Celosia: plants, care & choice of variety

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Whether plume or Hahnenkamm, the Celosia has different manifestations. This is probably what makes the variable plant so popular.

Cockscomb flower
A bed of celosia is a real splash of color in the garden [Photo: Bhonna/ Shutterstock.com]

the fireman (Celosia) are available in various shapes and colors, as bedding, balcony or house plants and even as cut flowers. No matter which variety and which location you choose - here are tips for planting and care.


  • Celosia: origin and properties
  • The most beautiful Celosia varieties and species
  • Plant cockscomb
  • Proper care of Celosia
  • Is the Celosia hardy?
  • propagation
  • Is the plume poisonous?

Celosia: origin and properties

The genus Celosia, known to us as Brandschopf, comes from the tropical regions of Africa and South America. It belongs to the foxtail family (Amaranthaceae) and contains about 60 species. The herbaceous plants grow either upright or climbing and have simple, green leaves. If you look at us from the ornamental plant Celosia speaks, is usually the silver firehead (

Celosia argentea) meant in one of its variations. The spike-shaped inflorescences consist of many small individual flowers, which in some cultivated forms can also be arranged like a cockscomb or plume. There are varieties with flowers of different colors. The flowering period extends from July to October. The one-year-old silver smut grows upright and is about 30 cm high, in its homeland even up to 2 m. Depending on the location, the plume can be perennial or annual. If it is kept warm as a houseplant all year round, you can enjoy flowering for several years.

Hahnenkamm plants
The silver smut is diverse in its flower shape and can also grow outdoors [Photo: Anung Camui/ Shutterstock.com]

Tip: In its regions of origin, Celosia is also used as a food and medicinal plant, as the leaves contain vitamin C, among other things.

Is the Celosia bee friendly? Bees and butterflies find food on the Brandschopf, but it is Celosia not as attractive to insects as native flowering plants.

The most beautiful Celosia varieties and species

There are many varieties of the Silber-Brandschopf with different flower colours. The flower shape also differs in some cases, so we divide the silver burnt head into three groups of varieties.

plume (Celosia argentea var. plumosa)

The Federbusch Celosia is characterized by the typical, feather-like inflorescences. In reddish tones, the flower can also resemble a flame, which explains the name Brandschopf.

  • 'Deep Purple': Develops bright purple flowers
  • 'Red Feather': Has an intense fiery red flower color
  • 'Venezuela': This strain comes with pink flowers
The plumed Celosia has particularly lush flowers [Photo: senee sriyota/ Shutterstock.com]

Cockscomb (Celosia argentea var. cristata)

The HahnenkammCelosia has completely different flowers. As the name suggests, the individual flowers are arranged more flatly and form a kind of wave in the upper part, reminiscent of a rooster's comb.

  • 'Hot Tropic': There are pink flowers in a cockscomb look
  • 'Twisted Yellow': The variety develops orange-yellow cockscomb flowers with a dark border
Cockscomb Twisted Yellow
The 'Twisted Yellow' cockscomb is even two-toned [Photo: Nahhana/ Shutterstock.com]

Wheat Celosia (Celosia argentea var. spicata)

Somewhat simpler in shape is the group of varieties of wheatCelosia. The flower is smaller and usually a little more reserved in color than that of the other varieties. It is arranged in a narrow tail.

  • 'Flamingo Feather': The flowers are rosy-white, fading into an increasingly intense pink towards the top
  • 'Celway Lemon': Here the flowers turn a rich yellow towards the top, while appearing more whitish below
Wheat Celosia Flamingo Feather
Wheat Celosia 'Flamingo Feather' blooms in pink and white [Photo: LFO62/ Shutterstock.com]

Plant cockscomb

The fireman can be kept both indoors and outdoors. In both cases, the Brandschopf should definitely be in a bright place, because light is important for the formation of flowers. Direct sun is tolerated but can cause the flowers to fade. That's why for them Celosia a bright location with lots of indirect light is ideal. In addition, the plant should be sheltered from the wind and warm at 16 to 21 °C. It does not tolerate temperatures below 5 °C. The tropical plant also does well in high humidity.

Incense should be in a bright place [Photo: MasterChefNobu/ Shutterstock.com]

If you want to plant a plume or cockscomb, it is best to use a bucket. So you can bring it into the house when it's cold or put it in a warm place. The sensitive taproot must be treated with particular care so that growth is not inhibited. First, a drainage layer consisting of coarse material is laid before a layer of substrate is filled in. A high-quality, humus-rich substrate such as ours is suitable as soil Plantura organic universal soil. It is equipped with plenty of nutrients and, with its loose structure, offers the fireman optimal growth conditions. The soil must always be kept evenly moist. If the substrate is too dry, premature flowering and a shorter flowering period can occur.

