Plants for the windowsill: 12 herbs & vegetables

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No plants grow in winter? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! We'll show you twelve types of herbs and vegetables that will thrive on your windowsill in winter without any problems.

Basil in a pot in front of a window
In winter, some plants can grow within your own four walls without any problems [Photo: Zivica Kerkez /]

Winter is arguably the most unpopular season for any gardener. Nothing grows, the garden is fallow and you just longingly wait for the coming spring. But it doesn't have to be! We'll show you twelve plants that can easily grow in your own four walls even in winter. Not only do you get fresh vegetables on your plate, but you also do not suffer from withdrawal symptoms from the lack of gardening.


  • 12. French beans
  • 11. tomatoes
  • 10. spinach
  • 9. paprika
  • 8. Kale
  • 7. radish
  • 6. arugula
  • 5. Swiss chard
  • 4. Spring onion
  • 3. chives
  • 2. oregano
  • 1. mint

12. French beans

Granted: French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus) with a minimum pot size of 40 cm in diameter are not exactly suitable for the typical window sill. But green beans are ideal for growing in winter (and in the home). A big advantage is that they are unlike others

Types of beans do not need a plant stick. For this, regular watering is mandatory, especially shortly after Sowing the beans. A lot of light is also essential for the French bean - so a place by the sunny window is ideal for them.

French beans in front of a sunny window
The French bean grows best in a sunny spot [Photo: Yala /]

11. tomatoes

Small, round, red: fresh tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are a must in every kitchen. But since the plants are very sensitive to frost, winter is not for them. No problem, after all, they can also thrive on our windowsill. With tomatoes, just like with their free-living summer colleagues, it is advisable to first allow the seeds to germinate and then to move them later. There they need one thing above all else: light! Since the light coming in from the kitchen window is often not enough in winter, it can be advisable to set up so-called plant lights that imitate sunlight. Incidentally, the most suitable for growing tomatoes are those that remain small and robust Varieties of tomatoes, like Pixie or Red Robin, who don't even need a plant stick.

Tomato plant with red tomatoes
Tomatoes are a must in every kitchen [Photo: RobinStrower /]

10. spinach

spinach (Spinacia oleracea) has two advantages as a potted plant for the winter: On the one hand, it likes partial shade, so it can also do without artificial ones Light thrive well (the sun should then shine for four hours a day, which is not a problem in a window seat is). The second advantage is that you can harvest the plant again and again and it will grow back again. Unfortunately, spinach also has a disadvantage: the green vegetables do not tolerate heat well, which is why a place in a warm living room or above a heater is not really for him. But once you have found the right place, the spinach doesn't need a lot of care - the spinach only needs regular watering and now and then a little fertilizer in order to grow properly.

Red spinach in the pot
Spinach can grow well without artificial light [Photo: Libin Jose /]

9. paprika

Even paprika (Capsicum) can be grown in the pot without any problems. But since even the "small" cultivars grow up to 80 cm high, the peppers are not necessarily suitable for the window sill - on the other hand, they are very suitable for the apartment. The bell pepper feels at home in a warm, sheltered location. In terms of care, the tasty plant then has about the same requirements as tomatoes. The peppers also need a lot of light (and therefore possibly an extra plant light) and should be moved to the windowsill and then repotted.

Bell pepper plant with red and green peppers
The peppers are also easy to grow in pots [Photo: Suriyun /]

8. Kale

Kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) is a typical winter vegetable. But even though cabbage is very frost-resistant (and only really tasty after the first frost), winter can kill stew vegetables. At the latest in extreme snowfall or hail, even the most robust plants can no longer withstand the cold - that's why we simply move the kale indoors. In a cooler room and with three to four hours of sunlight a day, the kale thrives here too, so that you can enjoy it all winter long.

