterranean. It opens its flowers as early as May and is therefore one of the early bloomers of the Lavandula-Genus. The lavender with the pretty flowers is characterized above all by its long flowering time until August or even September. However, the poppy lavender is only partially hardy in our latitudes and therefore needs special protective measures in the cold months of the year.

Of the Real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), on the other hand, can be found in higher mountain regions. It only opens its flowers from the beginning of June, but is extremely robust due to its origin. You may have to be patient at the beginning because, depending on the variety and growing conditions, the real lavender does not bloom until the second year. But it can then also be overwintered outside without any problems. Shortly after the real lavender, the last in the round is the Speiklavender (Lavandula latifolia) to bloom.

Butterfly on lavender
Butterflies and Co. are happy about the fragrant lavender blossoms [Photo: Jaromir Klein /]

Most Types and varieties of lavender under our climatic conditions they do not bloom until the end of June or the beginning of July. The flowering time does not only depend on the type and variety, but also on the weather, the nature of the soil and the care. Under optimal conditions, your lavender will bloom profusely in the warm summer months and give off its scent in the garden. Lavender loves the sun and the following rule of thumb applies in many growing regions: the higher the solar radiation, the higher the yield.

Extend the flowering time of lavender

You can hardly influence the weather. However, the site conditions and the care measures also make a decisive contribution to the well-being of your lavender. You can ensure optimal growth conditions as early as the planting stage. The Mediterranean subshrub prefers warm and sunny locations with calcareous, well-drained soil. A heavy garden soil can also be improved by working in sand. A drainage layer made of pebbles is also a good idea to avoid waterlogging as much as possible.

Since lavender plants grow on barren, stony soils in their homeland, their nutritional requirements are not particularly high. Rather the opposite is the case, because too rich fertilization can have a negative effect on winter hardiness. An annual small application of fertilizer at the beginning of the growth phase (March / April) is therefore completely sufficient. It is best to use fertilizers with an organic long-term effect - such as ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer. These also provide your lavender with sufficient nutrients in the long term. Above all, the phosphorus and potassium it contains are important for rich flowering. At the Pot lavender you should also change the substrate once a year and, depending on the growth of the plant, replace the pot with a larger planter.

A small amount of fertilizer every year at the beginning of the growth phase is enough for the lavender

Another measure to extend the flowering period is the summer pruning. This should be done at the beginning of August at the latest in order not to negatively affect winter hardiness. Here, the faded stems are cut off in order to stimulate a second flowering. In this way, the plant can invest all of its strength in the new flowers. More information about the Cutting lavender You will find here.

Long-blooming lavender varieties and types

Since the flowering time is very dependent on the species and variety, you should already keep an eye on the properties of the individual species when buying lavender. So that you can benefit from the fragrant flowers for as long as possible, we would like to introduce you to some long-blooming lavender varieties below.

Long-blooming poppy lavender:

  • ,Marshwood‘: Popular variety with lush flowers in shades of pink and purple; flowers from May to September
  • , Anouk‘: Variety with dark purple flowers; long flowering period from May to August; bushy growth; intense, pleasant fragrance
Coppy lavender flowers
Cupped lavender is more sensitive to frost than real lavender [Photo: Totokzww /]

Long-blooming real lavender:

  • ,Folgate‘: Real lavender flowers particularly early (from June) with compact foliage, tall spikes and sapphire blue flowers; very suitable as a low hedge or border
  • , Munstead‘: Particularly early flowering variety (from June); uncomplicated to look after; midnight blue flowers and attractive silver-gray foliage; spreads intense fragrance; compact growth
  • ,Irene Doyle‘: Also as,Two seasons' known; blooms twice a year from mid to late June and September / October
  • ,Blue Mountain White‘: Medium-high real lavender; white flowers from early June to late September

A comprehensive collection of the most diverse Types and varieties of lavender You will find here.

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