Fertilizing clematis: timing & care tips

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Clematis bloom beautifully - but only with an optimal supply of nutrients. We will show you when, how and with what best to fertilize your clematis.

Purple clematis flower in a pot
The bloom of a clematis costs the plants a lot of energy, which is why the supply must be guaranteed through regular fertilization [Photo: aclaire / Shutterstock.com]

Even though Clematis, also known as clematis, manage their nutrients in the soil well, an additional supply is often useful. Further fertilization is essential, especially for the strong growth of individual species and the development of the flower. Only a well-cared for clematis will form dense foliage and a lush flow of flowers that will wrap your garden in a colorful dress in summer.

Clematis are imposingly blooming Climbing plantthat turn an unsightly corner in the garden into a real eye-catcher. But the combination of length and bloom ensures a decent need for nutrients. We will therefore show you how often, when and with what you should fertilize your clematis.


  • When to fertilize clematis?
  • Clematis: with what and how much fertilize?
    • Organic long-term fertilization: application recommendation for clematis
    • Fertilize clematis minerally
    • Fertilize clematis with home remedies: coffee grounds and co

When to fertilize clematis?

When the clematis set in, they should be thoroughly ripened at the beginning compost and Horn shavings put in the planting hole to get off to a good start. These organic Slow release fertilizer are slowly and gently released to the surrounding soil and thus also to your clematis.

The first maintenance fertilization does not follow until the following year. The period in which fertilization is carried out should be adapted to the growth phase of the climbing plants. That is why fertilization is carried out from March to mid-August. During this time, clematis are fertilized one to three times. How often and when you should use the fertilizer depends on the selected fertilizer product and the Clematis style away. The best time to apply a slow release fertilizer is spring, more precisely March just before the first annual shoot. Here you should give the main part of fertilizer. Since clematis are particularly hungry shortly before and during the flowering phase, they should be fertilized again at the beginning of the flowering period.

Clematis flowers too
The best time to give a slow release fertilizer is March [Photo: IrynaL / Shutterstock.com]

Please note, however, that different species or varieties can have different flowering times. So begins Clematis alpina already in April to show her flower dress. Other species, however, only bloom in June. Vigorously growing species like Clematis integrifolia, Clematis viticella, Clematis texensis and many clematis hybrids need a lot of nutrients. You should re-fertilize these in June / July. Since clematis depend on a constantly high supply of nutrients in their growth phase, you can distribute the amount of fertilizer over the entire growth phase. Then it is fertilized regularly in small amounts every 14 days. This is also recommended if you are using a short-term mineral fertilizer.

If you want to do your blooming darlings a favor, you can switch to a low-nitrogen fertilizer with a particularly high amount of potassium and phosphate from mid-August to September. This is particularly the case with the particularly long-blooming ones Clematis viticella worth considering. Because this wears its impressive flower dress until September, sometimes until the first frost.

Clematis: with what and how much fertilize?

One method of fertilizing the clematis is by incorporating ripe ones compost or crap. As organic substances, these ensure long-term fertilization and an even supply of nutrients. A sufficient supply of phosphate is particularly important for the formation of the flower. A liquid manure from comfrey can provide the required extra potassium. This not only strengthens the plant against low temperatures in winter, but also maximizes the length of the flowering phase.

But other complete fertilizers can also be used as long as the NPK ratio, i.e. the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium, is correct. Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer offers a particularly high proportion of potassium and the phosphate, which is important for the flowering phase, is also made available in sufficient quantities. The fertilizer consists mainly of organic components, which are produced in a significantly more resource-saving manner than the mineral variants. In this way, you fertilize in an environmentally conscious and sustainable manner, even without using a natural fertilizer. In addition, these fertilizers do not have to be used as often. The reason for this is that the components are in complex form, which must first be broken down in the soil by microorganisms. In this way you promote soil life and minimize the risk of over-fertilization, since organic fertilizers have a long-term effect by themselves.

