Animals in the garden archives

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The garden is a unique ecosystem that provides a habitat for a multitude of different animals. Depending on the design of the green oasis, other animals can be found in the garden, ranging from insects and spiders to birds, mammals and invertebrates such as snails. Of course, this includes cats, dogs and other animals that are kept by humans. They influence the balance in the garden and can even have a disruptive effect if, for example, holes are dug or plants are eaten in the bed. Since the variety of animals in your garden can vary greatly, you may have to fight ticks or you want to give birds a feeding place over the winter. Perhaps you are supposed to drive away dormice or have a cockroach problem and are wondering if you need to report them? For example, what dangers lie in wait for your puppies if wasps have nested in your garden? You will find answers to such questions here.

Can dogs eat cucumbers? cover photo

The nutrition of dogs is increasingly evolving away from the finished products. On the menu of many four-legged friends there are more and more ...

Can dogs eat raspberries? cover photo

Raspberries are not only extremely tasty, they are also healthy. Whether they are also edible for dogs, read ...

Can dogs eat kohlrabi? cover photo

It is well known that many dogs like carrots or other vegetables in addition to meat. But not everything is ...

Can dogs eat watermelon? cover photo

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) belongs to summer like speculoos are to Christmas. But you can give your dog a piece ...

Can dogs eat peas? cover photo

Peas are a healthy and popular side dish in the home kitchen. But is the same also true for dogs? ...

Can dogs eat peppers? cover photo

As a carnivore, the dog should eat mainly meat. However, a healthy and balanced dog nutrition includes ...

Can dogs eat cherries? cover photo

Numerous dogs like cherries (Prunus). If you have cherry trees, you can watch them how the fallen fruits ...

Can dogs eat pears? cover photo

Pears are not only healthy and tasty for us humans, but also for our beloved four-legged friend, the dog. ...

Can dogs eat blueberries? cover photo

Blueberries are often referred to as a superfood because they contain many substances that are healthy for humans. That's why ...

Can dogs eat tomatoes? cover photo

Tomatoes are considered healthy because they contain many vitamins and minerals. But is it safe to put tomatoes in the dog bowl? ...

are tulips poisonous to cats? - Cover photo

Tulips (Tulipa) are among the first heralds of spring and not only spice up the gray garden, but also as cut flowers ...

20 poisonous houseplants for cats - cover picture

Poisonous houseplants are not uncommon for cat owners. Numerous plants have a toxic effect on the velvet paws. 20 will give you ...

Cat eats roses: are roses poisonous to cats? Cat eats roses: are roses poisonous to cats? - Cover photo

Roses (Rosa) are very popular both as cut and garden flowers. And that also with cat owners. But are the ...

Are there flying spider weavers with wings? cover photo

The flying spider is more common in the summer months and at dusk. But this is ...

Build an effective rat trap with bait yourself - cover picture

An effective rat trap is the ideal tool to catch the unwanted rodents. In this guide you will find detailed ...

White-orange butterfly - aurora butterfly

A white-orange color makes the aurora butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) one of the most striking native butterflies. The goddess of ...

Animal sounds at night - nightingale, fox, hedgehog and tree frog

Is it quiet at night? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! We introduce you to 25 animal species that make a lot of noise in the dark ...

Prohibited agents against pigeons - vinegar and spikes

Pigeons are not considered popular birds and many want to get rid of them by all possible means. Anyone who prohibited ...

Butterflies are common in summer. But which moths actually fly around in Germany? We provide you with local butterflies ...

40 non-toxic balcony plants for cats - cover picture

Non-toxic balcony plants are ideal if your velvet paw can enjoy the fresh air on the balcony. This article will ...

Chase away pigeons with home remedies

Do you cheeky wood pigeons eat young plants from the balcony tubs? Or do the cooing pests like to hang out on your terrace? ...

23 native black birds with picture - cover picture

There are numerous native bird species in Germany. However, only a fraction of the birds are completely black. As ...

How many legs does a millipede have? - Cover photo

Millipedes (Myriapoda) have been around for 400 million years. The animals have a lot of legs, but are they really a thousand? ...

Migratory bird species in Germany

All the birds are already there... but which birds actually fly away in winter? We introduce you to 244 known ...

11 native pigeon species with picture - cover picture

Over 300 species of pigeons are known worldwide. In Central Europe and Germany, the number is limited to five plus one unofficial ...

New insects in Germany: as of 2020 - cover picture

New insects in Germany are among the most exciting discoveries of the domestic animal world. In 2020 the list increased by a few ...

10 species of woodpecker in Germany with picture - cover picture

Everyone knows the typical knocking sound when a woodpecker searches for food on trees. You probably know the great spotted woodpecker. ...

