Propagating privet: cuttings, offshoots & Co.

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There are many ways to spread the beautiful privet in the garden. We show how privet can be propagated with cuttings, offshoots and the like.

Young privet plant in the garden
Privet can be propagated quickly and easily without seeds [Photo: Kayumov Ruslan/]

Like so many plants, the liguster (Ligustrum) the ability to reproduce without seeds. And that's actually pretty easy. If you enjoy growing cuttings, sticks and offshoots, then this plant is the right choice for you.

If you want to surround your entire garden with privet, it can quickly become expensive. But luckily there is also a quick and easy method of propagation at home in your own garden. Since privet grows quickly, this option is a good idea. However, an opaque hedge will take time. Alternatively, you can also plant parts of the hedge with bought specimens and occupy less important places with your own offspring.

Propagate privet by cuttings

The privet can be propagated quickly via cuttings. To do this, cut off unwoody young shoots in the spring in a length of about 15 to 20 centimeters. You should now remove all leaves from the lower half of the cutting. You then use this part to stick the shoot into loose soil. Either do this directly in the field or put it in a pot. The cutting should be at least halfway underground. With enough water, the cutting will quickly grow into a young plant. To encourage branching, you can remove the foremost part of the tip. More information about the so-called

vegetative propagation about cuttings see this article.

Budding privet hedge in the sun
You need shoots that are 15 to 20 centimeters long to cut your cuttings [Photo: Vladimir Konstantinov/]

Propagate privet over sticks

Sticks can also be pulled from privet. For this purpose, however, no young shoots are used, but already woody branches. That's why late August is the right time for this. Apart from that, you proceed in a similar way as with cuttings. Cut a 15 cm stick and remove any excess leaves. Now stick the wood about halfway into the ground and press it down lightly. Now all you have to do is water regularly and wait for the plant to develop.

Propagate privet over offshoots

The right time for this measure is in summer. For offshoots or sinkers, however, the mother plant must not be pruned too well. She needs at least one branch long enough to bend down to the ground. If you have such a plant, you can easily score the branch with a sharp and clean knife in the places where it will later touch the ground. Then dig a small hollow in the ground. Instead of planting the offshoot in the ground, you can also do this directly in the pot. Simply place a sufficiently large pot with loose soil under the branch. Once you have dug the hollow, place the branch with the scratched areas in it and cover it with earth. The tip of the shoot is still sticking out at the front. So that the branch does not rise again, but can take root in peace, you can place a sufficiently heavy stone on the heap of earth with the branch underneath. Once the offshoot has grown, you can disconnect from the mother plant.

Summary of privet multiplication:

  • Propagation via cuttings is particularly quick and easy and is done in spring with the help of non-woody shoots
  • Sticks are only cut in late August, since lignified branches are required for this
  • For offshoots or sinkers, bend a sufficiently long shoot to the ground or to a suitable pot and "plant" it, so to speak

Like you young Plant privet correctly, you can find out in this special article.