Propagating orchids by cuttings: this is how Kindel succeeds in growing

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Propagate orchids by cuttings

table of contents

  • Multiplication
  • Child description
  • Kindelarten
  • Orchid varieties
  • Time of propagation
  • Branch separation
  • Cutting tool
  • Planting
  • Root extraction
  • Young plant care

If you want to expand your orchid collection on your own, you can easily do this yourself, for example, by growing children (seedlings). All you need is detailed instructions, which the plant expert offers you free of charge.


Propagating orchids by cuttings: this is how Kindel succeeds in growing

There are several methods to choose from to propagate your orchids. One with the highest success rate is raising a child. This vegetative type of propagation has the advantage, among other things, that the young plants take on all the properties of the mother plant in the same way. The only important thing here is that you proceed correctly. How you succeed in propagation by Kindel and what you have to pay attention to is explained in detail here.

Child description

A Kindel is a small new plant that develops where flowers should actually grow. As a rule, this point is on the so-called bulbs. In the

Phalaenopsis it is the flower stem. They are comparable to a new shoot, but are referred to as saplings (Kindel) and not as cuttings in terms of propagation. The procedure for propagation differs significantly in some points, so that propagation by Kindel is not to be equated with propagation by cuttings. Kindel are also referred to as "Keiki" and "offshoots" and will later not differ from the mother plant in terms of color, shape and size.

Propagate orchids by Kindel


There are different types of Kindeln. These are divided into stem and pedunculate kebab. The name already indicates that in one species the children grow on the trunk and in the other species on the stem. Both types are usually only possible with a few specimens, such as the Phalaenopsis orchids. In most other orchid plants, kindels only develop on the flower stalks. On the trunk they usually form below the first orchid leaves. Both types are suitable for reproduction, although this is more difficult with stem children.

Orchid varieties

Kindel do not always grow and not every orchid variety, which is why you should take your chance of breeding with Keikis as soon as a specimen appears. Some varieties / species as well as orchid genera are more prone to child growth than others. For example, the epidendrum, dendrobium or calanthe are ideal. Above all, the Phalaenopsis pulchra or Phalaenopsis bastianii show themselves to be child-friendly and often leave children expect, while with other varieties / species / genera it can sometimes even take up to three years for an offshoot grows.

The state of health of the orchid family has a major impact. If they are weakened and / or do not receive optimal care, Keikis can also be used on the most child-friendly plants are a lifetime long in coming or do not develop strong enough to be suitable for reproduction.

Time of propagation

Kindels develop predominantly only during the growth phase after and weeks before the beginning of the rest phase in the non-blooming period. The best time to multiply is in spring.

Kindels should only be separated from the mother plant when they themselves already have two or three well-developed leaves and have reasonably strong roots. An exception is only given if the children have arisen on flower stalks and these threaten to wither. There is still a supply from the mother plant as long as the stem is green, but with increasing wilt, it also increases the supply, which is why the offshoots should be cut off in good time, even if they are not yet strong enough are. The chances of successful propagation are very good if you do this properly, as described here.

Orchids themselves multiply through Kindel

Branch separation

Flower stalk

If Kindel are to be cut off at the stems, they are removed with the flower stalk. To do this, cut the stem just below the offshoot so that there is still about one to two centimeters of the flower stem on it.

Regular child

Trunk babies are usually less suitable for reproduction. In most cases these grow directly connected to the trunk, so that you would have to make a cut there to separate. This exposes the orchid to a particular risk, because interfaces on the trunk offer optimal conditions for a fungal infection.

If you still want to use a regular child for reproduction, you should only limit yourself to those that sit very deeply and loosely. Usually you can simply move them back and forth with your fingers so that they detach themselves from the mother plant. In many cases it is advisable to plant the orchid out of the culture pot for this purpose. Tangled roots should be carefully pulled apart by hand.

TIP: If the child is not easy to separate completely, but part of it has already been detached from the mother plant, they break off the process instead of using force and force to remove the child. This grows again and with a little luck a new flowering branch will develop from it.

