Mushroom season 2021: are there any mushrooms at the moment?

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Which mushrooms are currently available?

table of contents

  • General mushroom season
  • Which mushrooms are currently available?
  • frequently asked Questions

Champignons and porcini mushrooms are among the most popular mushrooms in Germany. However, more and more people are not buying mushrooms in the supermarket, but collecting them themselves. But are there any mushrooms at the moment? We'll tell you which mushrooms you can currently collect in the mushroom season 2021.

In a nutshell

  • Collecting mushrooms is possible all year round
  • High season in summer and autumn
  • currently mainly chanterelle; Witch bolete; Mushroom; Pearl mushroom

General mushroom season

Mushrooms prefer a warm, humid climate. Therefore, (late) summer and autumn are considered the main season for mushrooms. However, mushrooms can also be found in winter and spring, although the search may take a little longer. If you do find mushrooms, however, you may according to Section 39 BNatSchG only take a small amount for personal use. Besides, it is not allowed to collect all varieties

. Of course, you should also recognize the current types of mushrooms in order to avoid confusion with a poisonous mushroom.

You are also only allowed to collect a small amount of the popular chanterelles.

Note: Virtually every edible mushroom has an inedible or poisonous double. Only take mushrooms with you if you are sure you can recognize the variety or accompany an expert on a mushroom hunt.

Which mushrooms are currently available?

Of course, there is rough information about which mushrooms can be found at which point in time. However, since the growth of the fungus depends heavily on the weather conditions, the actual times differ somewhat. Which mushrooms can actually be found according to the current status can finally be found out by collecting them. To make it easier for you to search for mushrooms, we have put together a table with the latest findings. This allows you to quickly see which mushroom varieties you are currently looking for. The results are sorted by federal state.

Note: As there is unfortunately not currently available information for every federal state, some information is based on information from previous years. You can find outdated dates in brackets. However, it can be assumed that these mushrooms will also be found in the federal states in the mushroom season 2021.

state Current mushrooms
Baden-Wuerttemberg Summer boletus (Boletus reticulatus)
Chanterelles (Cantharellus)
flaky-stalked witch boletus (Neoboletus erythropus)
Pearl mushroom (Amanita rubescens)
Golden boletus (Suillus grevillei)
gray amanita (Amanita excelsa)
Parasol (Macrolepiota procera)
Red-footed boletus (Xerocomellus)
Russula (Russula)
inedible / toxic: Beech forest cupling (Peziza arvernensis); green-leaved sulfur head (Hypholoma fasciculare)
Bavaria Chanterelles
flaky-stalked witch boletus
Berlin Summer bolete (2013)
City mushrooms (Agaricus bitorquis) (2013)
Crested Tintling (Coprinus comatus) (2013)
conditionally edible: Birkenporling (Fomitopsis betulina) (2013); reticulated witch's boletus (Suillellus luridus) (2013)
inedible: schist schillerporling (Inonotus obliquus) (2013)
Brandenburg Chanterelles (2020)
Summer bolete (2020)
Bremen Sulfur pork (Laetiporus sulphureus)
conditionally edible: reticulated witch's boletus
Hamburg Mushroom (2011)
Summer bolete (2012)
Pearl mushroom (2012)
Hesse Poplar Raufuss (Leccinum duriusculum)
Aspen red cap (Leccinum aurantiacum)
Pearl mushroom
Norwayhorn (Morchella elata)
pale chanterelle (Cantharellus pallens)
flaky-stalked witches' bolete
poisonous: Panther mushroom (Amanita pantherina)
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Shield rotling (Entoloma clypeatum)
pale red plum (Entoloma sepium)
Spring fieldling (Agrocybe praecox)
Parrot deafblings (Russula ionochlora)
Pearl mushroom
City mushrooms (Agaricus bitorquis)
flaky-stalked witch boletus
violet lacquer funnel (Laccaria amethystina)
Aspen red cap
Summer boletus
poisonous: Crack fungi (inocybe); Carbolic mushrooms (Agaricus xanthodermus)
Lower Saxony Sulfur porling
conditionally edible: reticulated witch bolete
North Rhine-Westphalia Norway morels
Rhineland-Palatinate Sheep mushroom (Agaricus arvensis)
flaky-stemmed witch's bolete
Pearl mushroom
Carnation Swindling (Marasmius oreades)
gray amanita
conditionally edible: reticulated witch bolete
poisonous: green-leaved sulfur head; Carbolic mushrooms
Saarland Chanterelles (2018)
Deafblings (2018)
Rotfußröhrling (2018)
Schwefelporling (2018)
Summer bolete (2018)
Saxony much discolouring birch mushroom (Leccinum variicolor)
Saxony-Anhalt Lady Deaf (Russula cyanoxantha) (2020)
Red-footed Bolete (2020)
Norwayhorn (2019)
Pearl mushroom (2019)
conditionally edible: reticulated witch bolete (2020)
Schleswig-Holstein Chanterelles (2012)
Mushrooms (2012)
Summer bolete (2012)
Thuringia flaky-stemmed witch's bolete
Sulfur porling
inedible: high ribbed goblet lobules (Helvella acetabulum); Spring pit laurel (Helvella sulcata)

Depending on the region, you may still find the following mushrooms at the moment:

  • May mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)
  • Black-brown mugling (Peziza badia)
  • Pine cone turnip (Strobilurus stephanocystis)
  • Roof mushrooms (Pluteus)
  • Sea morels (Morchella esculenta)
  • Southern arable (Cyclocybe cylindracea)
  • Inedible: Giant Mugling (Peziza varia)
  • Toxic: daffodil yellow amanita (Amanita gemmata); yellow cap mushroom (Amanita citrina)
Edible morels on meadow
With a bit of luck, you can still find edible morels at the moment.

Tip: Never collect all mushrooms that are in one place. This will allow the remaining mushrooms to multiply. The likelihood that you will find mushrooms in the same place again next mushroom season is then greater.

frequently asked Questions

Why do some mushrooms grow earlier in some federal states than in others?

That has less to do with the state and more to do with the weather. Mushrooms grow when the weather conditions are suitable. The weather, on the other hand, is not the same in all of Germany, but varies. The soil and general environmental conditions also play a role. Therefore, mushrooms appear earlier in some regions than in others.

How do I pick mushrooms?

You will need a basket and a knife. In no case do not use plastic bags, the mushrooms will go bad there very quickly. Turn the mushrooms out of the bottom or cut them off at the bottom with a knife. Fill in the holes with leaves or soil.

What to do if I have eaten poisonous / inedible mushrooms?

As soon as you experience symptoms of poisoning, you should see a doctor, hospital, or poison control center immediately. These can help you and prevent serious problems.