Anthurium clarinervium: care & location

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The heart leaf flower owes its name to the large, heart-shaped leaves. Here's how to properly care for tropical beauty.

Heart leaf flower in the pot
The shape of the leaves gives the heart leaf flower its name [Photo: Firn /]

Anthuriums are known for their decorative leaves and bracts. Even Anthurium clarinervium has strikingly patterned leaves that are an eye-catcher in every room. Are you wondering which location is suitable for the heart leaf flower and how to properly care for it? You can find the answers here.


  • Anthurium clarinervium: flowering, characteristics and origin
  • Planting Anthurium clarinervium: location, soil and procedure
  • Care of Anthurium clarinervium
  • Propagate Anthurium clarinervium
  • Is the heart leaf flower poisonous?

Anthurium clarinervium: flowering, characteristics and origin

The heart leaf flower (Anthurium clarinervium) is a species from the genus of the flamingo flowers (Anthurium), which belongs to the Araceae family. In its home country Mexico it grows as an epiphyte, that is, as an epiphyte on trees or other plants - without contact with the ground. The plant is by no means parasitic, but the space in the treetops only allows the heart leaf flower to enjoy more light. However, this also requires high humidity and frequent precipitation in order to supply them with sufficient water. Thanks to its leaves, which gave the heart leaf flower its name, is

Anthurium clarinervium has become a popular houseplant. Its leaves are large, heart-shaped and dark green with a conspicuous, white pattern. if Anthurium clarinervium a flower develops, it is quite inconspicuous.

Leaves of the heart leaf flower with white pattern
The white pattern on the leaves is typical for Anthurium clarinnervium [Photo: Riana Ambarsari /]

Planting Anthurium clarinervium: location, soil and procedure

The epiphytic way of life of the tropical heart leaf flower also provides information about its location preferences in our apartments. Anthurium clarinervium likes it bright, but should not be in direct sunlight. High humidity and warm temperatures between 20 and 25 ° C are also important. During the dormant period in winter, the temperature can be lower, but should not drop below 15 ° C. In order to get close to their way of life in the treetops, a particularly permeable substrate should be used, through which a lot of air can get to the roots. Orchid soil made from coarse pine bark is particularly suitable here, for example. In addition, the pot should definitely have a drainage hole.

Tip: Orchid substrate can also be made from high-quality materials yourself: For this you mix pine bark in a ratio of 1: 1 a finer filling material such as sphagnum moss or coconut fiber and also gives some nutrient-rich potting soil like ours Plantura organic universal soil to create a nutrient store.

Anthurium clarinervium in a pot
The heart leaf flower should be in a bright place [Photo: Ika Hilal /]

Care of Anthurium clarinervium

When you have found a suitable location, there are only a few pointers to guide you Anthurium clarinervium-Care to be observed.

  • to water: In order to Anthurium clarinervium thrives well, should be watered regularly and the humidity kept at a high level. The heart leaf flower does not like waterlogging, but should be kept evenly moist. As soon as the substrate dries on the surface, it can be poured again. It is best to use rainwater at room temperature for watering. Needed in summer Anthurium clarinervium, corresponding to the higher temperatures, more water than in winter.
  • humidity: Since the heart leaf flower is a tropical plant that lives in the water-saturated haze of the jungle, it primarily needs a high level of humidity. To increase this one can Anthurium clarinervium Spray regularly with lime-free water or place a bowl of water near the plant or on the heater. If the air is too dry, the leaves of the heart petal may develop brown tips.
  • Fertilize: To the growth of Anthurium clarinervium the plant can be supplied with fertilizer at regular intervals during the growing season. For example, our primarily organic one is suitable for this Plantura organic indoor & green plant fertilizer, which provides nutrients for further growth and also promotes root growth through microorganisms and can improve the absorption of phosphate. Fertilization about every two months is sufficient for the heart leaf flower.
  • Repot: Every two to three years it is good for the heart leaf flower when it is repotted. Young plants should even be repotted annually. In addition to more space in a larger pot, the fresh substrate also leaves essential nutrients again because even the best house plant fertilizers unfortunately never contain all of the essentials Trace nutrients. It is best to repot in spring, when the growing season begins, and use fresh substrate.
  • Leaf care: To enable unhindered photosynthesis, the large leaves of Anthurium clarinervium be cleaned of dust regularly. It is best to use a soft, damp cloth that does not damage the leaf surface.
  • Cut: You can cut off old, brown leaves that steal the plant's energy with a sharp knife. Otherwise required Anthurium clarinervium no cut.
young heart leaf flower
The young leaves of the heart leaf flower are usually reddish before they later develop their green color [Photo: Adam A Adrians /]

Propagate Anthurium clarinervium

Around Anthurium clarinervium To multiply, the individual stems of the plant are divided. The division is best done during spring repotting. The root ball is then simply carefully separated into two or more parts, each part should have sufficiently strong roots and leaves. Then both parts are placed in separate pots.

Is the heart leaf flower poisonous?

Like her relatives too Anthurium clarinervium slightly poisonous, which is why a certain degree of caution is required when handling the heart leaf flower. To be on the safe side, gloves are advisable when repotting and propagating. There are many others Anthurium-Speciesthat are suitable for keeping as a houseplant. We give you a brief overview as well as some care tips.