The most beautiful hanging plants for the balcony

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Which hanging plants for the balcony are hardy? Which ones grow in the sun, in the shade or in partial shade? And how much is the maintenance required? With us you will find an overview of the most beautiful hanging balcony flowers.

Balcony with colorful hanging plants
The little space on the balcony can be optimally used with hanging plants [Photo: Leigh Trail /]

The balcony usually does not offer too much space to cultivate numerous plants. It helps to get creative and use every imaginable dimension - including the vertical. The sheer selection that the garden center or the trusted gardener has to offer can almost overwhelm you. It helps to have selected the right plants in advance. With us you will find out which elegant, hanging plants can be cultivated particularly beautifully on the balcony and which requirements you have to pay attention to with the possible candidates. If you attach particular importance to a balcony design to the taste of the bees, we also recommend our special article about bee-friendly balcony plants.


  • Hanging plants for sunny balconies
  • Hanging plants for shady and partially shaded balconies
  • Perennial hanging plants for the balcony
  • Particularly easy-care hanging balcony plants

Hanging plants for sunny balconies

A south-facing balcony not only offers a special flair and intense warmth in summer. Special, warmth and sun-loving plants can also be cultivated, which can easily cope with the sunny location. But which hanging plants on the balcony can take the sun? We would like to particularly recommend these to you:

Drooping petunia
The flowers of the Petunia Violet star ’variety have a particularly high ornamental value [Photo: FotoHelin /]
  • Hanging petunias (Petunia-Hybrid): Some hybrids of the Petunia can also be cultivated hanging and are among the absolute classics. In a full sun to partially shaded location, they bloom in many different colors between May and October, some even two-tone, and hang up to 80 cm deep. Petunias are not drought tolerant. You need it moderately moist, by no means waterlogged. Regular fertilization and trimming are necessary during the flowering period. Petunia ˈViolet starˈ, Petunia ˈChocolinaˈ and Petunia ˈConchita Doble Blueˈ are among the most beautiful varieties.
    danger: Petunias are poisonous to humans and pets!
Petunias of different colors
Petunias come in many colors that are beautiful to look at individually or in combination [Photo: Yuriy Chertok /]

tip: Similar to the hanging petunia, but a little more unusual in appearance, the Calibrachoa to be cultivated. It needs a slightly more acidic soil, but this can be done easily by adding a little acidic fertilizer like ours Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer is achieved. The groups of varieties Celebrationˈ, Superbellsˈ and Sweet Bellsˈ are particularly noteworthy.

Calibrachoa as a hanging basket
The Calibrachoa comes into its own as a traffic light [Photo: Elena Noeva /]
  • Hanging verb (Verbena spec.): The Verbena is particularly suitable for planting on the edge of a pot or box to overhang by up to 50 cm from there. Because of its high water requirements, it should be watered almost every day in summer. With regular cleaning and fertilization, it blooms continuously from May to October. The verbena grows as an annual and is not hardy. Popular groups of varieties are ˈLanaiˈ, ˈTemariˈ, Babylonˈ and Tapienˈ, within which there are in turn different varieties with different patterns and colors.
Hanging verbena in a flower box
The hanging verbena can be planted very nicely in the flower box [Photo: IrinaSunnywind /]
  • Black-eyed Susanne (Thunbergiaalata): Usually the Thunbergiaalata Cultivated as a climbing plant, it does just as well as a hanging plant. Its striking orange, yellow, white or pink flowers with a black center give it its characteristic name and enjoy full sun on the balcony from June to October. The plant is sensitive to wind and frost and should therefore only be planted in protected locations. Because of their high nutritional requirements, regular fertilization is necessary. Varieties such as Blushing Susieˈ, African sunsetˈ or Beauty spotsˈ are particularly worth seeing.
Black-eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susanne cuts a fine figure on the climbing aid and also as a hanging plant [Photo: Traveller70 /]

tip: Both hanging verbena and black-eyed susanne and petunia have high water and nutrient requirements. They should therefore be watered regularly during the vegetation and once a week with a high-quality, liquid flower fertilizer such as ours Plantura organic flower & balcony fertilizer supplied to meet their nutritional needs. Due to its organic formulation, the nutrients are released slowly flowing and also micro-nutrient elements are introduced.