Build a squirrel nest yourself in 6 steps - cover picture

If you want to watch squirrels romping around in your own garden, you have to create an environment in which they are comfortable ...

List: 6 native thrush species with picture - cover picture

The real thrush (Turdus) consists of a species-rich family of songbirds, six of which are native to Germany. ...

Swallow breeding season: when do they nest? - Cover photo

Swallows are an endangered species of birds, so knowing when they will nest and breed is important. Because if ...

How many legs does a spider have? - Cover photo

A spider always has four pairs of legs, for a total of eight legs. Animals with fewer legs were usually taken by one of their ...

When do swallows fly south and when do they come back? - Cover photo

Swallows are known to most people as migratory birds. They move south in autumn and come in ...

Toad migration: when does it take place? - Cover photo

When toads and frogs wake up from winter rigor, they go to spawning waters. During this crown ...

Corvids 8 native raven species with picture - cover picture

Corvidae are characteristic inhabitants of urban and rural areas. Which native raven species are the respective ...

Which bird sings when? | 17 birds in portrait - cover picture

In the spring and summer months you can hear the birds chirping before sunrise. The different species leave you lively ...

Fact: why aren't spiders insects? - Cover photo

Spiders are often mistaken for insects. Why is that not so, where the differences are mainly in appearance ...

Drive away earth wasps - title

It is possible to drive away earth wasps gently and naturally with home remedies. However, very few variants are effective quickly.

Grass mites in dogs | recognize & treat - cover picture

Grass mites make life difficult for dogs in summer. Animals, such as dogs, serve as host to the larvae of the mites, where they ...

Recognize tiger snails - title

Looks like a nudibranch, but not all nudibranchs are created equal. The tiger snail is closely related to these and ...

Beneficial organisms in the garden: attracting & settling tiger snails - cover picture

Thanks to their appearance, tiger snails (Limax maximus) are not only a real eye-catcher, but also valued beneficial insects in the garden. ...

Running ducks wanted poster - title

The Indian runner duck, also known colloquially as bottle duck, comes from Southeast Asia and was also used here in Western Europe from around 1850 ...

Linden tree death trap? Bumblebee deaths under linden trees

Dead bumblebees under linden trees are a typical sight in high and late summer when the trees are in full bloom ...

Keeping Indian runner ducks in the stable, forage & Co - cover picture

Keeping ducks is straightforward and does not require a lot of effort. You can keep them in almost any garden that ...

Shrew: toxic for dogs and cats? - Cover photo

Cats are very skilled hunters and love to catch shrews: however, these are poisonous and can ...

Report a blue wooden bee? Appearance & Occurrence - Cover Photo

The blue wooden bee (Xylocopa violacea) is not only particularly large, but also extremely with its bluish wings ...

Squirrel building nest - title

If you want to help squirrels build nests, the best way to do this is by cutting branches from ...

Aisatian Hornet - Title

It is considered particularly dangerous and has now also been detected in Germany for the first time - the Asian hornet. Photos prove ...

Support bumblebees - title

Every July, the same terrifying picture emerges when hundreds of dead bumblebees lie under linden trees. We have the ...

Wasp queen forbidden to kill? These penalties threaten - cover picture

The question often arises whether killing a queen wasp is a criminal offense. Whether the animals are under nature protection ...

Difference wasp queen & hornet - title

Is it a hornet or a wasp queen? We show you which unique features can make the difference ...

elegant and strong horse names for stallions

You finally have a proud stallion as a companion? Then it is now a matter of finding a suitable, elegant horse name. That is ...

Funny and cool dog names

When a new dog moves in with you, finding a name is often the hard part. It gets even harder when the ...

Cute rabbit names for females

Have you adopted a female rabbit? Then a name has to be found quickly. The best is a particularly cute one that has the cute ...

Wood ants - cover picture

Driving away wood ants is possible by gentle means, but not always necessary. Because the insects are ...

exotic and creative cat names

The trend in cat names is increasingly towards unusual names. But because these are so unique, ...

Native bumblebee species - title

The thick, cozy bumblebees are easy to watch. The large insects belong to the wild bee family and ...

native species of owls - titles

Owls are unmistakable with their characteristic face and large eyes. In Germany there are nine different species of owls that ...

Build a cat-safe hedgehog house - title

Building a cat-safe hedgehog house is not difficult with our instructions. How the construction works, which tools and which material ...

strong and popular hangover names

You have adopted a male cat and now you don’t know what to call him? We know how hard it can be ...

Oriental Moertelwesp - cover picture

The oriental mortar wasp is a useful insect that poses no threat to humans. How do you ...