Gardening in April: All tasks at a glance

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Even if April does what it wants - the garden should not be neglected despite the changeable weather. We show what gardening should be done in April.

Colorful flowers in the garden
In April, the garden will finally be colorful [Photo: Radu Bercan/]

In April the garden blooms and countless animals crawl out of their winter hiding places in the air and on land. The garden is coming to life – and gardening is slowly picking up again. Now it is time to make final preparations for the warm season, and there is also a lot to do in the vegetable patch. We have put together the best gardening tips for April for you.


  • The vegetable garden in April
    • What to sow in April
    • What to plant in April
    • Seasonal vegetables in April
    • More gardening in the vegetable patch
  • The ornamental garden in April
    • What blooms in April?
    • What flowers can you plant in April?
    • More work in the ornamental garden
  • The orchard in April
  • The lawn in April
  • Support garden animals and insects in April
  • The balcony garden in April
  • Caring for houseplants properly in April

The vegetable garden in April

If the vegetable garden was often only sparsely planted in winter, it slowly fills up again in April: numerous vegetable plants need to be sown or replanted. Of course, the newcomers also need enough care to grow and thrive - a lot of work that awaits us in the bed in April. So that you don't lose track, we have summarized the most important gardening work in April for you.

What to sow in April

In April you can already sow a variety of vegetable plants. While heat-loving plants such as French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), melon (Cucumis melo) or zucchini (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo) prefer to remain in a sheltered house or be sown in the warming cold frame, more robust types of vegetables such as peas (Pisum sativum), carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) or spinach (Spinacia oleracea) can be planted directly in the bed. In our little sowing calendar we have summarized for you which types of vegetables can be sown in April. how to get one Build your own cold frame can be found in our special article.

Seeds are sown by hand
In April, many plants can already be sown directly outdoors [Photo: Piyaset/]

What to sow in April

Sowing on the windowsill or in the cold frame/greenhouse: Bush beans, fennel, cucumber, kohlrabi, herbs, pumpkin, corn, melon, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, runner beans, pointed cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, corn

Sow directly into the bed: Lettuce, broccoli, peas, spring onions, turnips, chard, carrots, palm cabbage, parsley root, radish, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, spinach, pointed cabbage, root parsley

Tip: Use a high quality seed compost for planting, such as our peat-free and sustainable Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil. Your young plants are optimally cared for.

What to plant in April

Anyone who was already busy in February and March can now slowly reap the first fruits of their labor: Plants that have been brought forward from the windowsill, including various salads, chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) but also cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), can slowly find their way outside in April. However, not all plants that have been brought forward are already ready for the big move in April: in the case of frost-sensitive plants such as tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) and eggplant (Solanum melongena) you should wait until the ice saints in May before planting. You can register for this from the beginning of April Planting the first potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) do. However, the temperature of the soil should be at least 7 °C for planting the seed potatoes.

What to plant in April Cauliflower, fennel, potatoes, kohlrabi, chard, salads, chives, pointed cabbage, onion sets

Tip: Some plants that were brought forward very early, such as tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), aubergine (Solanum melongena), paprika (capsicum) or Andean berry (Physalis peruviana) should only be planted out after the ice saints in May. However, to ensure that they are not exposed to a temperature shock, you should start hardening off the plantlets as early as March. Put the plants outside on days when the temperature does not drop below 8 °C. However, be aware of the risk of sunburn.

Potato used
The first potatoes can be planted in April [Photo: FotoDuets/]

Seasonal vegetables in April

A lot can already be harvested in April: Fresh lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa), tasty asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) and healthy spinach (Spinacia oleracea) come freshly harvested from the garden directly into our kitchen. In contrast, the first radishes are waiting in the greenhouse (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) on their harvest. Even if you do not have your own garden, it is advisable to ensure that seasonal vegetables to buy. In this way you can protect the climate and the environment.

Which vegetables can be harvested in April?