  • Blue fan flower (Scaevola aemula): The is suitable for a location in full sun Scaevola aemula especially good. It forms hanging shoots up to 1 m long and has a high demand for water and nutrients. The blue fan flower needs a slightly acidic environment and should therefore be placed in a high-quality, acidic substrate such as ours Plantura Bio-Acid Soil to be planted. Finally, she thanks the optimal care with a continuous flow of flowers. In addition, she recovers well if she should dry out for a short time. Popular varieties are, for example, Blue Wonderˈ or the dark blue Blue Lagunaˈ.
Blue fan flower
The blue fan flower is easy to care for and at the same time a real eye-catcher [Photo: Andrei Rybachuk /]

Hanging plants for shady and partially shaded balconies

Not everyone can look forward to a south-facing balcony with bright sunshine, but some balcony hanging plants can also be grown on shady and partially shaded balconies without problems. We particularly recommend these:

  • Hanging begonia (Begonia boliviensis): the Begonia boliviensis is another classic hanging plant for the balcony. It should be cultivated in the shade, as it gets brown leaf margins from too dry air and too much sun. From May to October it forms its flowers in a wide variety of colors and can be wonderfully combined with other decorative leaf plants. She cannot stand the direct midday sun. The varieties have double or single flowers and hang about 30 to 50 cm over. Despite the water-storing shoots and leaves, the hanging begonia is not drought tolerant and needs to be watered extensively. However, their nutritional requirements are low. You can find out which varieties are particularly pretty in our article on the most popular begonia varieties. A real eye-catcher is the so-called "garland begonia" ˈIlluminationˈ, which forms particularly long and flexible shoots and is available in different colors.
Hanging begonia in a pot
The hanging begonia is a classic and not without reason [Photo: Artush /]
  • Small-leaved ivy (Hedera helix): A hanging plant does not always have to develop colorful flowers. the Hedera helix ˈMiniˈ is particularly pretty to look at even in year-round and perennial green. It grows very slowly and forms small leaves, which are particularly effective as under- or border plants. ivy likes to grow in shady locations, likes it moderately humid, waterlogging and drought are to be avoided. During the vegetation phase, fertilization every two weeks supports healthy growth.
Ivy in the pot
Hanging plants don't have to have flowers to look good - ivy proves that [Photo: philmillster /]
  • Blue Mauritius (Convolvulus sabatius): This is a real eye-catcher Convolvulus sabatius, which is characterized by its strong, sky-blue flowers and a shimmering silver foliage. The annual plant shows its flowers between May and September and feels comfortable in the light penumbra. However, beauty also needs special care: no drought or waterlogging and a constant nutrient content are the basis for its growth. In general, the varieties differ only slightly. Nevertheless, the variety should be emphasized Convolvulus sabatius "Neon blue", which forms intense blue flowers.
Blue Mauritius in the pot
The Blue Mauritius is not only available as a rare postage stamp, but also as a pretty hanging plant [Photo: COULANGES /]

tip: Hanging balcony plants, regardless of whether they are grown perennial or annual with abundant flowering, usually have a high need for nutrients that cannot be covered solely by the potting soil. A high-quality liquid fertilizer should be administered over the irrigation water. For example ours Plantura organic flower & balcony fertilizer is ideal for supplying the various green and flowering plants on the balcony and its nitrogen-potassium ratio is well suited for many of these ornamental plants.

Perennial hanging plants for the balcony

Most of our balcony plants are perennial - but wintering them is often not that easy. Caring for them like a professional nursery requires a lot of time and experience. In addition, a suitable location is required for wintering, which is why most hobby gardeners do without it and only cultivate it for one year. However, those who make this effort often find that the plants no longer look so beautiful in the following year if they have not been properly overwintered, fertilized and cut. A lack of light, for example through artificial lighting, is often denied to them in their winter quarters in contrast to large-scale gardening. With the right knowledge and a little sure instinct, however, you can try wintering these less demanding hanging plants:

