Help, my orange tree is losing leaves: what to do?

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Orange tree, Citrus sinensis with orange fruit

table of contents

  • Orange tree is losing leaves
  • Orange loses leaves during winter
  • Warm wintering
  • Cold wintering
  • Waterlogging and root rot
  • Overfertilization
  • Fungal diseases
  • Parasites
  • Common mistakes

In our latitudes, oranges have always been the epitome of exoticism and southern flair. This is especially true for the terrace or balcony at home. Here the orange tree provides lush greenery and - provided that it is well cared for - numerous edible fruits. But the orange tree keeps losing its leaves. You can find out what causes this and what help actually works here.

Orange tree is losing leaves

There are many reasons why an orange tree loses its leaves. But only when you know the reasons, you can specifically define solutions and provide targeted help to the stressed and sometimes even sick plant:

Orange loses leaves during winter

The orange tree often loses its leaves during the winter. Since the plant is not sufficiently hardy for winter conditions typical in Germany, it is usually brought through the cold season in the winter garden or a cooler living room. Right on

Winter location If the relationship between light and temperature is not maintained, the metabolism of the plant is out of balance. In order to reduce stress and remove "unnecessary" ballast that needs to be taken care of, the tree sheds all of its foliage within a short period of time. When determining the causes, a distinction is made between two completely opposite cases, which also require completely different forms of help:

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Warm wintering

If the orange plant is overwintered in a warm room, there is usually a disproportion between light and temperature to the disadvantage of the light yield. The temperatures signal a growing season and stimulate the plant's metabolism during the Light is not sufficient to carry out photosynthesis and, moreover, often through double glazing Etc. the UV components that are important for the plant are cleaned up.

  • Development: increasing metabolic activity due to temperatures above 12 ° C, but lack of UV radiation for complete photosynthesis
  • Effects: Plant exhales CO2, but CO2 binding through photosynthesis is not possible, as a result Strongly debilitating metabolism and rejection of the leaves to reduce the amount to be supplied Plant parts
  • Remedy: reduce the temperature of the location, alternatively improve the exposure

Cold wintering

The opposite is the case if the orange hibernates in a cold area. In late winter, the sun gains strength and stimulates photosynthesis. Since the cold temperatures still signal the hibernation, the necessary nutrients are not supplied via the summer root activity.

  • Origin: Too much solar radiation in relation to the temperature below 12 ° C, resulting in photosynthesis when there is no water and nutrient supply due to inactive roots
  • Effects: Orange tree loses leaves to restore the metabolic equilibrium by removing the photosynthetic parts of the plant
  • Remedy: increase the temperature, alternatively reduce the exposure

tip: Since changes in the exposure are usually difficult to implement for the layman, it makes sense to take countermeasures in the case of winter leaf fall, primarily by adjusting the temperature. It can be measured and regulated with little effort.

Waterlogging and root rot

Orange trees need some moisture for healthy growth and fruit production, but they are very sensitive to waterlogging. Here the orange tree does not actively lose the leaves as a countermeasure, but they fall off as a result of damage and are therefore a clearly legible indicator. The real cause here is not the waterlogging, but rather the root rot. However, since this arises in almost all cases from excessive moisture in the root area, these two aspects are closely linked and should not be assessed as separate causes.

  • Formation: Formation of root rot due to standing moisture on the roots
  • Effects: Brown to black coloration of shoots as a result of root damage and insufficient supply, early loss of the leaves that are no longer supplied
  • Remedy: Eliminate waterlogging through good soil permeability and moderate watering behavior, in addition good ventilation of the location for removal of excessive moisture on the soil surface
Orange tree is losing leaves


If the orange tree loses leaves, it is usually assumed that there is a deficiency, as a result of which the orange separates from its leaves. However, the opposite can also be the case with regard to the supply of nutrients. The orange tree only needs nutrients during the growing season and then only to a certain extent. If it is exceeded, this oversupply has a negative effect on the metabolism.

  • Formation: oversupply of nutrients due to over-fertilization
  • Effects: Changed osmotic pressure in the leaf cells due to disturbed metabolism, resulting in brown discoloration, drying up and falling of the leaves
  • Remedy: not possible at short notice! Reduce or Temporarily stop and wait for new growth, repotting with soil exchange possible to remove nutrient reservoirs in the pot

Caution: You may be inclined to flush out the excess nutrients by additional watering after over-fertilization. Due to the intensive use of water, however, there is a risk of waterlogging and root rot. In addition, the orange reacts very slowly and needs less water immediately after the leaf is shed due to the lack of green matter, so that the risk of waterlogging also increases!

Fungal diseases

Like all plants that thrive in a warm, humid climate, the orange is not immune to diseases, the most common of which are fungal diseases. The best known is the basic rot, in which the lower stem segment is affected first of all. Other fungi first settle on the leaves and in this way find access to the organism of the orange tree. Irrespective of the specific disease, damage or weakening usually results in an undersupply. The first sign is almost always that the leaves are shed, as these are the only components from which the plant can separate itself.

  • Origin: warm and humid climate, preferably when the plant is already weakened or infested in the immediate vicinity (infection!)
  • Effects: depending on the disease, infestation of roots, trunk or leaves, resulting in weakening and leaf fall due to insufficient supply
  • Remedy: regular control of the plant, if specific disease characteristics are detected, use of fungicides and remove infected shoots


It is primarily lice and mites that attack the orange tree as parasites. The sap used to feed these animals is sucked out of the leaves. As a result, damage occurs due to the necessary bites, which ultimately lead to the death and fall of the leaf.

  • Origin: intensive infestation by lice, mites or other parasites
  • Effects: Damage to the leaves, drying up and ultimately waste
  • Remedy: Fight the parasites with potassium soap or mineral oil spray (spider mite), or Rapeseed oil preparations, soft soap solution, etc. (Lice)

Attention: Parasites attack individual leaves directly and damage them to the point of waste. Much more serious, however, is often the possibility of access for pathogens created by the bite sites. In the case of parasite infestation, it is always worthwhile to take a careful look at possible signs of developing diseases.

yellow lice on the oleander

Common mistakes

Now that the common causes and possible solutions are known, it is worth taking a quick look at common errors. Because the measures taken do not always lead to the elimination of the causes. Signs are often misinterpreted, so that the orange tree is additionally burdened as a result:

No pruning!

If the orange tree loses leaves, one is quickly tempted to set additional growth impulses by pruning. However, since the orange grows very slowly, this measure puts additional strain on it. With intensive pruning, it is hardly possible for the plant to compensate for the loss of pruning, so that the growth activity and the formation of new leaves are slowed down again.

Do not increase the watering quantity!

Leaf loss is often associated with drought, especially if the drop is accompanied by a brown discoloration - the ultimate sign of drought. But whether root rot or over-fertilization, an oversupply of water rarely provides a remedy. On the contrary, an increase in the water supply often adds another problem point, which additionally stresses the orange tree and the conditions for new shoots are less favorable designed.

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