Plantura organic flower fertilizer next to clematis in a pot
Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer provides the clematis with the right amount of potassium and phosphate

Tip clematis liming: The optimal pH value for your clematis is between 5.5 and 6.5. If the soil pH falls below the magical limit of 5.5, you can counteract this by adding lime. The early-blooming, lime-loving species such as Clematis alpina. With these you should lime a little every two to three years on rather acidic soil. Rock flour can serve as a good source of lime, and this also provides important trace elements. Your clematis particularly need the iron it contains. Some varieties like Clematis viticellas and Clematis texensis prefer a pH value around 5.0. In general, but especially with these species, make sure that the pH value does not rise too much due to the addition of lime. Otherwise the plants can hardly absorb iron. The plants then suffer from a lack of iron and form unsightly Chlorosis.

Organic long-term fertilization: application recommendation for clematis

If the nutrient supply of your clematis is based on natural products, i.e. a combination of ripe compost and comfrey manure The compost is put into the upper soil layer either once in the spring and as required or in smaller quantities every 14 days incorporated. The comfrey manure is diluted 1:10 and given every 14 days when watering. If you choose a full organic fertilizer from specialist retailers, you do not have to pay as much attention to the dosage as you would with a mineral fertilizer. But here, too, only optimal fertilization brings an optimal result. Therefore, below we have a small overview of the application of our Plantura organic flower fertilizer compiled. This fertilizer, which is based almost entirely on organic sources, can be used as follows when fertilizing your clematis:

  1. Before planting 100 - 150 g / m² (well-filled 0.2 liter jar) of ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer work into the upper soil layer
  2. Soil and freshly planted Clematis Pour well so that the granules can dissolve well.
  3. With maintenance fertilization in spring, you should fertilize another 80 - 120 g / m² (0.2 liter jar) per plant

If necessary, small amounts of fertilizer can then be re-fertilized during the vegetation period. If you distribute an additional mulch layer of bark mulch, leaves or cuttings in the root area after fertilization, you will also minimize water loss in the soil. This is particularly advisable with such thirsty plants as the clematis. In addition, the mulching offers a supplementary long-term supply of nutrients and has a good insulating effect in winter.

Fertilize clematis minerally

A clematis feels at home in a nice large bucket, too. So you have the option of having your balcony and terrace planted or of cultivating non-winter-hardy species. These are then simply housed in a sheltered place for the winter. Due to the limited volume of soil, mineral fertilizers can be beneficial here, if used correctly. Not many nutrients can be stored in the substrate anyway. Fertilize clematis in pots or planted specimens with one mineral fertilizer how Blue grain from March to August at regular intervals every 14 days, because the nutrients are usually only available to the plants for a short time.

Clematis in the pot
The use of long-term organic fertilizers in pot culture prevents you from oversupplying your clematis [Photo: Sergey V Kalyakin / Shutterstock.com]

Then pour vigorously after the fertilizer application so that the nutrients can also be absorbed. However, always pay attention to the manufacturer's dosage instructions. The fertilizers are highly concentrated and can very quickly lead to over-fertilization of your plants. Alternatively, you can also use the pot culture organic long-term variant to grab. This means that you do not run the risk of oversupplying the plants so quickly. In addition, the organic variants offer sufficient nutrients without breaking your biological footprint.

Fertilize clematis with home remedies: coffee grounds and co

Coffee grounds are an excellent NPK fertilizer found in almost every household. However, keep in mind that Coffee grounds as fertilizer the soil pH lowers. If the soil is too acidic, your clematis will be happy about one Fertilize with crushed eggshells as a source of lime. This is a good way to compensate for the drop in pH. Another treasure in the kitchen garbage are banana peels. When cut into small pieces, these provide a lot of phosphate and potassium, so they are just the right thing for your clematis. All these finds are best carefully incorporated into the upper layer of the earth, where they slowly decompose and release their valuable ingredients to the plant.