Angelonia angustifolia, angel face flower - care

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table of contents

  • Characteristics
  • Location
  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • Cut
  • Multiplication
  • Overwinter
  • Diseases and pests

Profile and care information open +conclude -

Flower color
multicolored, pink, violet, white
May, June, July, August, September, October
Growth habit
upright, bushy, annual, perennial
up to 50 cm high
Soil type
sandy, loamy
Soil moisture
moderately moist, fresh
PH value
neutral, slightly acidic
Limescale tolerance
Calcium intolerant
rich in humus
Plant families
Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae
Plant species
Potted plants, ornamental plants, bedding plants, balcony plants, container plants, border flowers, perennials
Garden style
Flower garden, winter garden, ornamental garden, pot garden

Angelonia angustifolia - a beautiful flower that shouldn't be missing in a lush summer garden. As a rarity in this country, the majestic beauty is a guaranteed eye-catcher and makes hobby gardeners look jealous.


  • belongs to the plant order of the lip flower-like plantain family
  • the angelic face is best known in the genus Angelonia
  • botanical name is Angelonia angustifolia
  • original home is in South America, South Africa and Mexico
  • the flower is herbaceous and annual
  • Height is between 30 and 50 cm
  • Spread is between 10 and 30 cm
  • the flowering period is between May and October
  • The minimum temperature is one degree Celsius

Angelonia angustifolia is still very rarely found in German gardens. In America, the pretty plant is nicknamed the summer snapdragon, as the flowers are reminiscent of a voracious snapdragon.


In order to cultivate the plant professionally and appropriately, the choice of location and the nutrient balance play an enormous role. A pH value of 5.5 to 6.5 is important, it must not be above or below it. It is not absolutely necessary to cut, but it is recommended. But first the right location has to be chosen.

Angelonia likes it bright, sunny and warm, so an appropriate location is essential. A sheltered position is best, so that the flower candles are not destroyed by occasional gusts of wind. You will find an ideal place for your angel face according to the following criteria:

  • choose a very sunny location
  • pay attention to protection from wind and rain
  • give the plant a humus-rich, well-drained soil
  • Sandy-loamy, gritty-loamy and freshly moist substrates are ideal
  • the pH value must be acidic between 5.5 and 6.5

Angelonia can also stand in partial shade, but the florets are then visibly reduced. A minimum of six hours of sunshine a day must be granted. When cultivating in pots, the south-facing balcony is definitely the better choice than the north-facing one. The right substrate is also almost essential for cultivation in pots.

Important: So that Angelonia angustifolia really feels comfortable in the pot or balcony box, rhododendron or peat soils are ideal. Mixed with grit, sand or lava granules, they represent the ideal location. To prevent waterlogging from developing, you should use expanded clay drainage when cultivating in pots.

to water

Angel face flower - Angelonia angustifolia
Don't forget to water the angel face flower regularly!

Watering is extremely important for the angel face flower, it needs a moist substrate. As soon as the surface of the earth is dry, you should give water. Under no circumstances is overhead irrigation suitable, the water must be poured directly onto the root disc. Pour slowly and let the water run evenly onto the substrate.

Tap water with a low lime content is best, otherwise use rainwater. Hard irrigation water ensures that the lime content in the soil increases, which can lead to leaf chlorosis. If you cultivate the angel's face in a pot, you have to pour out the water in the saucer after 15 minutes at the latest, otherwise waterlogging occurs.


In order to develop their full flower power, a nutrient supply is essential. Below you will find out how to properly fertilize the plant step by step:

  • for bedding plants, needle compost in combination with horn shavings is given every two weeks beginning in May
  • Every two weeks it is poured with comfrey manure containing potassium
  • Potted plants are watered with liquid fertilizer once a week between May and October

Before fertilizing you should moisten the soil with irrigation water, after fertilizing it is moderately watered. If you don't have coniferous compost on hand, you can use regular compost mixed with autumn leaves or grass waste.


For optimal care, it is important that you clean the angel's face regularly. Above all, withered flowers should be cut off again and again, because then a fresh shoot can ensure the re-flowering. Regular pruning measures also ensure a permanently well-groomed appearance and a prevention of uncontrolled exudation.

