Tomato Yellow Submarine: Properties & Cultivation

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The 'Yellow Submarine' tomato variety bears pear-shaped, sun-yellow fruits. We introduce the cocktail tomato and give tips on cultivation and use.

Yellow Submarine tomatoes
The 'Yellow Submarine' tomato variety produces small, pear-shaped fruits [Photo: Daniel Zuckerkandel/]

With its pear-shaped fruits, the 'Yellow Submarine' tomato is one of the more unusual varieties. In this variety portrait you will learn everything about the yellow cocktail tomato.


  • Yellow Submarine Tomato: Profile
  • Tomato variety 'Yellow Submarine': history and origin
  • Taste and properties of the ‘Yellow Submarine’ tomato
  • Peculiarities in cultivation and care
  • Harvest and use ‘Yellow Submarine’

Yellow Submarine Tomato: Profile

fruit cocktail tomato; sunny yellow
the taste mild, sweet, hardly acidic
maturing time early
growth Stick tomato, up to 2 m
location Container, greenhouse, sheltered field

Tomato variety 'Yellow Submarine': history and origin

The 'Yellow Submarine' variety comes from the maintenance breeding of Reinsaat KG from Austria. The original origin of the strain is not known, but it received a variety approval for professional cultivation in 2012. Its name means "yellow submarine" in German and alludes to the oblong shape of the fruit.

Taste and properties of the ‘Yellow Submarine’ tomato

'Yellow Submarine' plants grow indefinitely and can reach two meters in height. The leaves are strikingly potato-like, clearly distinguishing them from other varieties. The fruits of the 'Yellow Submarine' grow in long racemes, are pear to teardrop shaped and are sun yellow in color when ripe. They are about 3 cm long and weigh about 15 to 20 grams.

The variety ripens early and delivers the first tomatoes for harvest from the end of June to mid-July. The fruits are similar in size and appearance Tomato variety 'Date Wine' or 'Yellow Pearshaped', taste fruity and even milder and sweeter with a barely perceptible acidity. This strain is a seed resistant variety, so you can obtain 'Yellow Submarine' seeds and propagate them yourself.

Sun-Dried Tomatoes 'Yellow Submarine'
The cocktail tomato 'Yellow Submarine' is very suitable for drying [Photo: Fernando Garcia Esteban/]

Peculiarities in cultivation and care

The 'Yellow Submarine' is suitable as a cocktail tomato for cultivation in tubs, greenhouses or protected outdoors. From mid-May, the young plants of the 'Yellow Submarine', which are sensitive to cold, can be placed outside. Dig a deep hole in the bed or greenhouse or fill a pot with a capacity of at least 10 liters with high-quality potting soil. Our Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil is specially adapted to the needs of sun-loving fruits and, thanks to the high compost content, does not require any peat at all. Essential nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and magnesium are already included and supply the tomato plant in the first few weeks after planting.

Plant the young plant half to one third deep in the ground and remove any leaves that would now be underground. In this way, many fine roots soon form along the stem, which can supply the tomato with water and nutrients quickly and efficiently. Now fill the planting hole or the pot with soil, press down all around and then water vigorously. A stick as a support prevents the plant from falling over and should be attached immediately after planting.

The first fertilization of the nutrient-hungry tomatoes should take place from June. An organic liquid fertilizer like ours Plantura Organic Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer, significantly simplifies the regular supply of nutrients. Add 5 to 15 ml to 5 liters of water about once a week and thus apply the nutrients directly when watering.

Like all cocktail tomatoes, 'Yellow Submarine' can be grown well with three or four shoots. When pinching, you leave deep-seated side shoots and remove all those above. The tomato grows bushier this way and soon bears plenty of flowers and fruit on the side shoots as well. Alternatively, the 'Yellow Submarine' can also be cultivated without being exhausted.

tip: A mulch layer of plant materials, such as lawn clippings, protects the soil from drying out while providing food for soil organisms. Since the decomposition of the mulch binds nitrogen, attention should be paid to a good supply and compensatory fertilization.

Harvest and use ‘Yellow Submarine’

The fruits of the 'Yellow Submarine' tomato can be harvested from July. Their appealing shape and sweet taste make them the ideal sweet tomato for young and old. The plants bear fruit until late autumn and bring a rich harvest. The small fruits are very suitable for drying. For this purpose, they are halved and gently dried in the dehydrator or oven and then stored in a dry place. More tips and detailed guides to Tomato preservation can be found in our special article.

The low-acid ones are particularly suitable for sensitive people yellow tomato varieties Good. We introduce you to the best varieties for each location.