What does a pool in the garden cost?

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table of contents

  • What does pool construction include?
  • acquisition cost
  • Ongoing operating costs
  • Example calculation 1: Construction costs
  • Example calculation 2: maintenance costs
  • frequently asked Questions

Warm summers invite you to make intensive use of your own garden. A pool rounds off the recreational offer. But what are the actual costs for the longed-for bathing opportunity? Our pool cost ABC explains.

In a nutshell

  • In addition to the actual pool, there are additional costs for preparation and supply
  • even moderate operating costs add up over the years
  • particularly low acquisition costs often result in higher maintenance costs

What does pool construction include?

Of course, buying and unpacking is not enough when purchasing a pool. In order for your pool to work, various other things are required that you should be aware of both in terms of content and in relation to the total costs. The following ABC of costs gives you an overview of typical cost factors in pool construction:

acquisition cost

First and foremost, the acquisition costs, i.e. the costs associated with setting up the pool in your own garden, have to be taken into account:

The pool

Whether it's a quick-up pool or a rigid swimming pool, whether it is a fixed or ready-to-use kit or a modular system, every bathing opportunity requires a construction from which the water-bearing pool results.

Pool construction
Construction of a pool in the garden
  • Share of total costs: depending on the size, around 40 to 70% of the acquisition costs

Earthworks and terrain adjustments

In order to be able to set up your pool optimally, preparatory work is usually required in the garden. These include:

  • Creation of a level stand area (for above-ground pools)
  • Removal of disturbing stones and other harmful foreign bodies
  • Establishment of a drainage layer against soil moisture and mold growth from below
  • Optional: line trenches for supply lines
  • Share of total costs: from almost 0 to 20 - 30%

ATTENTION: Depending on the local conditions and the type of pool, this cost point is extremely broad and can vary enormously. You should therefore attach importance to a conscientious compilation of the necessary work. You can get help from the manufacturer of your pool.

Substrate preparation

Once the ground has been prepared, an intermediate layer between the subsurface and your pool protects its skin from injuries and signs of wear and tear from stones and other components of the Soil. Possible designs are, for example:

Pool mat
Which underlay you choose for your pool naturally also has a direct impact on the costs incurred.
  • Tear-proof fabric tarpaulin (very cheap)
  • Rubber mats as roll goods
  • Specific Pool mat as rolls or sheets
  • Share of total costs: 0 to 10%

Electricity and water connection

Depending on the location in the garden and the desired downtime, it makes sense to lay water and electricity not only as a loose pipe, but as a permanent installation near the pool.

  • Share of total costs: 0-20%

ATTENTION: In particular, electrical installations may only be carried out by specialists!

Pool technology - pump and filter

Everything that goes beyond a pool that is only filled for the day can no longer do without pool technology for water pollution control. pump and filter systems are therefore essential and a compulsory part of your pool for the garden.

Pool pump
Pool pump in the garden
  • Share of total costs: 10 to 30% of the acquisition costs

Weather protection and wintering

Whether it's the real one wintering, or even just protection during idle phases, you can hardly avoid one or the other form of protective cover.

  • Share of total costs: 3 to 5%

Ongoing operating costs

In addition to purchasing the pool, you shouldn't lose sight of a second, sometimes clearly neglected cost package: The operating cost. With comparatively low amounts, they initially appear small, but add up both over and over a summer, as well as over the entire lifespan of the swimming pool, for an impressive sum on. So don't forget this point when calculating the pool costs!


Bathing is only possible in your own garden if the pool is sufficiently filled with water. With good pool technology you save yourself the regular water exchange, so that in addition to the filling once per season only to compensate for the "losses" due to use and evaporation come in addition.

Fill the swimming pool with water
Fill the pool with water
  • Share of total entertainment: up to 25%


Pumps, controls and sometimes even a heater consume electrical energy. Since the electrical consumers are either permanently in operation or at least for a large part of the usage time, this is one of the biggest cost items in terms of operating costs.

  • Share of total entertainment: 10 to 30%


Common pool systems for domestic use cannot do without a whole range of different chemical products, the so-called pool chemistry:

  • chlorine (for water purification)
  • pH value lifter (for optimal function of the chlorine)
  • pH value reducer (for optimal function of the chlorine)
  • cleaning supplies
  • Optional: algicides against algae formation (especially if there is too little chlorine in the water)
Measure pH
For carefree bathing fun, the pH value in the pool should be right. In order to achieve this, additional costs are often necessary.

In addition, there are other consumables, such as sand for the most common filter shape, the sand filter.

  • Share of total entertainment: depending on water values ​​up to 60%

Example calculation 1: Construction costs

Post Cost in euros Share of total costs in percent
Steel wall pool (3.50 m x 5.00 m) 6.500 60
Pumps, filters etc. (in addition to package content) 2.000 18
Earthworks (subgrade and drainage layer) 1.000 9
Floor protection mat 200 2
Power connection 500 5
cover 600 5
TOTAL COST 10.800 100
Example calculation for the costs of setting up a pool

Example calculation 2: maintenance costs

Post Costs in euros / season Share of total costs in percent
Water filling (approx. 20m3) 80 22,5
Electricity (at approx. 5 hours running time / day, approx. 0.5 kW power, approx. 100 operating days / season) 75 21
Pool chemistry (chlorine, pH raisers and lowerers, etc.) 150 42
Detergents etc. 50 14,5
Sample calculation for running operating costs of a pool

Note: Both invoices for the pool costs are expressly only EXAMPLES and are intended as a guide.

frequently asked Questions

How expensive is it then to have your own bathing facility?

Without knowing the size, construction and model of your dream pool, no specific figures can be given. It is best to first select a specific model and then - based on the costs now known - determine the other cost factors according to the specified proportions.

Why do the proportions of the cost factors vary so widely?

As always, when it comes to pool construction, there are also very affordable offers, but also particularly high-quality, downright luxurious solutions with high costs. And that applies to each individual cost item in isolation as well as to the overall package. Therefore, the composition of the cost shares varies just as much as the total price does anyway.

How do I get cost security for my pool at an early stage?

As long as you set up the swimming pool yourself and do all the ancillary work yourself, you can only estimate the effort involved, or prices that are as specific as possible for the individual items determine. If, on the other hand, you have the pool set up by a specialist company, there is the option of a flat rate including all ancillary work.