Planting a lemon tree: when and how to do it

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In order for the Mediterranean tree to grow successfully here too, there are a few things to consider. We show what is important when planting a lemon tree.

Lemons on a lemon tree
The way to your first lemon starts with the right planting

Now you finally have your first lemon tree (citrus x lemon), but what to do with the exotic plant? It helps to look at the areas of origin and cultivation: Lemon trees come from the warm regions of the world. The climate is subtropical or Mediterranean, the sun is relentless and rain is a valuable commodity. And this is exactly how the lemon imagines its life with you: sunny, warm, mild in winter and a portion of water every now and then.


  • When do you plant the lemon tree?
  • The perfect location for the lemon tree
  • The right substrate for the lemon tree
  • Instructions for planting lemon trees in pots
  • Plant a lemon tree in the bed
  • Caring for lemon tree after planting

So that you can meet the requirements of your lemon tree as much as possible, although you are neither in Mediterranean yet living in the subtropical, planting is an essential point that you deal with should employ. Because when, how and where you plant, you should adapt exactly to the needs of the plant. Substrate and location in particular play a decisive role here.

More plants for one mediterranean garden can be found in this post.

When do you plant the lemon tree?

Transplant your lemon tree at the start of the new growing season. The best time is in spring, as soon as the lemon leaves its winter quarters and starts the new season. Because being transplanted is a big transition for lemon trees - just like for other plants. Lemon trees therefore grow particularly well after repotting in order to adapt to the new conditions.

The perfect location for the lemon tree

The fruits of the lemon tree shine bright yellow. But for the acidic citrus fruits to develop, the tree needs as much direct sun as possible. The perfect location for the plant is therefore outdoors in full sun. However, the plant should be protected from wind and weather. For example, a good spot for your lemon tree could be near a wall. Stone walls also offer the advantage that they radiate the heat stored during the day even on cool nights. If you keep your lemon tree indoors, give it the brightest window spot available.

In the cold months, the lemon tree needs an appropriate winter home. It is particularly important that the winter quarters are frost-free and as bright as possible. More to Overwintering lemon trees Find out in our special article on the subject.

Lemon tree with fruits in a pot
Your search for the best location will sooner or later reward the plant with its juicy fresh fruit [Photo: Zeralein99/]

tip: In addition to the lemon tree, some other plants can be considered edible houseplants being held.

The right substrate for the lemon tree

In order for the roots of the lemon tree to develop optimally, the plant has three requirements: The substrate should slightly acidic, the soil should contain sufficient nutrients and good drainage should be ensured be. Commercially available citrus soil fulfills all of these points. Alternatively, you can easily mix a suitable substrate yourself by mixing low-lime garden or compost soil with a little sand.

Instructions for planting lemon trees in pots

You don't need any technical expertise to plant your lemon tree. It is particularly important that the new pot is not too big so that the root ball remains nice and compact. In addition, you should definitely remember to put a drainage layer in the pot, otherwise waterlogging could become a serious problem later.

  • Choose a new pot that has a drainage hole for excess water and is about two inches wider than the old pot
  • Put a layer of gravel in the pot for drainage
  • Carefully pull the root ball out of the old planter
  • Loosen up the root ball with your fingers. Soil that is not rooted is allowed to fall away
  • Center the root ball in the new pot
  • Fill in the gaps with fresh substrate and gently press down on the tree
  • Now add a little water - and your lemon tree is ready to be repotted
Several lemon trees in pots
Since lemon trees would not survive our central German winters, they should be kept in pots and tubs in this country [Photo: Chastang Damien/]

Plant a lemon tree in the bed

Cold winters and frost are circumstances that lemon trees cannot stand at all. Accordingly, it is difficult to keep a lemon tree outdoors all year round. Of course, there are also places with a mild climate in German-speaking countries, mainly in the wine-growing regions. But here, too, temperatures regularly drop below -2 °C in winter. And from this temperature lemon trees are damaged. If you still want to keep a lemon tree outdoors, you should switch to other citrus tree species. Maybe the juicy yuzu (citrus x junos) or the pretty Ichang-Papeda (Citrus ichangensis) good alternatives? After all, both survive down to -10 °C without damage.

Caring for lemon tree after planting

In order to enable the lemon tree to get used to it as smoothly and quickly as possible, you should of course take good care of it immediately after transplanting. How one Lemon trees repotted properly, how to at Fertilizing Lemons you can find out in our special articles.

Tip: the Plantura Organic Citrus & Mediterranean Fertilizer is ideal for fertilizing lemon trees in pots. The liquid fertilizer can be easily administered via the irrigation water and ensures strengthened roots and resistant plants.

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