Is the convertible rose poisonous?

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Flowers go unusual ways to impress viewers. The changing rose is particularly inventive, it gradually changes the color of its flowers during the flowering season. From yellow to orange, for example. It's nice to look at and makes it very popular. But does this beauty have a price? Is the convertible rose poisonous for humans and animals? If so, what should be done?

How poisonous is the convertible rose?

The three active ingredients Lantadene, Icterogenin and Triterpene are contained in the poison of the convertible rose. This combination is very toxic to humans and animals alike. Thus, the convertible rose belongs on the list of the most poisonous plants that we get in our gardens and on our balconies. The flowers of this plant from the verbena family are on the one hand a great ornament, on the other hand, the hazard potential is so high that the purchase of this plant should be carefully considered got to. In any case, the risk of poisoning should not be underestimated.

These parts of the plant are particularly poisonous

The convertible rose is highly toxic from root to tip. However, the poison concentration is not the same in all parts of the plant, although all are poisonous. Its fruits, the small berries, in particular, have high concentrations of the poisonous mixture. Every year in September and October they are formed in large numbers. As soon as the small flowers have completely faded, the small berries develop and ripen quickly.
Their appearance is similar to that of blueberries. Their blue-black color is also similar to that of blueberries, which are also called blueberries because of their color. And it is precisely this similarity that can have devastating consequences, especially for young children. They may mistake the berries for blueberries, pick them and eat them. But while the blueberries taste delicious and are healthy, consuming kerosene berries can be fatal.
Note: They may not be as tempting as the ripe berries, but the green, not yet ripe berries of the convertible rose are also highly poisonous at this stage of development.

Cultivation Precautions

Convertible roseThe cultivation of convertible florets is not prohibited. That is why it can theoretically be bought by anyone in order to spread joy as a colorful plant decoration with its color change. But does such a poisonous plant belong in our immediate environment? Everyone has to answer this question for themselves. If the decision is in favor of the convertible rose, the correct handling of this poisonous plant is a must. This is the only way to reduce the risk to a minimum, if not completely eliminated

The following should be noted before purchasing a convertible rose:
  • Purchase should be carefully considered
  • inform yourself comprehensively about the toxicity
  • also inform other data subjects
  • familiarize yourself with symptoms of intoxication
  • Know the first steps to take in the event of poisoning
  • know necessary precautionary measures

The correct handling of this poisonous plant is mandatory at the latest when buying a convertible rose:

  • Choose an inaccessible stand
  • always use gloves if the convertible rose has to be touched
  • Dispose of cut off plant parts immediately and safely
  • Remove dead flowers promptly to prevent berry formation
  • Keep animals away from the plant
  • Never feed parts of plants to animals
  • ensure that protective measures can be observed at all times
  • otherwise, prefer to separate from the plant

Tip: The poison of the convertible rose is life-threatening. If children and animals can come near it, it is better not to risk anything. Avoiding this poisonous plant is the surest way to avert danger.

Symptoms of poisoning in humans

If, despite all the safety precautions, parts of the convertible rose have been eaten, the poison begins to take effect and its effects can soon be clearly felt. The poison of the Lantana camara causes numerous symptoms. They are serious, some even life threatening. The following symptoms occur depending on the severity of the poisoning:

  • severe nausea and even vomiting
  • Dilatation of the pupils
  • Diarrhea with traces of blood
  • constipation
  • Feeling weak, staggering
  • Muscle twitching and uncontrolled movements
  • impaired bile drainage
  • Liver damage
  • altered blood and liver enzymes, with typical jaundice characteristics
  • The skin, mucous membrane and eyeballs show yellowish discolouration
  • Shortness of breath
  • inflammatory rash on skin contact with the poison

How quickly do symptoms appear?

hiking rose poisonous 8317The poison of the convertible rose can be released immediately after ingestion or begin to develop its damaging effect after being touched. At first, the person concerned does not notice anything. It takes time for the first symptoms to appear. The delay time, so-called latency, can be 2.5 to 5 hours in the case of poisoning with convertible roses. Their poison is also phototoxic and unfolds its full effect under the influence of the sun's rays.
Attention: The long latency could be tempting to

believe everything is not that bad. Better to play it safe and take appropriate action immediately.

First measures to be taken in the event of human poisoning

The situation can quickly develop into a life-threatening situation, especially when young children eat the poisonous berries of the convertible rose. Acting immediately is life-saving, and every single minute can be decisive. If possible, the child should not be left unattended.

1. Do not wait to see if and until symptoms appear!

2. Remove any remnants of berries and plants that may still be in the child's mouth.

3. Give the child plenty to drink. Plain water is best.

4. In no case do not give the child milk. Under certain circumstances, the milk could promote the absorption of toxins.

5. In the event of external symptoms such as skin irritation, the affected parts of the skin should be rinsed well with water.