Cockscomb flower in the pot
As a houseplant, the celosia draws everyone’s attention [Photo: Jordi Prat Puig/ Shutterstock.com]

If the smut is to stand outside, it should not be planted until mid-May, since then there is usually no longer any risk of frost. He can't cope with cold temperatures. If the thermometer shows at least 10 °C all day, you can plant the smut outside. A distance of 20 to 25 cm between the plants should be maintained so that they develop well.

Tip: If you move your Celosia from indoors to outdoors in spring, you should slowly acclimate the plant to the new conditions. It is then initially placed in a semi-shady place for only a few hours. Gradually the time is lengthened.

Celosia hibernation
If you plant the cold-sensitive celosia in a pot, you can keep it warm in winter [Photo: Melissa Tate/ Shutterstock.com]

At a glance: Planting Hahnenkamm

  • Location: Bright, with plenty of indirect light, sheltered from the wind and warm at 16 to 21°C
  • Planting in tubs recommended: drainage layer made of coarse material, humus-rich substrate with plenty of nutrients
  • Plant outside: From mid-May at over 10 °C all day long, planting distance of 20 to 25 cm

Proper care of Celosia

A few important steps in Celosie care help ensure that the plant produces magnificent flowers and stays healthy.

The Brandschopf's water requirement is quite high. The substrate should never dry out, but should always be kept evenly moist. Rainwater is ideal as irrigation water, but tap water is also tolerated. Any water that collects in the coaster will be removed after about fifteen minutes.

withered celosia flowers
Withered flowers should be cut out for a longer flowering period [Photo: rainyclub/ Shutterstock.com]

When it comes to fertilizing, the following applies to the brand: less is more. If the Celosia Over-supply with nutrients can affect flower color, among other things. If the Brandschopf is kept in a bucket, it should be fed every four weeks from May to September with an organic liquid fertilizer such as ours Plantura organic indoor and green plant fertilizer be taken care of. Our primarily organic fertilizer not only promotes growth, but also strengthens the roots thanks to the microorganisms it contains.

A pruning is only necessary to a limited extent. The smut does not usually have to be restricted in its growth. However, by cutting out the withered inflorescences, the flowering period can be extended. The flowers are also ideal as cut flowers. For this purpose, the flowers are best harvested when the bud sites are almost fully developed. Then the cut flowers will last longer.

The plume is quite susceptible to an infestation thrips. These suck out the plant sap, resulting in tiny, punctiform brightening on the leaves. If the plant is not airy enough, there is also an infestation by ascomycete fungi of the genus botrytis possible.

Snails on the Celosia: The Celosia is not particularly interesting for snails - if the animals do not find anything better in the area, the leaves of the plume can be nibbled on.

Is the Celosia hardy?

the Celosia is not hardy and must be brought indoors at temperatures below 10 °C. Hibernation is rather unusual and not easy. It is possible to keep the Brandschopf bright and warm all year round and just water it a little more sparingly in winter and not fertilize it. This is best done in a greenhouse with plenty of artificial plant light. However, it is easier to take advantage of the numerous seeds and multiply the plume by sowing so that new plants bloom next year.

Celosia flowers
If the smut is overwintered correctly, it will bloom again next year [Photo: F_studio/ Shutterstock.com]


The smut is propagated by sowing in the spring. First, a container with a drainage layer and growing substrate is prepared. For example, ours is suitable for this Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil, which was specially developed for the cultivation of seeds. Our peat-free soil contains fewer nutrients than our other substrates to encourage root growth. The seeds are then sown individually. Press the smutty seeds only lightly and sprinkle them very finely with sand to weigh the seeds down, because as a light germinator the seeds must not be covered with soil. Optimal conditions are achieved by putting a transparent plastic bag over the pot. At 20 to 22 °C and constant humidity, it takes about two weeks to germinate. A particularly bright place under sunlight promotes development. With increasing growth, the moisture in the soil can be slightly reduced and fertilized a little more. Is the Celosia big enough, it can be repotted. The sensitive root should be treated with particular care.

celosia leaves
When two pairs of leaves have formed, the Celosia can be transplanted [Photo: Ahmad danang/ Shutterstock.com]

Is the plume poisonous?

There Celosiaspecies are not toxic to cats, dogs or humans, the plants can easily be placed in any home. In its countries of origin, Celosie is even used in medicine and in the kitchen.

Similar unusual flowers as the Celosia also forms the blood flower. It can also stand indoors and outdoors. How you die Planting and caring for Bloodflower, we show in our article.