Kale grows in front of the window
Extreme snowfall or hail can ruin the kale [Photo: PURIPAT PENPUN /]

7. radish

With just under a month of planting time they are radish (Raphanus sativus) not only great for the window sill, but also ripe incredibly quickly. In addition, they do not need a lot of space or a lot of maintenance - an ideal beginner plant. In a 10 cm high pot and in a location with three to four hours of light, the radish will grow by itself. The young radishes do not need to be fertilized, they should only be watered about three times a week. Otherwise, the radish likes it a little cooler. A place directly at the fireplace or the heater should therefore be avoided.

Radishes in the pot
Radishes are ideal beginner plants [Photo: cha_cha /]

6. arugula

arugula (Eruca sativa), also called salad rocket, is currently one of the most popular types of salad. No wonder, after all, the plant not only impresses with its nutty taste, but also contains many valuable ingredients. The rocket is also a hit on the windowsill: in a sunny place, the rocket thrives like cabbage and beets and is ready for the first cut after just four weeks. Just regular watering should not be forgotten. If the plants are exposed to drought and heat, they develop extremely hot.

Tip: A suitable substrate should be used so that vegetables thrive on the window sill. Our Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil creates optimal conditions for a rich harvest - also indoors.

5. Swiss chard

Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) as a pot plant is not only particularly easy to care for, but also particularly beautiful with its colored stems and different varieties. A pot depth of 10 cm is ideal for the plant if you want to harvest small leaves (the larger the leaves are, the larger the pot should be). Otherwise, the Swiss chard likes a cooler room with three to four hours of sunshine a day. The plant usually doesn't mind frost either. A little fertilizer every now and then won't harm the plant either. A little tip: The chard leaves taste more tender if the plant always has enough water. So make sure you have a good water supply.

Swiss chard in a pot
With a sufficient supply of water, the chard leaves taste more tender [Photo: Zigzag Mountain Art /]

4. Spring onion

Onions belong in every good dish, especially the fresh ones spring onions (Allium fistulosum) should not be missing in any kitchen. Conveniently, you can also grow the delicious tubers in the kitchen. The ingenious thing: you don't even need seeds for this - you can grow new plants from the remains of purchased spring onions without any problems. Of course, as a root vegetable, the spring onion needs a sufficiently large (and above all deep) pot so that it can properly develop its onions. In a sunny location, the easy-care plants don't really need any special care other than a little water every now and then.

Spring onions in the pot
You can easily grow new plants from the remains of spring onions [Photo: TIvanova /]

3. chives

chives (Allium schoenprasum) from the pot we already know from the supermarket. But instead of throwing the plant away after use, you can continue to use it or grow your own little chives pot for the windowsill. So you always have a supply of the delicious herb. The chives are also not particularly maintenance-intensive: Above all, they need a sunny location and regular water, the plant should never dry out. With a little fertilizer every four weeks, the chives are then perfectly supplied.

Chives in the pot
The chives need a sunny spot and enough water [Photo: Fotocute /]

2. oregano

Even oregano (Origanum vulgare) is one of those herbs that we know from the windowsill. This is not surprising either, after all, the herb is not only particularly tasty, it can also be easily brewed in the pot. Oregano likes it warm and sunny - a seat by a south-facing window is ideal. Watering regularly when the soil of the plant feels dry will help the oregano grow big and strong. If you buy oregano as a pot from the supermarket, you should repot it in good time: the pots are often too small for the plant and thus prevent healthy development.

Oregano in a pot
A south-facing window is ideal for the oregano [Photo: Anna Andersson Fotografi /]

1. mint

the mint (Mentha) is also one of the classic potted herbs. Many varieties of the green plant with the wonderfully fresh aroma are ideal for the pot, including exotic species such as pineapple or strawberry mint. Fortunately, the mint does not need a lot of care for good growth: only regular watering and a sunny place will help the plant to its happiness. So you can enjoy a piece of summer (in the form of delicious mint) even in winter.

Mint in a pot with a sign
Many varieties of mint are perfect for the pot [Photo: martiapunts /]

And if you want to green not just your window sill, but the entire apartment, you will find the best here Indoor plants.