What is the best location for the raised bed?

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Which location is suitable for raised beds? Which plants also feel comfortable in a shady raised bed? We clarify how you can achieve the maximum duration of sunlight and find the right raised bed location.

Raised bed in a sunny location
The placement of the raised bed is crucial for the choice of plants and the amount of sunlight [Photo: Peredniankina/ Shutterstock.com]

Raised beds have many advantages for hobby gardeners and plants. In addition to being able to work in a way that is easy on the back, the raised bed heats up faster and stores more moisture than conventional planters. When building the raised bed, however, the question of the right location first arises.


  • Raised bed location: What makes a good location?
  • Set up a raised bed in the shade or in the sun?
    • Raised bed in the shade or semi-shade
    • Raised bed in the sun

Raised bed location: What makes a good location?

In principle, many locations are suitable for the construction of a raised bed. A raised bed is largely independent of the soil below, which is why it can also be set up on waterlogged locations, for example. However, since the plants are more exposed on the raised bed, a wind-protected location is an advantage. you can one

Raised bed on the balcony, on the terrace, in the garden or even in the greenhouse. The orientation of the raised bed is crucial here. It should be placed in such a way that the sunlight is used optimally, i.e. perpendicular to the path of the sun. The shorter broadsides are positioned north-south to achieve a long exposure time.

tip: In addition to the choice of location, the filling with organic materials and different soils also determines the success of cultivation. In our special article you can find out everything about the different ones Raised Bed Layers and their function.

Set up a raised bed in the shade or in the sun?

The position in the sun or in the shade depends entirely on which plants you want to grow in the raised bed. Basically, if possible, it should be exposed to the sun for at least a few hours a day.

Raised bed with herbs
The raised bed location for herbs can often be in (half) shade in particular [Photo: Dietrich Leppert/ Shutterstock.com]

Raised bed in the shade or semi-shade

If your raised bed is in the shade, the choice of plants is limited to a few that still grow sufficiently in such locations and also produce yields. Various crops are adapted to life with little sunlight. Below you can also find Vegetable species for the (penum) shade, which also reach maturity there. In addition to vegetables, numerous herbs in the shade or plant partial shade. Shade-tolerant plants include:

  • salad (Lactuca sativa): Sowing and harvesting from spring to autumn.
  • spinach (Spinacia oleracea): Sow between March and October, harvest possible until next spring.
  • peas (Pisum sativum): Sow from March, harvest from May to July.
  • chard (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris): Sow in March/April, harvest between May and October.
  • Beetroot (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris): Sow in March/April, harvest from September.
  • cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis): Sowing from March/April, harvest time between June and October.
  • wild garlic (Allium ursinum): Perennial, harvest of leaves from March to April.
  • cress (Lepidium sativum): Sowing and harvesting from spring to autumn.
  • woodruff (Galium odoratum): Perennial, harvest of leaves from March to April.
  • Calamint (Calamintha nepeta): Perennial, leaves can be harvested between spring and late autumn.
Raised bed with tomatoes and peppers
Many vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, prefer a raised bed in the sun [Photo: Kristen S/ Shutterstock.com]

Raised bed in the sun

If the raised bed is in the sun, the choice of plants is hardly limited. In the following we would like to give you a small overview of sun-loving species. Numerous other vegetables and herbs grow in sunny locations. In midsummer, however, more frequent watering and mulching is required to provide sufficient water for the crops.

  • tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): Cultivation indoors from March, harvest possible from July to October depending on the variety.
  • aubergine (Solanum melongena): Cultivation indoors from February, harvest from August to October.
  • chili (capsicum): Cultivation indoors from February, harvest August to October.
  • cucumber (Cucumis sativus): Cultivation indoors from April, harvest from June to October.
  • melon (Citrullus lanatus & Cucumis melo): Cultivation indoors from March, harvest from August.
  • pumpkin (Cucurbita): Cultivation April / no-till mid-May, harvest from September to October.
  • leek (Allium porrum): Almost all year round with summer, autumn and winter leeks.
  • garlic (Allium sativum): Planting autumn and spring, harvest July to October.
  • carrots (Daucus carota): Sow from March to August, harvest June to October.
  • basil (Ocimum basilicum): Sowing or planting from mid-May, harvest possible until October.

Have you found the ideal location for your raised bed? After filling it goes to the Planting of the raised bed. We give tips on creating a planting plan, mixed cultures and green manure.