Cutting tool

Especially with orchids, it is important that a thoroughly cleaned cutting tool is used when cutting off peduncles. The sensitive plant is very susceptible to bacteria and viruses, which are not infrequently transmitted via dirty knives and weights. Disinfection is absolutely advisable before use. There are several options to choose from.

burn down

Hold the blades or scissors knife over a gas burner. A conventional Bunsen burner, such as that used for camping or in laboratories, is suitable for this. Make sure that flammable and heat-sensitive parts of the device do not get into the flame. The blades should be held deep in the flame for two to four seconds. The highest temperatures prevail in the lowest flame area, which reliably kill bacteria and viruses.


Before use, soak the cutting tool in 70 to 80 percent denatured alcohol. Isopropanol, which you can buy cheaply in any pharmacy, is ideal. But do not use conventional spirits for consumption, they do not serve the purpose. Alternatively, you can also put devices in high-proof alcohol. However, this has the disadvantage that it allows unpleasant smells to rise. After immersion, wash the devices thoroughly with clean water.

Propagate orchids yourself using seedlings


In order to provide the same care for Kindel as they are used to and need from their mother plants, they should be quickly planted in the ground.

  • Use special potting soil for orchids and pour loosely into a transparent plastic culture pot
  • Press a small hollow in the earth with your finger - about two to four centimeters, depending on the size of the child
  • Fill the hollow around the child with soil and press it down lightly
  • Place wooden sticks for stabilization
  • water lightly
  • Pull the transparent foil over the pot to create a humidity space
  • Every three days, open the foil to air, pour lightly or spray Kindel
  • As soon as new leaves have formed, remove the foil and care for the orchid like a young plant
  • Repot in normal orchid substrate after about three to four weeks
  • Location: bright without direct sunlight
  • Recommended temperature: between 23 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius

Root extraction

If you have rescued a not yet strong enough offshoot without roots on a withered stem, you must achieve root growth before planting in potting soil.

It works with the following procedure:

  • Fill the translucent glass with water
  • Put Keiki in the water
  • Place in a bright location where no direct sunlight can reach
  • Ambient temperature around 25 degrees Celsius
  • change the water every two days
  • only use lime-free water at room temperature
  • Never move the seedling around
  • the first roots should be visible after about five days
  • when the roots are stronger and a first leaf is showing, proceed as described under "Planting"

Young plant care


The location plays an essential role in the thriving of the young plants that were raised from Kindeln.

It should meet the following conditions:

  • bright, but not full sun
  • Temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius
  • high humidity - when the humidity is low, spray the plant regularly
  • Avoid drafts
  • only move the plant if absolutely necessary
Kindel grow on the stem or stem of an orchid


In the case of young plants, it is advisable to keep moisture away from special pots designed for orchids to be made available, although the planters provide sufficient light for the aerial roots suitable.

The water requirement should be satisfied individually in the first year of life, because this can change Depending on the speed of growth, change quickly so that suddenly more or more water is poured got to. The best way to check the water requirement is the weight and flexibility of the culture pot. Heavy pot hot: still water available - lighter pot means: water is needed. If the side walls of the pot can be pressed together slightly in the middle, the soil still has moisture. If the side walls were rigid, the earth would already be hard and there would be no moisture.

For watering, it is advisable to proceed as follows to provide the young plant with the water it needs.

  • regularly dip the pot in a water bath
  • Use lime-free water - for example stale or from a rain barrel
  • leave it in the immersion bath for a few minutes
  • Allow excess water to drain well
  • Place the pot on a saucer to catch any remaining water and avoid waterlogging
  • Place the pot on a dry surface or in a planter
Propagate orchids yourself and then plant them


As soon as new leaves have formed, orchids' nutritional needs increase. If the new young plant has been repotted from the potting soil into normal orchid substrate, sufficient nutrients and minerals are available in the first four weeks. Fertilizing can only be started from about the fifth week, when new leaves have formed again. In the first year of life you only use highly diluted orchid fertilizer every two to three weeks. From the second year of life, the plant can be fertilized like an adult.

First bloom

If you are raising your new Orchidaceae from a child, the first flowering will in most cases take between two and three years. Do not use blooming fertilizers to promote flowering, because apart from a possible oversupply by the fertilizer, you will not achieve earlier flowering. On the contrary, because orchids are very sensitive to too much and unnecessary fertilizer. So keep a little patience, because the first flowering will definitely come if you have followed the propagation instructions and given the best possible care.