Orchids: tips on location, care & propagation

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Orchids are known for their colorful and magnificent flowers. We will tell you everything you need to know so that perfect and healthy orchids adorn your home.

Orchid flowers
Orchids are known for their colorful and magnificent blooms [Photo: Supatcha_kate/ Shutterstock.com]

The popular plants with the characteristic flowers can be found in almost every household. Especially in Germany, orchids can be found very often as a decorative exotic on the windowsill and are enjoying increasing popularity. The subject of orchids is a world unto itself, especially when you look at the immeasurable variety of species and variations. The professional handling of the extraordinary plant is an art in itself and requires special knowledge. We will tell you everything you need to know about orchids and how best to deal with them so that you can convince them that their flowers are happy and healthy.


  • Orchid family: characteristics and variety
  • The most famous and popular species of orchids
  • Buying orchids: you need to pay attention to this
  • Orchids: Ideal location
  • Proper care for orchids
    • Water or dip orchids?
    • Fertilize orchids: The right orchid fertilizer
  • Repotting orchids and the right orchid soil
  • cutting orchids
    • Orchids after flowering: cutting flower stalks?
    • Cut wilted orchid leaves
  • Propagate orchids via offshoots

Orchid family: characteristics and variety

Orchids form taxonomically (systematically) a family of their own (Orchidaceae) and, contrary to popular belief, not only occur in the tropics, but are distributed worldwide. However, the majority of the orchids cultivated come from warmer climates and therefore do not tolerate cold temperatures. The orchid family is the second largest family of flowering plants. It is estimated that there are 15,000 to 30,000 worldwide species. Probably the most striking feature of the multi-faceted flowers is the zygomorphic flower (asymmetrical upper and lower lip) as well as a large number of species that grow as so-called epiphytes on other plants grow.

yellow orchid
The orchid attracts everyone's attention with its color and shape [Photo: Nikolaeva Galina/ Shutterstock.com]

The most famous and popular species of orchids

There is also a large number on the market orchid species, which differ greatly in their appearance and care. Here are the most popular types:


  • hybrid breeding
  • Large and fragrant flowers
  • Many color variations
  • Epiphytic orchid with high maintenance requirements


  • boat orchid
  • Popular species from China
  • Large plant, but also smaller cultivars
  • In summer also possible on the terrace
  • High light requirement and low maintenance


  • Grape Orchid
  • Kind with very many varieties
  • Some varieties with many flowers per plant
  • Some easy-care varieties (Dendrobium nobile), partly demanding (Dendrobium bigibbum)
Cattleya Orchid
Hybrid breed Cattleya shines with ruffled petals and great fragrance [Photo: kajornyot wildlife photography/ Shutterstock.com]


  • violet orchid
  • High need for care
  • Sensitive to temperature changes


  • Moth or butterfly orchid
  • One of the best-selling types
  • Many variations and colors
  • Relatively easy to care for; Room temperature ideal


  • "lady's slipper"
  • Unusual flowers
  • Orange-red or yellowish-green flowers


  • Species with a high variety of colors
  • Also blue to purple flowers
  • High light requirement
Miltonia Orchid
The 'Miltonia' orchid is clearly a violet orchid. [Photo: Darcraft/ Shutterstock.com]

Buying orchids: you need to pay attention to this

If you have decided to buy an orchid from the garden center, there are a few points that you should pay attention to. The right selection is crucial for the lifespan of the exotic, so you should take a closer look at the following aspects:

  1. Flower condition: Ideally, select a specimen with few open flowers and mostly closed buds.
  2. Especially when buying in winter, be sure to choose plants from inside the garden center and avoid specimens that are displayed outside or in drafts. Most types of orchids are very sensitive to cold, so make sure you pack the orchid well for transport.
  3. Always check the root area of ​​the plant. If you notice black roots, you should keep your hands off the orchid. Optimally, healthy specimens have white roots with greenish tips.
  4. If you notice other irregularities on the plant, such as pests, you should definitely avoid these specimens.
Orchids in garden centers buy orchids in foil
When buying orchids, you should pay attention to a few points [Photo: Evdoha_spb/ Shutterstock.com]

Orchids: Ideal location

Care should be taken when choosing the location for orchids - the majority of exotic species are very demanding and are not suitable for all places in the house. Orchids usually feel very comfortable on the windowsill. Some types like cattleya and dendrobium with a high light requirement are suitable for a west or south-facing window, Phalaenopsis on the other hand, feels more comfortable with a north or east orientation. If you are unsure about the ideal location for your orchid, the following tip will help: You cannot do much wrong with windows facing west or east.

Direct sunlight is unfavorable for many types of orchids, as the leaves burn quickly. It is best to provide indirect light through a curtain in front of the window. The orchids on the market originally come from the tropics, so a room temperature between 18 and 25°C in summer is ideal for most species. In winter, the thermometer should not fall below 15°C. Some types like Cymbidium are also suitable for a place in the garden or on the terrace in summer. In this case, make sure that the plant is sheltered and does not stay outside at night in cold temperatures.

