Christmas rose location: 5 important criteria

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Christmas rose location

table of contents

  • Light intensity
  • temperature
  • Soil condition
  • Lime content
  • Privacy
  • frequently asked Questions

The Christmas rose is an unusual plant because its flower buds open in the middle of winter. Using the following criteria, you can easily find a location where you will feel comfortable in the long term.

In a nutshell

  • Prefers a bright location all year round, but protected from the blazing midday sun
  • The ideal planting site is in partial shade, for example under a deciduous wood
  • The soil should be humus, rich in nutrients, calcareous and well drained
  • Sensitive shallow roots -> offer a permanent location for many years, do not transplant or rake
  • Hold in the room only temporarily during the flowering period, at approx. 12 ° C, avoid dry air

Light intensity

Christmas roses need sufficient light to grow. The need for light is also given in winter when they open their flowers. At the same time, they don't like being in full sun all year round. The Christmas rose location is therefore ideally in partial shade. In the permanent shade, however, the bloom suffers. In the wild, Helleborus niger, as the scientific name is, often grows near forests. Helleborus is also in good hands under a wood in the garden.

Christmas rose - Schneerose - Helleborus niger
Christmas rose - Schneerose - Helleborus niger
  • Conifers and walls are too big a source of shade
  • Deciduous trees, on the other hand, are ideal
  • the bare branches let in enough light in winter
  • the fallen leaves also form a protective layer of mulch


Christmas roses are hardy, so they can be below freezing temperatures. with winter protection measures, survive safely. Nevertheless, a protected location makes sense, where the icy wind in particular does not reach it with all its force. The blazing sun must be avoided in summer, otherwise the Christmas roses will get too hot. The sun is allowed in small portions, but only in the morning and evening. The Christmas rose location must therefore not face south. Put the plant in a bed facing east or west.

In winter, the Christmas rose is popular in the house, where it delights with its white flowers. At this time, pot specimens are available for purchase in almost every market. The plant must not be exposed to high temperatures indoors.

  • 12 ° C is ideal in winter
  • The kitchen, living room and bathroom are too warm
  • cooler bedroom is more suitable
  • an unheated winter garden is more ideal
  • or cool staircase or Vestibule
  • dry air is to be avoided
  • From spring on it is too warm in the house
  • Christmas rose should then go outside
Christmas rose

Soil condition

It is not just light and temperature at the Christmas rose location that determine whether the Christmas rose will grow and bloom properly. The soil in which it will be rooted for many years must also offer it a good foundation. It should be as follows:

  • humus
  • loamy
  • nutritious
  • permeable

A compacted soil must be loosened before planting. Sand is also incorporated so that it is less prone to compaction in the future. Loamy soils usually offer enough nutrients. Lean soils are enhanced with compost. Ordinary potting soil is mixed with clay, horn shavings and clay granules for potting. An additional layer of gravel or potsherds reliably prevents waterlogging.

Lime content

The element lime is essential for the growth of Helleborus niger. Therefore this point is explicitly mentioned here. If the soil at the Christmas rose location already has an alkaline pH value, it no longer needs to be improved. You can easily measure the pH value yourself, you can get the corresponding test strips at the hardware store. You can provide a neutral or acidic soil with the following additives with the element lime:

  • Shell limestone
  • Blackboard chalk
  • Lime preparation from the garden center
  • Calcareous tap water also fills up the calcium deposit
Christmas rose as a grave decoration plant
Christmas rose, Helleborus niger

Tip: If the Christmas rose location is in close proximity to conifers, you need to keep an eye on the lime content of the soil. Falling and decomposing needles lead to acidification of the earth.


The Christmas rose would like to remain permanently in its location in the garden, because its fine roots do not like a change of location. This is precisely why the selected space must be available to her for many years. Before planting, it must be carefully checked for its suitability as a Christmas rose location. Avoid locations that require frequent digging or raking. The roots of the Christmas rose, which spread out flat just below the surface of the earth, would be damaged.

Note: Did you know that Christmas roses that grow wild in nature are threatened with extinction and are therefore under nature protection? You are therefore allowed tonot to be excavated. If you want a Christmas rose, then it can only be one that has been grown at the gardening market.

frequently asked Questions

My Christmas rose has an unfavorable location. When can I transplant?

The Christmas rose does not like a change of location. Should this be unavoidable, act preferably in spring or autumn.

I heard that Christmas roses are poisonous, right?

Yes, Christmas roses are highly poisonous, although poisoning is not common. Particular caution or even renunciation is required in children's households. Otherwise, protect your skin with gloves during planting and maintenance work.

Help freeze the blossoms of the Christmas rose! Is it still possible to rescue?

Don't worry, the Christmas rose blossoms are probably not frozen to death, even if it looks like this. Christmas roses tolerate locations with temperatures down to - 10 ° C without any problems. However, when there is frost they activate a protective function: They withdraw water from their ducts so that the frost does not burst them. Due to this dehydration, the flowers appear limp. When the temperature rises, however, they straighten up again.

How do I know if my Christmas rose lacks lime?

If you see an abundance of leaves on your Christmas rose, but flowers are in short supply, this is a clear indication that there is a lack of lime.