Grow lemongrass & plant in the garden

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Almost every Asian dish shouldn't be missing it - lemongrass. We will show you what to consider when growing in your own garden.

Lemongrass in the garden
We can also grow lemongrass, but it requires a lot of know-how [Photo: Marie Shark /]

The lemon herb originally comes from (Cymbopogon citratus) presumably from the tropical and subtropical areas of India or Sri Lanka. Maybe the sweet grass (Poaceae) so sensitive to frost due to custom and local ties and is therefore actually not at all suitable for successful cultivation in our latitudes. However, we will show you what options there are so that you can also grow and harvest the lemon-smelling and tasting grass in your own garden.

Growing lemongrass - step by step

  1. Location: Because of its sensitivity to frost, there is no one location for lemongrass. It must definitely spend the winter at an optimal temperature of at least 10 ° C in the house. In summer, however, the sweet grass can either be planted in the bed or can still be cultivated in pots. In any case, you have to choose a sunny spot for the lemongrass. The floor or the substrate must be permeable and rich in nutrients. Normal potting soil to which a little draining sand is added can be used for potting. If the lemongrass is planted out, a sandy loam soil is the perfect balance between permeability and water-holding power of the root area.
  2. Propagation: There are several ways to propagate lemongrass. Sowing is one of them. The seeds can be spread in the months of February and March. At 15 ° C you can see the first seedlings after three to four weeks - provided you have covered the seed with a layer of substrate, because lemongrass is a so-called dark germ. A few weeks later you could multiply the lemongrass by dividing it. For this, however, a mother plant is required, from the eyrie of which individual stalks are torn out with roots if possible and simply replanted individually immediately. If you neither have lemongrass seeds nor mother plants at hand, you can also try to grow a plant from lemongrass stalks you have bought. To do this, simply place the stalk base in a glass of water in a bright place and hope that roots will form on it. However, the water should be changed regularly. With increasing downtime, more bacteria can form, which clog the guide vessels of the shoot.
  3. Watering and fertilizing: When it comes to watering lemongrass, you have to find the right balance. Drought stress should be avoided in any case and too much moisture threatens root rot. Thus, regular watering, especially on sunny and hot days, should ensure even moisture. In the case of extreme dryness and subsequent intensive watering, the lemongrass is also more susceptible to rust fungus infestation.
  4. Wintering: Lemongrass is absolutely not hardy. Temperatures that do not fall below 10 ° C should be aimed for for the wintering of the fresh grass. The lemongrass - if planted in the bed in summer - has to be brought back to warmer climes in any case. If there is a bright spot in the house, the evergreen grass can also be harvested in winter.
  5. Harvest: If the winter conditions are optimal, the lemongrass can be harvested all year round. The stalks can simply be cut a few centimeters above the soil surface. You should not cut too deeply, as this could damage the base and endanger the new growth of the grass at the point. To experience the full aroma, it is best to harvest young, tender shoots. In addition, summer is the best time to harvest for flavor. By regularly cutting the stalks by harvesting the lemongrass, there is no need to cut back the grass if it is too old. The continuous harvest for use in the kitchen ensures a vital and young plant.
  6. Storage: Lemongrass is best used freshly harvested. One advantage, especially against the background of commercial production in distant countries, is the good shelf life of fresh lemongrass. Wrapped in paper, it will keep for several weeks if stored in the refrigerator without losing its aroma. You can extend the usability of lemongrass for almost up to a year by freezing it. Drying, as is done with many other herbs and spices, should not be done with lemongrass for preservation. Unfortunately, too much aroma is lost due to the drying process.

I have a master’s degree in horticulture and am also a trained ornamental plant gardener. The subject of cultivation has just stuck with me since I was a child: whether on the small city window sill or in the spacious garden - I have to garden always and everywhere in my free time.
Favorite fruit: raspberries
Favorite vegetable: broccoli

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