Plants against mosquitoes: natural mosquito repellent

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What's that buzzing? Bees, flies or bumblebees: With these ten plants in the garden, it is definitely not a mosquito.

mosquito on leaf
Some plants kill mosquitoes all by themselves [Photo: phol20/]

A mild summer night, a beautiful garden and a cozy spot on the terrace. It could be so beautiful. But unfortunately little bloodsuckers spoil us like mosquitoes I like the beautiful summer evenings. But instead of resorting to chemicals or fleeing into the house, you can easily and naturally drive away the stinging pests. Some plants naturally scare away mosquitoes with their smell. These ten plants are special mosquito repellents - that's why we like them even more.


  • 1. basil
  • 2. Lemon monard
  • 3. catnip
  • 4. lemongrass
  • 5. tomato
  • 6. lavender
  • 7. garlic
  • 8. lemon balm
  • 9. walnut
  • 10. rosemary

1. basil

basil is not only a must in the kitchen: the Mediterranean herb also keeps annoying mosquitoes at bay. The reason for this is its essential oils, which not only delight the palate, but also exude a smell that mosquitoes cannot stand. So don't banish the basil to the herb bed, but give it a place of honor on the terrace. It will thank you with a mosquito-free summer.

basil leaves on wood
Mosquitoes don't like basil's essential oils [Photo: mama_mia/]

2. Lemon monard

The lemon monard is a subspecies of Indian nettle and is not only characterized by its colorful flowers. In English, the plant is called "Bee Balm" (bee balm), which probably goes back to its attractive effect on bumblebees, bees and other beneficial insects. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, do not like the lemony smell of the plant at all and make a long way around the flower bed. As a result, the colorful flower not only creates a beautiful atmosphere - it also ensures that it is not disturbed by biting mosquitoes.

Lemon monard pink in the garden
The lemon monard attracts bees and repels mosquitoes [Photo: Anna Gratys/]

3. catnip

A feast for cats, a horror for mosquitoes - catnip is also a good protection against nasty mosquitoes. While one of their essential oils called nepetalactone attracts cats, bees, and bumblebees, it will avoided by mosquitoes and is considered ten times more potent than the most popular chemical mosquito repellent DEET. So the green plant pays off not only for cat lovers.

Catnip purple garden
Catnip is stronger than chemical mosquito repellents [Photo: Sleepyhobbit/]

4. lemongrass

We love lemons - but mosquitoes really don't like the fresh scent of the tropical fruit. No wonder, then, that the bloodsuckers also smell the intense scent of the lemongrass avoid. The effect is particularly intense if you cut up the lemongrass or grind it in a mortar - that Leaking oil is the real reason for the deterrent effect and fills the whole room with its fresh smell a.

lemongrass garden green
Lemongrass is the classic mosquito repellant [Photo: Dory F/]

5. tomato

Who would have thought? The tomato is not only a popular plant for the vegetable garden and a delicious ingredient for the kitchen - the plant also drives away almost all annoying insects with its intense smell. In order to optimally develop the effect, the tomatoes should not be spread out in the garden, but in pots in the place where they are supposed to protect. So you can not only enjoy the evening in a relaxed manner, but also pick a small snack from the tree every now and then.

Tomatoes in the garden
Even the intense smell of tomato is not for mosquitoes [Photo: Thammanoon Khamchalee/]

6. lavender

lavender not only helps against bad sleep and moths in the closet - its strong smell also drives mosquitoes away. The sensual scent is extremely pleasant for many people and the purple flowers are not to be scoffed at as a decorative element in the garden. Since the effect is mainly caused by the essential oils of lavender, lavender oil is not only an insider tip for efficient mosquito protection, but also replaces that Perfume.

Lavender with butterfly
Particularly fragrant mosquito repellent: lavender [Photo: masajla/]

7. garlic

Old legends say that garlic is an effective remedy against vampires. Even if protection from vampires sounds ridiculous today, there was a bit of truth hidden in the legend. The little blood-sucking relatives of vampires, also known as mosquitoes, hate garlic just like the famous fantasy figure and stay away from the bulbs whenever possible. Therefore, garlic is not only useful in the kitchen, but also an insider tip against mosquitoes.

garlic on wood organic material
Garlic is the insider tip against mosquitoes [Photo: spicyPXL/]

8. lemon balm

The fresh smell of lemon balm is appreciated by many people. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, can't stand the smell and prefer to stay away from the lemon balm. If you also want to be protected from mosquitoes outside of your garden, you can also crush the lemon balm and apply it to the uncovered parts of the body. But lemon balm is not only useful as a mosquito repellent: the green leaves are also used as a medicinal plant and in the kitchen.

Lemon Balm Garden
Lemon balm not only helps against mosquitoes in the garden [Photo: Melica/]

9. walnut

People recognized early on that walnut tree has a deterrent effect on all kinds of insects. It used to be customary to plant the walnut tree next to the dung heap, as it drives away mosquitoes, bluebottles and horseflies. The essential oils of the tree are true guarantors for a mosquito-free zone. The walnut collects additional plus points in autumn: In addition to relaxing rest in the evening, the walnut also provides delicious nuts to nibble on.

walnut tree
A walnut tree also drives away other annoying insects [Photo: fotomirk/]

10. rosemary

rosemary is not only a delicious spice for potatoes and meat - the Mediterranean shrub also contains a large amount of essential oils and is therefore a real miracle weapon against annoying bloodsuckers. In addition, the rosemary is extremely easy to care for and robust, which makes it a perfect match for the herb bed. If you want to increase its effect, you can also use a little trick: a grid over a Placed in a lantern, the oils of the rosemary evaporate and spread even further - so mosquitoes don't stand a chance more.

Rosemary herb sprig in green garden
Rosemary is a particularly low-maintenance herb in the fight against mosquitoes [Photo: freedomnaruk/]

It is not only mosquitoes that we perceive as a nuisance, wasps can also be very annoying for us in the summer months. which Plants against wasps really help, we have put together in this article.

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