Plant honeydew melon: Cultivation in beds and pots

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The exotic honeydew melon can also be grown in our garden. We reveal what you have to consider when planting honeydew melons in beds and pots and give important tips on proper care.

Ripe honeydew melons on the plant
Honeydew melon comes in many shapes, colors and variations, but they all have one sweet taste in common [Photo: Irondaru/]

honeydew melons (Cucumis melo) are among the most coveted refreshments of the summer and have many fans. But the sweet treats don't always have to come from the supermarket - you can actually plant the honeydew melon in your own garden or even on the balcony. Here we tell you what you need to consider when planting honeydew melons and which varieties are particularly suitable for your own cultivation.


  • Growing honeydew melon: The best varieties
    • Honeydew melon varieties for the garden
    • Honeydew melon varieties for the pot
  • Growing honeydew melon in the garden
    • When do you plant honeydew melons?
    • Plant honeydew melons in the bed
    • Plant honeydew melons in pots
  • Caring for honeydew melons after planting

Growing honeydew melon: The best varieties

Falsely become melons Often referred to as a fruit, it is a vegetable. Botanically, they actually belong to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) and are closely related to cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) and pumpkins (Cucurbita) related. With well over 500 species, the melon comes in numerous types, colors and variations. However, melons are divided into two groups: watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo) – the latter also includes the well-known honeydew melon. Since the honeydew melon originally comes from the Mediterranean area, not all varieties are suitable for cultivation in Germany. However, there are more and more modern breeds that also thrive in the colder German climate. If you want to plant honeydew melons, you should always make sure to choose varieties that can cope with the climatic conditions in this country.

Honeydew melon varieties for the garden

Hardy varieties that are less sensitive to cold have proven themselves for cultivation in Germany. Some of the varieties of honeydew melon that are particularly suitable for planting in your own garden include the following:

'Blenheim Orange': Reliable yield even in poor climatic conditions; oval fruits up to 1 kg with fragrant, sweet pulp.

'Petit gris de Rennes': Ripens well even at colder temperatures; small round fruits between 500 g and 700 g with orange, sweet pulp with a slight taste of caramel.

'Pineapple': Very cold-tolerant honeydew melon; oval, yellow to beige fruits with a net pattern and white, juicy-sweet flesh with a hint of pineapple.

'Sweet Granite': Very early melon variety, particularly suitable for regions with short summers and cool weather; Orange-yellow fruits with a net pattern and sweet flesh.

Ripe honeydew melon lies on a table
Honeydew melons can also be grown in German gardens [Photo: MK photograp55/]

Honeydew melon varieties for the pot

Growing honeydew melons is not difficult - in fact, you can even plant honeydew melons on the balcony if you can offer them a sunny spot. If you want to plant honeydew melons in a pot, however, choosing the right variety is the be-all and end-all. Examples of varieties suitable for growing in pots include:

'Minnesota Midge': Ideal beginner's variety, which is suitable for growing in pots thanks to its short growth height of around 40 cm, bushy growth and short tendrils; early-ripening melon variety with a ripening time of only 60 days; high number of small, sweet fruits.

'ancient': Matures well even in the German climate thanks to the relatively short growing season; Plants do not need pruning; aromatic, sweet but small fruits.

Young melon plants in pots
Honeydew melons can also be planted in pots [Photo: pornprapa66/]

Growing honeydew melon in the garden

Growing honeydew melon in the garden sounds harder than it is. In fact, annual plants can also be grown wonderfully in the garden if you pay attention to a few points when caring for them.

When do you plant honeydew melons?

Honeydew melons originally come from the Mediterranean area and therefore need warm temperatures. It is therefore advisable to start growing the melon plants indoors and only transplant the larger melon plants into the bed. The ideal time to start growing is early to mid-April. Depending on the variety, the honeydew melons can move to their new bed from mid-May. The seeds begin to germinate particularly well if they soak in a thermos with lukewarm water for 24 to 48 hours beforehand. For sowing, you can use a classic potting soil - like the Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil – and growing pots are used. Only one seed should be used per pot. This is about two to three centimeters deep in the ground and should be moistened regularly with a spray bottle. The growing pots should be placed in a bright and warm location with an average temperature of 23 to 25 °C, such as a sunny windowsill. After eight to ten days, the seeds should then begin to germinate.

Tip: To mimic the climate of a greenhouse, you can stretch cling film over the pots. This will keep the soil and seeds moist. However, the foil should be opened daily so that fresh air can get to the seeds and mold does not form.