Outdoor harvest: Lettuce, chicory, leek, asparagus, spinach

Harvest in greenhouse: Lamb's lettuce, kohlrabi, celeriac, chard, radishes

More gardening in the vegetable patch

Of course, gardening in April is not just about harvesting and sowing vegetables. Here we have summarized further important gardening work in the vegetable patch for the gardening month of April:

Getting the raised bed ready: If you haven't already done so in March, April is the time to get your raised bed in shape. Not only newly created raised beds have to be filled now - it is also a good idea to fill older raised beds Compensate for the difference in height caused by the sinking of the soil with new substrate - good vegetable soil is ideal for this, like our Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil.

Tip: After about five to seven years, the entire substrate of the raised bed should be replaced.

Convert and spread compost: Any compost you haven't spread in the fall can now be spread over your beds. Compost set up over the winter can now be turned over in April.

Prick tomatoes: If you prefer tomatoes on the windowsill, you should prick tomatoes, as soon as they develop the first real leaves. The plants can be carefully lifted out of the ground with a pricking stick or a knitting needle and then placed in their own pots.

Picked tomato plants
Tomato seedlings should be transplanted in April [Photo: LianeM/]

The ornamental garden in April

The ornamental garden is a real delight in April: the numerous flowers that bloom in April enchant us with their intoxicating fragrance and their captivating play of colours. In order for this beauty to endure, you can't let your gardening work in April, of course. From sowing to fertilizing, there is also a lot to do in the ornamental garden at this time of year.

What blooms in April?

By April at the latest, the flowering period has really begun. The first early bloomers have already said goodbye. But now tulips are ringing (Tulipa), hyacinths (Hyacinthus) and daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) the Easter festival. Also cushion phlox (Phlox subulata), Forget Me Not (myosotis) and blue pillow (Aubrieta) are now showing their best side in April. The plants that bloom in April also include numerous opulently flowering shrubs and woody plants such as the wisteria (wisteria) or the bridal spar (Spiraea arguta).

Wisteria grows on a wall
Now in April the wisteria begins to bloom [Photo: Kristina Bessolova/]

What flowers bloom in April?

Flowers and perennials: Anemone, blue cushion, daisy, hyacinth, iris, crocus, dandelion, narcissus, daffodil, cushion phlox, primrose, checkered flower, tulip, forget-me-not

Shrubs and woody plants: Wisteria, Bridal Spire, Forsythia, Bell Hazel, Judas tree, almond tree, tulip tree, Tulip Magnolia, Ornamental Cherry

What flowers can you plant in April?

When the ornamental garden shines in colorful blooms in April, one could almost forget that the time has now come to sow and plant new residents in the garden. But if you want to enjoy flowering beds in summer and autumn, you should use April for gardening: Numerous annual summer flowers need to be sown in April in order for them to present their colorful flowers throughout the year be able. But some perennials also have to be planted in April so that they can develop their full beauty over the course of the year.

Tip: If you do that bees in your garden If you want to do a favor this year, you can already do ours Plantura bee pasture sow outdoors. The seed mix contains a wide variety of bee-friendly plants and will transform your garden into a real bee paradise.

What to plant in the ornamental garden in April?

Sowing in the bed: Annual summer flowers, nasturtium, cornflower, snapdragon, poppy, morning glory, calendula, gypsophila, summer aster, sunflower, marigold

Plants in the bed: Dahlias, garden freesias, gladioli, lilies, Montbretia, nerine, giant hyacinth, roses, summer hyacinths, tiger flowers, gypsy flower

Growing on the windowsill/in the greenhouse: Columbine, Aster, Dahlias, Loyal to Men, Sunflower

Homemade seed bombs
With seed bombs you can sow numerous summer flowers in April [Photo: Miriam Doerr Martin Frommherz/]

More work in the ornamental garden

Plant evergreen shrubs: Evergreen plants such as rhododendron (rhododendron), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) or cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) are best planted between March and April. Make sure you loosen the soil thoroughly before planting and remove stones and weeds. When it comes to rhododendrons, you also have to pay attention to the pH value - as a bog plant, it only thrives in acidic soil. For this reason, we recommend the garden soil with a special soil, for example ours Plantura organic acidic soil, to improve.

