Is the lucky feather (Zamioculcas) poisonous?

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The rumor keeps coming up that the lucky feather, also called Zamioculcas, doesn't live up to its name and is poisonous to humans and animals.

Black cat sniffs green zamioculca
As a slightly poisonous plant, the question arises as to whether the Zamioculca is suitable as a houseplant [Photo: AleRa/]

the lucky feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is often referred to as poisonous or slightly poisonous. But what is the truth of these statements? Is the plant also suitable for households with children or pets?

Poisonous Zamioculcas?

Have you ever seen a young wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) tried or a little sorrel (Rumex acetosa) from the meadow? Then you will surely remember the sour taste that gave both plants their name. This taste is caused by the oxalic acid. The same acid is also found in the lucky feather and is often considered poisonous. But as the saying goes, the dose makes the poison.

Is the Zamioculcas poisonous to humans?

The critical ingredient in the lucky feather is oxalic acid, which is present in the plant in its solid form as calcium oxalate. However, there is no great danger. Larger amounts would have to be consumed for symptoms such as redness, nausea or stomach cramps to occur. Kidney damage, as can occur from too much oxalic acid, is extremely unlikely. A lot would have to be recorded for that. Adults probably wouldn't think of that anyway, but what about kids? If a child bites off a piece of the lucky feather in an unobserved moment, it will quickly spit it out again.

Zamioculcas tastes bitter and is therefore not a pleasure. Because of this, you don't need to worry because it would take a child far more than one bite to get poisoned.

Zamioculca in pot on table
The oxalic acid found in the zamioculca is toxic in large amounts [Photo: KR_Netez/]

Is the Zamioculcas poisonous to cats, dogs and co?

Pets are smaller than humans. The smaller the body, the more violent the toxins are. Nevertheless, pets such as cats and dogs would also have to consume a significant amount of the lucky feather in order to become poisoned. And even they won't love the bitter taste of the leaves after the first nibble. Excessive irrigation water that collects in the saucer poses a greater risk. This irrigation water can contain dissolved oxalic acid. The concentration should be rather low, but it is inviting for some pets to drink from the coaster. A pretty cachepot or watering the plant more sparingly can help.

Treatment measures for poisoning by Zamioculcas

Because only the intake of very large amounts of the Zamioculcas can lead to serious problems, no treatment is usually necessary. However, you should still take some precautionary measures just in case. These apply to both children and pets – as far as possible.

Measures in case of poisoning by Zamioculcas:

  • Remove any plant debris from the mouth
  • Rinse mouth with water
  • Give the affected child plenty of water to drink

If serious symptoms such as nausea or stomach cramps occur, you should consult a doctor to be on the safe side.

If you have now decided to get one to acquire Zamioculcas, you will find all important information here.