Pruning money tree: timing & tips for pruning

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In order for the money tree to keep its shape, it must be pruned regularly. Here you can find out what to look for when cutting a money tree.

Money tree Crassula ovata close-up
To keep the money tree healthy and beautiful, a pruning is sometimes necessary [Photo: svf74 /]

Who doesn't want one Money tree (Crassula ovata) call your own? There are no bank notes growing on this tree, but decorative leaves. In addition, the plant is easy to care for and easy to cut. Even if the money tree does not need regular pruning, there are enough reasons to use scissors. For example, with the right pruning, the tree can be raised to an ornamental shrub, high trunk or even a bonsai. In the following we will tell you everything about possible reasons to prune your money tree, the right time and the right pruning procedure.


  • Pruning money tree
    • Cutting the money tree: when is the right time?
    • Cutting the money tree: instructions
      • Prune money tree for more regular growth
      • Cut the money tree for a denser leaf dress
      • Prune money tree for propagation
      • Cut the money tree in the event of disease or pest infestation
      • Raising the money tree to a high trunk
      • Raising the money tree to become a bonsai

Pruning money tree

Most money trees never come into contact with secateurs in their entire life, because with proper care and in the ideal location, the tree grows strong and compact. Unfortunately, if the conditions are not ideal, things look very different. There are many reasons for cutting back the money tree.

Reasons to prune the money tree:

  • For more compact leaves
  • For a more regular growth
  • For a thick trunk
  • Bonsai education
  • To increase
  • In the event of disease or pest infestation

If the money tree threatens to die after a disease or a pest infestation and does not recover by itself, it is essential to prune it. Even if the tree grows too irregularly and does not develop a dense dress of leaves, a cut can help. If you want to raise your money tree as a high trunk or even as a bonsai, a cut is inevitable. And parts of the tree have to be cut off in order to multiply.

Money tree bonsai small in blue pot
There are many reasons for pruning the money tree, such as growing it into a bonsai [Photo: pjatnica /]

Cutting the money tree: when is the right time?

Fortunately, the money tree is well tolerated by pruning and actually sprouts reliably again and again. Therefore, it can be pruned all year round. Spring is particularly suitable for pruning measures when the money tree has not yet sprouted again. Another option is to prune back after flowering. So you don't accidentally cut off the inflorescences.

Cutting the money tree: instructions

Depending on why you want to prune your money tree, there are of course different pruning techniques. We have described the individual cutting measures for you below. It is best to use a sharp, clean knife for cutting. To be on the safe side, you can disinfect the knife with high-percentage alcohol before cutting. This way, no unwanted diseases are transmitted through the cut.

Prune money tree for more regular growth

If you would like to train your tree to a certain growth habit or to maintain it, a so-called training pruning is necessary. This allows you to determine the height and width of the plant according to your wishes. For upright growth, all side shoots are shortened by a maximum of half. The trunk is shortened by a third in height for broad growth. You should only prune new branches at the tips of the shoots.

If the branches start to hang in older trees, a relief cut is also necessary. Otherwise the tree can even tip over. Cut off drooping branches about three centimeters before bending. However, a few pairs of leaves should be retained above the interface. In this way, new branches can arise on the drive. Alternatively, you can tie up the drooping shoots. After a while these grow upright again on their own.

Cut the money tree for a denser foliage

Especially with older trees it can happen that the shoots only have a few leaves. You can remedy this with a taper cut. To do this, cut off all the old branches up to the branches on the trunk. In addition, shorten open branches by about a third, but if possible leave at least two pairs of leaves on the shoot. You can completely remove dried out and discolored parts of the plant.

Money tree green leaves
By pruning the money tree it gets a denser leaf dress [Photo: Barbara Maffei Granadillo /]

Prune money tree for propagation

The money tree can be easily and uncomplicatedly propagated using head cuttings. To do this, simply cut off a freshly sprouted branch at the end of the shoot after flowering.

More about the right approach to Multiplication of the money tree find out here.

Cut the money tree in the event of disease or pest infestation

If your money tree has been plagued by pests or a disease and has been badly battered, sometimes only a radical pruning will help. This helps the tree to regain its vitality. To do this, radically shorten all branches - except for one to two centimeters before the branches. If the trunk is also badly damaged, this is also cut, to just above the bottom two side shoots. If the tree is already larger, you can even cut the trunk to within a hand's breadth above the substrate surface. After the cut, the tree has the opportunity to sprout again and you have given it a "second life".

Should you Money tree lose its leaves, find out what could be the cause here.

Money tree infested by pests
If the money tree is infected by pests, radical pruning is the solution [Photo: limipix /]

Summary how to cut the money tree correctly:

  • Use a sharp, disinfected knife
  • Parenting cut: shorten side shoots by a third
  • Relief cut: Shorten hanging shoots or tie up
  • Rejuvenation pruning: cut old twigs until just before the trunk; Shorten open branches by a third
  • For propagation: cut head cuttings
  • In the event of disease or pests: radical pruning

Raising the money tree to a high trunk

If you want to make a high trunk out of your money tree, you can achieve this with a suitable cut. Young plants that are one to two years old are best for this. If the plant has several stems, choose the strongest and thickest. The old leaves and shoots are removed from the lower area of ​​the selected stem. Now cut the shoot tips regularly in the upper area. This promotes the formation of new shoots and thus a beautiful, dense crown. It is best to stabilize your new high trunk with a stick and from now on regularly free the lower area of ​​all new shoots. If the trunk gets stronger and stronger over time, the tree can eventually stand up on its own and you can remove the stick.

Money tree high trunk with green leaves
With the right pruning technique, the money tree can become a tall trunk [Photo: Vania Zhukevych /]

Summary of raising the money tree to a standard trunk:

  • Use young plants that are one to two years old
  • Choose a strong, thick trunk
  • Completely cut all leaves and shoots on the trunk in the lower area
  • Support the sapling with a stick
  • Regularly trim the tips of the shoots in the upper area
  • Regularly remove new shoots in the lower area

Raising the money tree to become a bonsai

If you would like to try raising a bonsai yourself, the frugal money tree is the ideal start. Cut yours Crassula ovata regularly, you get a mini version of it. A young head cutting is best suited for this endeavor. Along the trunk, all side shoots that are not supposed to form the crown of the tree are removed until just before the trunk. For the crown, you can shorten the branches so that a dense and full shape is created. In order to get the typical bonsai shape, unnecessary branches have to be cut out regularly. If you cut cleanly and continuously, you can determine the shape of the bonsai well. It is important to shorten the branches whenever they have ten pairs of leaves. If you want to achieve particularly upright growth, it is advisable not to direct the shoots with wire, but rather to tie them up.

Raising a money tree to a bonsai summary:

  • Use head cuttings
  • Remove the lower side shoots
  • Shorten all branches above by a third
  • Regularly cut out excess branches
  • Continuously shorten branches with ten pairs of leaves

Proper pruning is of course not all that needs to be considered when caring for your money tree. Find out in our special article about Care of the money tree everything you should know about the topic.