Thin out spring bloomers: Lots spring flowering shrubs like the forsythia (Forsythia x intermediate) have already faded by mid-April. So that the plants can shine in all their glory next year, they should be thinned out now: Remove the oldest branches close to the ground - this gives the young shoots a better chance of growing next year develop.

Prepare Easter: Easter falls in April most years, so it's high time to decorate the garden with brightly painted Easter eggs. For particularly beautiful eggs in the Easter nest, you can look out for shapely leaves in the garden. Secured firmly to a hard-boiled egg with a piece of old pantyhose and then dipped in paint, the Leaves decorative imprints on the egg. For a festive ambience in the room you can use suitable flowering houseplants To fall back on. Well-tried are, for example, the Easter cactus (Hatiora x grasseri) or the Christ thorn (Euphorbia milii). You can also cut particularly beautiful branches in the garden and thus bring spring into your home.

Easter eggs with leaf pattern
Easter is coming. Don't forget to decorate your garden for Easter [Photo: Domakhina Mariia/]

The orchard in April

It's always particularly quiet in the orchard over the winter. In April, however, the gardening season really starts again here. Not only do numerous fruit trees bloom, such as apple (penalty) and pear (Pyrus), it can even be harvested already. But also the care of the orchard should not be neglected in April.

Fertilize fruit trees: Both fruit trees and berry bushes look forward to an extra portion of nutrients at the beginning of the growing season. Fertilizing with compost in the spring has proven its worth: around three liters are worked in per square meter and provide the plants with the nutrients they need for flowering and fruit formation. As an alternative to compost, you can also use a universal fertilizer with a long-term effect, such as ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer, excellent use.

Plant strawberries: In contrast to the well-known, once-bearing summer strawberries, monthly, climbing and frigo strawberries are not planted between July and August, but in April or early May. These cultivars of strawberries are particularly popular because they bear fruit not just once, but throughout the summer.

Cut back raspberries: The right one Cut at raspberries (Rubus idaeus) is extremely important in order to bring in the richest possible harvest. With Two-Timer raspberries, all two-year-old shoots are cut off at ground level in April. With summer raspberries, on the other hand, the new shoots need to be pruned out in April: only about ten shoots should remain per meter.

Cut raspberries
Prune raspberries in spring [Photo: rodimov/]

Plant quinces: young quinces (Cydonia oblonga) are significantly more susceptible to frost than other fruit trees. For this reason, new quince trees are ideally not planted in autumn, but only in April, when the risk of severe frost is significantly lower.

Harvest rhubarb: From the end of April the time has finally come - the first tender stalks of rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) are ready for harvest. But no matter how aromatic the rhubarb tastes, you should not overdo it Harvest: About two thirds of the stalks should be left standing so that the plant is not overgrown is weakened.

The lawn in April

In April, the growing season is in full swing again. This also means that lawn care must not be neglected. If you could sit back and relax in winter, mowing the lawn is now part of the typical garden work in April. If you didn't start looking after your lawn in March, now is the time.

Combat moss: Mosses often spread more and more in the garden over the winter. Scarifying can help with matted and moss-covered lawns and aerates the turf - but that helps Scarifying alone does not necessarily and should not be used too often, as it also reduces the turf strained. Equally important in combating moss in the lawn is an adapted fertilization. Also the deployment of our Plantura organic soil activator has an effect here, as it improves the soil structure and makes the grass more competitive against wild herbs and mosses.

scarify the lawn
You should scarify in spring if possible [Photo: Ingo Bartussek/]

Fertilize lawn: With the first Lawn fertilization in spring supplies the grass with important nutrients that it needs for healthy growth. Primarily organic fertilizers, like ours Plantura organic lawn fertilizer, not only help your lawn to look fresh green, but are also harmless for garden and domestic animals.

Close gaps: Unfortunately, in winter it often happens that the lawn dies in some areas - unsightly, bare gaps remain. In the case of individual bald spots, however, you do not have to overseed the entire lawn: With the Plantura lawn repair you can close small gaps in the lawn quickly and reliably.