Orchid windowsill cup book
A spot on the sunny windowsill is ideal [Photo: Nemika_Polted/ Shutterstock.com]

When choosing a location, you should consider the following points:

  • Perfect place on the window sill
  • West or East orientation
  • Temperature in summer 18 – 25°C, in winter not under 15°C
  • In summer in a sheltered spot in the garden (only certain varieties)

Proper care for orchids

Although orchids are among the most popular indoor plants in Germany, some of the many species require a lot of care and are not easy to manage. We will show you how to properly care for orchids so that they remain healthy and continue to bloom magnificently.

Water or dip orchids?

The wrong watering technique is the most likely reason for orchids if they should eventually die. Particular caution is therefore required here. Orchids generally only need a little water. Ideally, spray the plant from time to time with a spray bottle. Only use low-lime water such as rainwater for watering. An optimal way to provide sufficient, but not excessive, water supply is to immerse the roots in a short water bath. To do this, remove the orchid from its pot and place the roots in the water for a few minutes. You should then drain the roots and put the plant back in the pot. As a rule, such an immersion once a week is sufficient. More tips on how to make your Ideally supply orchid with water, you'll find here.

Watering an Orchid
Orchids should only be watered sparingly and with low-lime water [Photo: Mariia Boiko/ Shutterstock.com]

Fertilize orchids: The right orchid fertilizer

The selection of orchid fertilizers on the market is huge. But first of all, the question arises as to whether fertilization is necessary at all. And if so: Which fertilizer should be used? Basically, one can say that orchids do not have a very high nutrient requirement overall, but regular fertilization with special orchid fertilizer makes sense for the care of the plant is. It's good practice to add liquid fertilizer weekly to the root-soaking water.

You can choose between organic and mineral fertilizer, as well as a mixture of both variants. From an ecological perspective, the use of organic fertilizer for orchids is recommended, since the ingredients are more resource-saving than mineral fertilizers. However, the vast majority of fertilizers on the market are based on mineral components, as these are easier to dose. Basically, the following applies: When it comes to the amount of fertilizer, stick to the manufacturer's instructions. If in doubt, it is still better to fertilize less than more to avoid overdosing and burning the roots. An exact Fertilizing instructions for orchids can be found here.

Repotting orchids and the right orchid soil

For healthy growth, repotting orchids is a suitable method to give the roots enough space again. About a year after purchase, it is time to plant the orchid in a new pot. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the orchid from the old pot and completely loosen the substrate from the roots.
  2. Check the roots for diseased or damaged areas and separate the affected roots.
  3. Then place the plant in a larger pot in which the roots are still compact but not squeezed. Orchids have so-called aerial roots, which should never be too narrow. A transparent pot is therefore generally recommended for orchids.
  4. Finally, fill the pot with fresh substrate from above so that the coarse pieces can be distributed between the roots. As a substrate you should always on orchid soil fall back on, which in most cases is very coarse and contains many pieces of bark. When in doubt, a coarser product is a better choice as it will ensure enough air for the roots.
Repotting an orchid
Repotting again ensures loose, orchid-friendly substrate [Photo: Marvelous World/ Shutterstock.com]

Detailed information about Repotting orchids you can read here.

cutting orchids

For the optimal care of orchids, pruning makes sense under certain circumstances. We show why and how to cut orchids correctly.

Orchids after flowering: cutting flower stalks?

Normally, orchid pruning should be done with care, removing less rather than too much. When the orchids have faded, it is advisable to cut the second or third eye from the bottom, from which a new shoot with flowers will then grow. Only make this cut when the shoot dries up. Especially with the species Phalaenopsis this makes sense because it can bloom very often.

Cut orchids with scissors
For the optimal care of orchids, pruning makes sense under certain circumstances [Photo: Agnes Kantaruk/ Shutterstock.com]

Cut wilted orchid leaves

Withered leaves are often tempted to cut off without further ado. This should always be avoided. Yellow leaves can at most be removed by hand, just before they come loose anyway. The orchid does not tolerate injuring intact plant parts well, so you should always be careful when cutting. We also have an expert article on cutting orchids here ready for you.

Propagate orchids via offshoots

If you would like to have more orchids in the house, in addition to buying a whole plant you can also grow offshoots from an existing plant. In technical jargon, the small shoots on the side of the main plant, as in the case of the orchid, are so-called child. These are offshoots that are supplied by the mother plant and are used for vegetative reproduction. If you decide to separate a child from the plant, you should always pay attention to a certain minimum size. Basically, the small plant should have at least two leaves and two to three roots. After separating, the plant should not be placed in the usual orchid soil, but special young plant soil for orchids should be used.

A guide how to Propagating orchids by Kindel can be found in our special article.

Propagating an Orchid
You can easily propagate the plants with children that grow from the flower stalk [Photo: aLittleSilhouetto/ Shutterstock.com]

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