Cherry Laurel Herbergii: Properties & Purchase

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The upright cherry laurel 'Herbergii' quickly forms high yet narrow hedges that you don't have to worry about in winter.

Herbergii cherry laurel with flowers
'Herbergii' bears small white flowers from May to June [Photo: Rogatnykh/]

The Upright One cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus 'Herbergii') is one of the particularly hardy cherry laurel varieties and therefore does not need any winter protection to survive the frosty season unscathed. Due to its upright, opaque growth, it is ideal for creating a high yet narrow hedge.

The cherry laurel 'Herbergii' is a true Spartan even for this already undemanding species. The variety is very site tolerant and will grow in almost any soil, whether in sun or shade. However, it is still sensitive to waterlogging.

Varietal characteristics of cherry laurel Herbergii

The good wind resistance and cut compatibility also make them an ideal property boundary. However, 'Herbergii' can also be cultivated in a tub and is great as a solitary plant or for group planting. In addition, the robust shrub has very competitive roots. So you can bring it into company without any problems or use it as an underplanting. It can grow up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. When planting a hedge, you can plant two to three plants per meter, depending on their size. With an annual increase of up to 40 centimetres, these then grow into a year-round opaque wall of leaves.

Herbergii cherry laurel with snow in the garden
The robust variety usually survives the winter unscathed [Photo: TMsara/]

The narrow, elongated leaves are dark green in color and dotted with black on the underside. From May to June, white, small flowers in clusters round off the overall picture. Thanks to its good frost hardiness, 'Herbergii' doesn't really mind the frosty season. It should only be well protected from too strong winter winds.

Buying cherry laurel Herbergii: what should be considered?

When buying, you should look at the offered plant calmly and with a scrutinizing eye. Pay attention to dark green leaves and even growth. Also, avoid plants that are injured, chlorotic (that is, yellowed or orange in color due to a lack of chlorophyll), or deformed. But not only the exterior of the plant gives an insight into the quality of the plants. You should also pay attention to the site conditions and care requirements of the cherry laurel in the sale. So it is better to avoid plants that are in full sun, dry or in water. Before you buy, you should also consider whether not another cherry laurel variety could better suit your garden project.

Recommended sources of supply for cherry laurel Herbergii

You should get the upright cherry laurel without any problems in a somewhat specialized tree nursery, but the simplest option with the largest selection is offered by tree nurseries and wholesalers with online shipping such as plants Janssen or Nursery Direct.

Further Sources of supply for cherry laurel varieties you'll find here.

tip: Nutrient supply is important for resilient and strong plants. An excellent choice of fertilizer for cherry laurel is our Plantura Organic universal fertilizer with a three-month long-term effect.

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