Ufo plant: care, location & propagation

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The decorative UFO plant has become increasingly popular in recent years. It owes its unusual name to the circular shape of its leaves.

pancake plant
The UFO plant not only looks beautiful, it is also easy to care for [Photo: dropStock/ Shutterstock.com]

Once you see a UFO plant (Pilea peperomioides) owns, you can soon raise several small offshoots of it. In this article, we explain what the houseplant needs and how easy it is to propagate.


  • Ufo plant: properties and origin
  • The most beautiful Pilea peperomioides varieties
  • Planting a Chinese money tree: location and procedure
  • Care of the Pilea peperomioides
    • Water, cut and fertilize
    • UFO plant loses leaves or turns yellow: what to do?
  • Propagate UFO plant
  • Is the pancake plant poisonous?

Ufo plant: properties and origin

the Pilea peperomioides is not only known under the name UFO plant. Synonyms such as Chinese money tree, pancake plant, navel plant and fortune teller are often used. The plant originally comes from Southeast Asia and was only found in southwest China at altitudes of 1500 to 3000 m.

The Chinese money tree belongs to the nettle family (Urticaceae) and is a perennial herbaceous plant. Probably the most striking feature of the Ufo plant are the circular leaves, which are long-stemmed and alternate on the greenish-brown stem. They have a matt sheen and reach a diameter of over 15 cm. The flowers of Pilea peperomioides are rather delicate and inconspicuous and are rarely seen in houseplants.

How big does a UFO plant get? As a houseplant, it can reach a height of up to 50 cm.

belly button plant
The plant owes its nickname to the round leaves [Photo: Arienne van der Plas/ Shutterstock.com]

The most beautiful Pilea peperomioides varieties

Special varieties of Pilea peperomioides have a so-called variegation. We present the most beautiful of them to you:

  • Pilea peperomioides ˈsugarˈ: The silver marbled variegation of the 'Sugar' variety looks as if the leaves were covered with sugar crystals. Another feature is the plant's irregularly shaped leaves.
  • Pilea peperomioides ˈWhite Splashˈ: White patches of color make the leaves of the ˈWhiteSplashˈ variety a real eye-catcher. As with the other varieties, the coloration varies from leaf to leaf.
  • Pilea peperomioides Mojito: The leaves of this variety are characterized by a yellowish to light green marbling.
Glücksthaler plant
The properties of these varieties create a particularly high ornamental value [Photo: Broniss/ Shutterstock.com]

Planting a Chinese money tree: location and procedure

After acquiring your UFO plant, it will most likely be necessary to transplant it into a larger pot. This should be about 20% larger than the previous one and have drainage holes. A permeable, humus-rich indoor plant soil should be used as the substrate. A pH between 5.5 and 6.5 is suitable for the UFO plant. Our peat-free and climate-friendly Plantura organic potting soil is a good choice for the Chinese money tree due to the expanded clay it contains, as well as for many other plants that need a more permeable substrate.
The location of the Ufo plant should be a bright place without direct sunlight and drafts. Ideally, you should choose an east or west window and in winter a south-facing window. The Ufo plant tolerates temperatures of 15 to 18 °C best.

Care of the Pilea peperomioides

The care of Pilea peperomioides does not require much effort. Nevertheless, it must not be neglected and the condition of the substrate and the plant itself should be checked regularly.

Water, cut and fertilize

The water requirement of the Ufo plant is limited, but it should be watered regularly with small amounts. The plant must never dry out, but it must not stand in water either. To check, you can feel the substrate lightly with your finger: if the upper layer has dried, pour again.

A cut of the pancake plant is not absolutely necessary, but the main shoot can be shortened in spring, to either get a more compact growth with more shoots or to get senile older plants for new shoots to stimulate

Ufo Plant Repot
The best time to repot the UFO plant is in spring [Photo: pinot-noir/ Shutterstock.com]

The Chinese money tree should be supplied with liquid fertilizer from April to September at regular intervals of about two weeks via the irrigation water. If possible, an organic liquid fertilizer is used, which is gentler, avoids over-fertilization and protects the environment. Our primarily organic Plantura organic indoor and green plant fertilizer consists of natural and animal-free ingredients. It ensures vigorous plants with the help of a beneficial soil bacterium. It is also safe for pets and garden animals. Application is quick and easy by pouring.

UFO plant loses leaves or turns yellow: what to do?

It is normal for some of the lower leaves of the plant to slowly turn yellow and eventually fall off. However, if yellow leaves appear on the whole plant, there can be several reasons for this. The following measures should be tried to determine the cause:

  • Plant is too bright or too dark: change location and observe
  • It is poured too much or too little: check the substrate regularly
  • Nutrient deficiency: Support more regularly with complete fertilizer
  • Substrate is compacted or old: replace soil

At a glance: How do I care for a UFO plant?

  • Watering: Regular, small amounts of water
  • Fertilize: April - September every 2 weeks
  • Pruning: Only shorten the main shoot in spring if necessary
  • Yellowing and loss of leaves: change location or adjust watering
Chinese money tree with yellow leaves
The yellowing leaves indicate certain causes [Photo: Tina Grimault/ Shutterstock.com]

Propagate UFO plant

Of the Pilea peperomioides are very easy to use all year round vegetative propagation grow many new plants. The time in spring from March to May is particularly suitable, since repotting is going on anyway.
After a while you will notice that small offshoots are emerging from the substrate in the pot of your UFO plant. When these reach a certain size, the soil around the offshoot is first carefully removed. It is then best to cut it off with a few roots using a sharp, clean knife. Then transplant the offshoot, preferably in a small pot with potting soil. It would also be possible to root it in a glass of water. However, the roots are often very sensitive afterwards and break off easily. The substrate should be kept moist after transplanting to ensure good growth. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 18 °C.
Propagation via leaf and shoot cuttings also works very well with the Ufo plant.

Propagating Chinese Money Tree
A mother plant may produce a few offshoots over time [Photo: Luoxi/ Shutterstock.com]

Is the pancake plant poisonous?

There is no need to worry about pets and children when purchasing a pancake plant as it is non-toxic and therefore does not pose any danger to your loved ones.

The UFO plant is popular because of its bizarre appearance. is the subject of promising research brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), which is no longer only used in Ayurvedic medicine to increase cognitive performance. We can also cultivate it as a houseplant.

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