Support garden animals and insects in April

Life is slowly returning to the garden after winter. Numerous insects, amphibians and birds can now be observed again. There are a number of things you can do in April to increase the variety of species in your garden.

Create flower strips: Flower strips with a high proportion of native plants are ideal as a food source for hungry beneficial insects, because Due to their variety and the different flowering times of the plants, they offer enough food over a longer period of time Period. Flowering mixtures with many different plants, such as ours, are particularly suitable for creating a flower strip Plantura bee pasture: This not only offers an attractive sight to the eyes, but also food for hungry insects.

Set up bird bath: Birds are welcome guests to most gardeners. In addition to offering food, the feathered animals can also be ideally supported with fresh water: the installation of a bird bath in the garden helps birds looking for water to drink and bathe in and will soon become a real bird magnet.

Common toad in hiding
Common toads like to hide in rotten wood [Photo: Gerry Bishop/]

Postpone spring cleaning: In spring, many people are gripped by the thirst for action and the desire to ensure breeding and order in the garden again. However, one should not be too precise: Rotten wood, piles of leaves or brushwood serve amphibians such as common toads (Bufo bufo) as a welcome hiding place. So feel free to allow a “wild corner” in the garden.

The balcony garden in April

What gets you in the mood for spring more than colorful flowers? Even balcony gardeners no longer have to do without it: Many flowering balcony plants ensure a good mood in April and turn our window sills into real eye-catchers. Of course, the balcony planting in April also needs a bit of care and attention in order to show itself from its most beautiful side.

Grow Potatoes: Potatoes on the balcony? Yes, it is actually possible: If you don't have your own garden, you can do it very easily Grow potatoes in pots. Slightly less exotic, but just as delicious, are lettuce and radishes, which can be sown directly in balcony boxes in April. You can just as well Strawberries on the balcony plant: In April, they can move out of their plastic pots into balcony boxes or hanging baskets.

Harden off potted plants: Cool wintered potted plants such as the oleander (Nerium oleander) may slowly return to the balcony in April, provided there is no more permafrost. So that the potted plants can slowly get used to their new environment again, they should initially be partially shaded and protected.

Flowering balcony box
In April it will be colorful on the balcony [Photo: Lapa Smile/]

Plant balcony boxes: Now in April you can already prepare your balcony planting. If it is already quite warm, some balcony plants can be planted out as early as April - these include fuchsias (fuchsia), begonias (begonia) and the industrious Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana). But the ice saints are not over yet and a late frost can cause serious damage to the plants. On the other hand, you play it safe with the balcony flowers in April with pansies (Violaceae), horned violet (Viola cornuta) and numerous early bloomers such as daffodils and hyacinths.

Caring for houseplants properly in April

Indoor plants are an enrichment for every household all year round. So that the green housemates feel comfortable with us, it is important to give them the necessary care in April as well.

Fertilize indoor azaleas: After flowering, azaleas (rhododendron) a good dose of nutrients. Therefore, from mid-April is the right time for the Fertilization of the azaleas came. A fertilizer with a long-term effect is particularly ideal for potted plants, as it continuously supplies the plants with nutrients.

Don't forget to cut back: Some houseplants like the coleus (Coleus scutellarioides), the shrub begonia (Begonia maculata) and the linden tree (Sparmannia africana) like to grow quite sparsely. So that they still fit well into the apartment, you can prune the plants vigorously from the beginning of April. For hibiscus (Hibiscus) and passion flower (passiflora), however, pruning can increase the willingness to bloom, as they bloom profusely, especially on the young shoots.

Break for the cyclamen: The cyclamen (cyclamen) often stops flowering indoors from April. During this time, the plant needs significantly less water - you should do that when Watering the cyclamen account. In addition, the plant is happy about a sunny, not too warm place in the house during its break.

Is April slowly coming to an end? You can find out what work is due in the next month in our article on the Gardening in May.

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