Raspberries: A portrait of the berry

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Raspberries from the supermarket are usually tasteless. It is therefore worthwhile to cultivate raspberries yourself. We show what you can do with the..

Whether mulch, compost or organic fertilizer - we'll tell you when, how and with what you best fertilize your raspberries...

The delicious, small raspberries should not be missing in any home garden. Here is an overview of the best raspberry varieties. Raspberries (Rubus..

Freezing or preserving raspberries are two ways to get raspberries from your own house in autumn or winter..

If raspberries have diseases, it can endanger the harvest. We present the most common raspberry diseases with pictures and show countermeasures...

Propagating your own raspberries is simple and easy to do. We'll tell you what to look out for...

Raspberries are a fruit that is as delicious as it is expensive. All the better if you can grow raspberries in your own garden...

Raspberries are a real treat. But how can you tell without trying whether they have already developed their sweetness and are ripe?

Cutting raspberries correctly takes skill. We reveal all tips on the right time for the cut and have a..