6. Take the child to the hospital on the direct route.

7. Or call the ambulance.

8. Don't wait to see if the situation gets better!

9. If the child has already vomited, take some with you. In the hospital, examinations could provide valuable information.

Note: The poison control center can advise you and give you important information. However, it is only advice and not specific help. So don't waste valuable time when it comes to poisoning as severe as it can cause transformative beauties.

What can another present do?

Convertible roseIf several people are present, it is of little use if all people look after the child or, if necessary, at the same time. take care of the adult. It is much better to carry out other meaningful steps in parallel. This can save valuable time or provide important information. Possible support could look like this:

  • call the ambulance
  • Call a poison control center, especially if no one is sure what to do in the event of an emergency.
  • get something to drink
  • Drive up the car
  • Find the address of the hospital
  • Pack the remains of the vomit
  • u. ä.

Green rose and its dangerousness for animals

The pet is the daily companion of many people. They share a living space with the owner and there is hardly an area where the animal would not have access. It is the same with the garden or the balcony. If the pet owner has decided on a convertible rose, he will hardly be able to keep it completely away from the animal. But the convertible rose is not only highly toxic and life-threatening for humans, but also for its four-legged friends. It doesn't matter whether the animal is a dog, cat, rabbit, rabbit, guinea pig or hamster. It is also harmful to farm animals such as cattle. The more they eat of it, the worse the symptoms of intoxication that occur. If the lethal dose of around 25 grams per kilogram of body weight is reached, it is only a matter of a few days to die.

  • Doing without convertible roses is the best protection
  • make free access to the plant difficult for animals
  • after purchase: observe whether the plant attracts the animals
  • Prevent berry formation, remove what has faded
  • Do not feed parts of plants to animals
  • Dispose of cut off plant parts immediately and safely
  • Do not leave animals unattended near the plant

Symptoms of animal poisoning

If an animal has nibbled on the convertible rose, the serious consequences become apparent after a short time. Here, too, the poison has a phototoxic effect; exposure to the sun brings the effect to full development. Since the convertible rose thrives on sunny days, there is therefore a high probability that this unfavorable situation will occur.
The individual symptoms that the poisoned animals show are similar to those in humans:

  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Liver damage and jaundice
  • Disorders in the sequence of movements
  • bloody diarrhea constipation
  • Rashes.

If the poison dose is high, the poisoning can be life-threatening. It is therefore important to react quickly and correctly.

First measures in case of poisoning of animals

Convertible roseImmediate reaction is also required in animals to avoid serious damage
to avoid and above all to save their lives.

1. Do not wait for symptoms to show up.

2. Take the first steps as soon as you become aware of the consumption.

3. Do not classify individual symptoms as harmless.

4. Also, don't wait to see if the situation improves.

5. Remove any remains of leaves or berries from the animal's mouth. Use gloves or put a bag over your hand.

6. Take the animal to the vet immediately.

7. Bring other animals out of the "danger zone"

8. Look for a future solution for the poisonous plant.

Destroy the "guilty" convertible rose?

Anyone who has suffered from the poison of this beautiful plant or one of their loved ones can hardly enjoy it anymore. Understandable if the convertible rose is rigorously disposed of under these circumstances. Especially with children, you are never sure whether there will be a repetition.
But what about other plants? Hardly anyone is aware of how many plants are poisonous for humans and animals. And most plants really can't be seen to be toxic. Anyone who has children and pets should deal with them now at the latest and act afterwards. So either say goodbye to plants permanently, especially the highly toxic ones, or educate them thoroughly and take precautionary measures.

Poison Control Centers

0 30-19 24 0
Charite poison emergency call / Berlin poison emergency call
02 28-19 24 0
Information center against poisoning in North Rhine-Westphalia / Bonn poison center
Center for Pediatrics, University Hospital Bonn
03 61-73 07 30
Joint poison information center (GGIZ Erfurt) of the states Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia in Erfurt
07 61-19 24 0
Poisoning Information Center Freiburg (VIZ)
university hospital Freiburg
05 51-19 24 0
Poison information center north of the states of Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein (GIZ-Nord)
Homburg / Saar
0 68 41-19 240
Poisoning information and treatment center,
Saarland University Hospital and Medical Faculty of Saarland University
0 61 31-19 240
Poison Information Center (GIZ) for the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse
Clinical toxicology, Mainz University Medical Center
0 89-19 24 0
Poison Emergency Call Munich - Department of Clinical Toxicology Klinikum rechts der Isar - Technical University of Munich
Poison information centers in Austria and Switzerland
Vienna, Austria
+43-1-4 06 43 43
Poisoning Information Center (VIZ) - Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
Zurich, Switzerland
145 (throughout Switzerland)
+ 41-44-251 51 51 (from abroad)
Swiss Toxicological Information Center

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