Young melon plants are grown in pots
Melons should only be grown in the pot [Photo: Lovemenow/]

The ideal planting time for honeydew melons:

  • Sow indoors: mid to late April
  • Seeds are brought forward 4 to 6 weeks
  • Prefer a bright location at 23 - 25 °C
  • Plant out in the bed: Depending on the variety, from mid-May

Plant honeydew melons in the bed

As soon as no more frosts are to be expected, you can plant the honeydew melons in the bed. The ice saints (i.e. mid-May) are usually mentioned as the key date, since the danger of late frosts is over by this time. Two weeks before the seedlings are planted, they should be given a portion of green plant fertilizer to strengthen them. Outside, the plant needs a sunny but sheltered spot. However, young plants should not be left in the blazing midday sun at the beginning, as otherwise the sensitive leaves can quickly be burned. When choosing the right location, it is also important to ensure that no other plants from the pumpkin family are nearby to avoid cross-pollination - there should not have been any cucurbits in this spot in the previous year either, otherwise the risk of diseases and reduced growth would increase. Since honeydew melons are heavy feeders, they need soil that is particularly rich in nutrients and humus, but also loose. Legumes are therefore a good pre-culture, as they represent a natural green manure and also loosen up the soil. These should be quickly heated by the sun, but also have a good water storage capacity. In addition, a slightly acidic pH value is optimal to support the growth of the plants.

Melon plant in the bed
Melons need loose soil [Photo: romiri/]

The distance between the individual young plants should be at least 80, but better still 100 centimeters, so that the plants later have enough space and not with each other have to compete. It is also advisable to stretch a trellis or several cords for the plants so that they tend upwards - this not only improves the vitality of the plants, but the fruits can also be harvested more easily later will.

What is the perfect spot for a honeydew melon?

  • Sunny and sheltered from the wind
  • Young plants must be shaded
  • No other cucurbits in the preculture or as a bed neighbor
  • Well-drained, nutrient-rich soil
  • Slightly acidic pH
  • Planting distance: 80 - 100 cm
  • Set up a climbing aid

Plant honeydew melons in pots

Growing honeydew melon does not require a huge garden. In fact, honeydew melons can also be planted in pots and thus cultivated even in smaller gardens or on the balcony. A sufficiently large container of at least 25 liters volume, in which the plant can develop well, is crucial for successful cultivation. The plant can react very sensitively to later transplanting into larger containers, which is why the honeydew melon should be planted in a sufficiently large container from the start. When choosing a location, the same conditions apply as in the bed: the honeydew melon likes a sunny but wind-protected location with loose and nutrient-rich soil. However, young plants should also be shaded initially, as they tend to burn quickly. Unlike in the bed, a honeydew melon planted in a pot has significantly less substrate available, which is why special attention is paid to good quality and sufficient nutrient concentration in the soil should. So that there is no waterlogging even when it rains, the pot for the honeydew melon must be provided with sufficiently large drainage holes. Depending on the variety, a climbing aid may also be necessary for honeydew melons on the balcony.

Tip: Note that the plant can develop tendrils of up to five meters. Depending on the variety, honeydew melons in pots may not have enough space to develop on a small balcony.

Melons grow in the bed
Some melons grow creeping along the ground, others climb [Photo: P A/]

What does a honeydew melon need in a pot?

  • Sufficiently large planter (at least 25 liters)
  • Sunny, sheltered location
  • Loose, nutrient-rich substrate
  • Sufficiently large drainage holes
  • Depending on the honeydew melon variety, climbing aids are required

Caring for honeydew melons after planting

The planting is done: But how do you properly care for honeydew melons so that you can look forward to a rich harvest? Watering is most important - melons need regular watering to develop their large fruits. However, this should not be cold, as temperature fluctuations can reduce the quality of the fruit: regular watering with tempered water is therefore ideal. It should be poured so that the soil is soaked to a depth of about 20 centimeters. But be careful: honeydew melons cannot tolerate waterlogging, so watering too much could also be harmful. As soon as the fruit starts to appear, it should be watered about every two to three days - even daily in particularly hot summers.

It is also important to ensure an optimal supply of nutrients to the melon plants. This affects not only how well the plant and fruit grow, but also how well they can resist diseases and pests and affects the shelf life of the fruit the end. When planting, it makes sense to use a primarily organic long-term fertilizer like ours Plantura organic tomato fertilizer to use. This is particularly suitable because the honeydew melon, like tomatoes, has an increased need for potassium. After 2 months you fertilize again, so that the plant is well supplied until the end of the year.

As a rule, honeydew melons do not need to be cut. If the honeydew melons are grown without climbing aids, it is important to regularly remove sprouting weeds until the shoots of the melons completely cover the ground. When the first fruits finally form, they should be placed on a surface such as straw, flower pots or wooden boards so that they are protected from moisture and rot.

In contrast to cantaloupe – or netted melons, ripe honeydew melons do not indicate the right time to harvest with their distinctive scent. Also the one from watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) known knock test does not give a clear statement about the maturity. In fact, it is not easy to determine the degree of ripeness of a honeydew melon. The best way to tell when a honeydew melon is ripe is by its skin: depending on the variety, it should be brightly colored and smell pleasantly sweet. In addition, it gives way under slight pressure, but must not be too soft.

Ripe melon
Ripe honeydew melon is best recognized by its skin [Photo: Fotosr52/]

What do you have to consider when caring for honeydew melons?

  • Regular watering with tempered water
  • Fertilize with long-term organic tomato fertilizer
  • No cut necessary
  • Weed regularly
  • Place fruit lying on the floor on a pad

Would you like to learn more about melons? We have everything you need to know about the different types of melons in our article "Melons: origin, species and variety' summarized for you.

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