In autumn, the flower is usually disposed of and completely removed from the bed. If you want to let it come to self-sowing, you can leave the plant remains in the ground until the beginning of winter.

You can safely cut beautiful blossoms in order to put the flower in the vase. The plant takes care of a fresh shoot by itself. To cut flowers, look for inflorescences in the mornings that are just before full bloom. Now cut this off three centimeters above the floor.


Angel Face Flower - Angelonia Angustifolia
The Angelonia Angustifolia is relatively easy to propagate.

If you want to multiply the angel's face on your own, it only takes a few steps to have new plants in the following year. There is only a little gardening work on the program in winter, so you can use this time for cultivation. That's how it works:

  • fill a seed tray with growing medium or optionally peat sand
  • carefully scatter the seeds
  • lightly press the seeds and moisten with an effervescent shower
  • the best location is a heated indoor greenhouse in partial shade
  • at a temperature of 24 degrees, germination begins after around five days

If you don't have a greenhouse available, you can increase the humidity by placing a plastic bag over the seed tray.

Care measures after germination

As soon as the first leaflets appear, you can reduce the temperature to around 20 degrees. If you have put a plastic bag on it, you can remove it now. The substrate must still be kept moist, but you can let it dry slightly in the meantime.

As soon as a pair of leaves has developed from the seedlings in addition to the cotyledons, you can prick out the young plants in a single pot. Always water until the middle of May, when the surface of the substrate is dry. Now is the time to apply liquid fertilizer regularly. A location on the windowsill is ideally suited so that the young plant is prepared for life outside.


Originally Angelonia angustifolia had the potential to develop into a perennial perennial. Due to the frosty winters, the plant hardly has a chance to overwinter in the local regions. The angel's face is not hardy and the attempt to leave the plant in the open is doomed to failure.

With a bed and balcony plant, on the other hand, you have the chance to overwinter your angelic face even though it is not hardy.

Step by step through the winter:

  • the plant is cut off above the ground before the onset of the first frost
  • Move the planter to a light, frost-free place
  • the temperatures must not be below 5 or above 12 degrees
  • once a week you should water so that the root does not dry out
  • there is no fertilization in the winter quarters

You can repot the plant in fresh substrate by the end of March at the latest. Get used to Angelonia angustifolia step by step to the higher temperatures and the sunlight. In addition, slowly increase the amount of irrigation water. When the ice saints are over, the plant can take its usual place on the balcony again. The pre-fertilized substrate contains nutrients for at least six to eight weeks. You do not have to fertilize again until June.

Diseases and pests

Angel face flower - Angelonia angustifolia
Parts of plants affected by pests or diseases should be removed immediately!

Unfortunately, Angelonia is one of those plants that are occasionally attacked by pests if they are not cared for properly. Some diseases are particularly common.


The leaves curl up, honeydew arises and the experienced hobby gardener already has the right suspicion. Aphids have taken root on the plant. An aphid infestation can be brought under control very quickly with the predatory mosquito or, alternatively, the parasitic wasp. If the infestation is severe and beneficial insects are not available, insecticides are also suitable for control.

Gray mold

If flowers, sprouts and leaves are affected by rot, this can be an indication of gray mold. It is then necessary to dispose of the plants completely and to use a fungicide on neighboring plants. Gray mold spreads quickly and can hardly be treated. Good ventilation and regular removal of faded parts are important measures to prevent gray mold infestation.

Powdery mildew

If there is a whitish, icing-sugar-like coating, this is probably real extra dew. Immediately remove the affected parts of your Angelonia and the administration of a fungicide is essential. To prevent powdery mildew, you should never water angel faces from above and always ensure that the roots are slightly damp.

Wrong mildew

If your angelic faces show a white coating on the underside of the leaves, this could be downy mildew. Dispose of and remove the affected parts of the plant as quickly as possible. The infestation can be contained with the use of a fungicide. The same applies here: Never pour Angelonia from above, but directly onto the root disc.

Infestation with fungus

If the leaves lose their color or the seedlings wilt, a fungal attack could be responsible. Discard any areas affected by the fungus. It is also necessary that you use a fungicide and ensure better hygiene in the future.

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