  • Hanging fuchsia (Fuchsia spec.): Hanging ones come especially in partial shade Fuchsia-Hybrids in one or two colors and with up to 50 cm long shoots are particularly effective. They bloom between June and October and give off a pleasant scent. Fertilizing and trimming are regular tasks during flowering in order to promote the flowering flora. Temperatures of down to - 5 ° C are easily tolerated, but beyond that, the hanging fuchsia should move to winter quarters. They can be perfectly complemented by a more subtle decorative leaf plant. We have them in our special article most beautiful fuchsia varieties summarized for you.
Fuchsia in hanging pot
The fuchsia is also a hanging classic that is also comfortable in shady places [Photo: Andriy Blokhin /]
  • Hanging carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus): The growth of the is striking Dianthus caryophylluswhich first grows about 30 cm in height and then begins to overhang in an arch. In a sheltered and sunny to partially shaded location, the hanging carnation blooms between June and October, before they are cut back close to the ground after flowering and moved to a mild winter quarter will. The varieties ˈSplendens erectaˈ and Balkanfeuerˈ are pretty to look at.
Carnation in the bucket
The hanging carnation only bends horizontally in the course of the year [Photo: Cristina Ionescu /]
  • Hop-flowered oregano (Origanum rotundifolium): the Origanum rotundifolium is no less than its name suggests: it tastes similar to culinary herbs, so it can be eaten without hesitation and has hoppy, purple to pink-colored flowers. By cutting back the first flower, with a little luck, a second flowering phase can be stimulated. Often you can find varieties like Pagonda Bellsˈ or Kent beautyˈ.
Origanum rotunndif flowers
If you want something a little more unusual, the flowers of the Origanum rotundifolium are ideal [Photo: Manfred Rucksackzio /]
  • Besides, they are Hanging pillow bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana) and the Upholstery Flame Flower (Phlox subulate) well hardy and can therefore be cultivated for several years. What the plants look like and how to care for them, see below in the article.

tip: Perennial plants should be repotted every now and then, otherwise the hanging plants will lack nutrients. If you don't want to repot annually, you can use coordinated fertilization with slow-acting, primarily organic granular fertilizers like ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer To remedy the situation. This supplies the plant, maintains the quality of the soil and ensures a longer shelf life.

Particularly easy-care hanging balcony plants

In addition to work and leisure stress, there is sometimes not enough time to look after the beloved balcony plants. But with the right balcony plants that are hanging and easy to care for, that's no problem either and you are satisfied with less attention. These hanging balcony plants are particularly easy to care for:

  • Hanging geranium (Pelargonium peltatum): The classic for the balcony is at the same time quite undemanding, since temperature and humidity fluctuations, as well as wind, do not affect it. the Pelargonium peltatum forms around 25 to 80 cm, some varieties even 150 cm long, overhanging shoots that come in various colors between May and October. Grow in the process Hanging geraniums only annual and love sunny to partially shaded locations. Particularly pleasant are varieties of the groups ˈCascadeˈʹ and ˈVille de Parisˈ, which do not have to be cleaned - like most single-flowered varieties. Unfortunately, the hanging geranium is of no interest to bees and other insects.
Hanging geraniums as a privacy screen
Thanks to their dense growth, hanging geraniums are also suitable as a balcony privacy screen [Photo: nnattalli /]
  • Upholstery Flame Flower (Phlox subulata): He also feels on the south-facing balcony Phlox subulata very well, which can even stay outside all winter and remains evergreen. The offers a high ornamental value phlox with its one or two colored flowers, which it shows between April and June. Because of its drought tolerance and moderate nutrient requirements, even when it is in full bloom, it is one of the easier-to-care for hanging plants. The varieties Bavariaˈ, Purple beautyˈ and Kimonoˈ are particularly worth seeing.
Hanging flame flower
The flame flower as a cushion shrub is perfect for hanging baskets [Photo: Irra /]
  • Hanging Cushion Bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana): This is a real eye-catcher Campanula poscharskyana, which impresses with its white or blue, bell-like, star-shaped flowers on shoots up to 60 cm long. The hardy flower blooms between June and September in partially shaded locations. Thanks to its moderate water and nutrient requirements, it is particularly easy to care for, but backwater should be avoided. The variety ˈE. H. Frostˈ and Blaurankeˈ are particularly popular.
Hanging pillow bellflower
The shoots of the upholstered bellflower hang down up to 60 cm [Photo: Max_555 /]

A balcony not only offers the opportunity to cultivate beautiful hanging plants, but also to grow some vegetables yourself. In this way you can, for example, manage the Growing tomatoes on the balcony.