Hepatica: flowering time, location & care

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With its blue flowers, the liverwort catches the eye in the still barren spring landscape. We present the most beautiful varieties and give tips on location and care.

flowering liverworts
Hepatica usually glows blue or purple [Photo: Montypeter/ Shutterstock.com]

In addition to the native liverwort (Hepatica nobilis) there are other types and varieties in a wide variety of colors. We will briefly present the most beautiful variants and show you what should be considered when caring for liverworts.


  • Hepatica profile: flowering time, origin and properties
  • The most beautiful types and varieties of liverworts
  • Plant liverworts: location, soil and co.
  • Hepatica care: This is important to note
    • Water the liverworts properly
    • Fertilize liverworts
    • Cut and overwinter
  • Propagating liverworts
  • Are liverworts poisonous?
  • effect and use

Hepatica profile: flowering time, origin and properties

The liverworts (hepatica) belong to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and are widespread throughout Europe. As is typical for all buttercup plants, the liverwort is slightly poisonous. The plant used to be assigned to the genus of anemones, at that time it was also known as

Anemone hepatica famous. Nowadays, however, this name is no longer valid.

Hepaticas bloom from mid-February to April, making them early bloomers that sprout from the ground while many other plants are still dormant. Like most early bloomers, including, for example, the well-known wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa) belongs, the liverwort is a spring geophyte. As such, it has subterranean renewal buds that help it sprout right after the cold season, when enough light still falls on the ground through the bare trees.

Hepatica in the snow
hepatica sprouts when it is still too cold for most other plants [Photo: Yana Ermakova/ Shutterstock.com]

The liverworts, which are up to 15 cm high, are usually found in sparse deciduous forests on calcareous subsoil, but the small perennial is also becoming increasingly popular in the garden. The petals glow blue-violet and are a real eye-catcher together with the white-red stamens. Some varieties also have white or pink flowers. If the liverwort multiplies by self-sowing, veritable carpets of flowers can develop. Hepaticas not only delight us humans, but also numerous insects that can use their pollen.

The most beautiful types and varieties of liverworts

In addition to the common or three-lobed liverwort (Hepatica nobilis) and the Transylvanian liverwort (Hepatica transsilvanica) there are still a few hepatica varieties and varieties in different colors, but by no means all of them are used in gardens.

Hepatica nobilis: The common liverwort, which can also be found in some sparse deciduous forests, has blue-violet flowers, rarely pink or white. It has five to ten petals, but mostly six. The leaves are entire and three-lobed.

purple liverwort flower
Hepatica nobilis is a species native to us [Photo: Iva Vagnerova/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica transsilvanica: In contrast to the common liverwort, the Transylvanian liverwort has a notched leaf edge. The stamens are also blue. This species is mainly distributed in Romania and is not found in our forests.

Leaves of the Transylvanian Hepatica
The Transylvanian Hepatica has different foliage than the Common Hepatica [Photo: Viktor Loki/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica nobilis 'Alba': A garden variety with white flowers is the cultivar Hepatica nobilis 'Alba'. It is therefore also called white-flowering liverwort.

white liverwort
The white-flowered hepatica variety 'Alba' [Photo: Natali22206/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica nobilis ‘Rubra Plena’: This variety has pink, double flowers that appear particularly gorgeous and are very eye-catching.

pink liverwort
The magnificent flowers of Hepatica nobilis ‘Rubra Plena’ [Photo: Natali22206/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica nobilis 'Pink Forest': The pink flowers of this variety are not double, but resemble the flowers of the common liverwort in shape.

Hepatica with pink flowers
Also shines with pink flowers Hepatica nobilis ‘Pink Forest’ [Photo: Runja/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica nobilis var. pyreneica: This variety is also known as Pyrenean Hepatica and, as the name suggests, is found in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. In addition to the pale violet flowers, the mottled leaves are particularly striking.

Plant liverworts: location, soil and co.

The blue liverwort grows mainly in sparse forests in the shade of the trees. It loves warmth and prefers calcareous, loamy soils. If you want to plant liverworts in the garden, you can use the natural forest location as a guide.

Like most early bloomers, hepatica is best planted in the fall between September and October. Sowing should also take place in autumn, as it is a cold germ. This means that exposure to a longer cold period is necessary for the seed to germinate. The location should be semi-shady, as the liverwort grows in the forest, but sprout there before the trees have formed any leaves. The perennial prefers a nutrient-rich, loamy and humus-rich soil with a neutral to alkaline pH range. Lime can be helpful if the soil is too acidic. The ideal location is permeable and always fresh or moist in the cooler months without waterlogging. The liverwort can also be kept in the balcony box or pot. The larger the planter, the more impressive the flowering splendor of the liverwort will be in the end.
Ours, for example, is a suitable high-quality substrate Plantura organic potting soil, which does not require peat and thus makes a contribution to climate protection. The minerals it contains promote soil life and flower formation. The mixture contains crushed expanded clay to maintain high structural stability, while compost ensures a long-term basic supply of essential nutrients.

Since the liverwort does not grow particularly large, large planting distances do not have to be maintained. You can plant the plants in small or large groups of 10 to 20 specimens. If you want the liverwort to spread, there should be enough space in the area for offspring.

Tip: If the liverwort is planted under deciduous trees, falling leaves can simply be left lying around. These protect the delicate plants from drying out and the cold.

blue liverworts in the forest
Hepatica feels most comfortable in light deciduous forests [Photo: LifeCollectionPhotography/ Shutterstock.com]

Hepatica care: This is important to note

The liverwort is a fairly undemanding plant that does not require much care in the right location.

Water the liverworts properly

The liverwort needs water mainly from autumn to spring. Most of the time, however, the necessary water requirement is already provided by the rain. Foliage will appear after flowering, so after flowering the soil should continue to be kept moist. Liming: The liverwort prefers a neutral to alkaline location. Since many substrates and garden soils tend to be slightly acidic, occasional liming is recommended. Lime increases the pH of the soil to give liverworts an optimal location. However, one should be careful not to lime too much. The amount to be used varies depending on the initial condition of the soil and the form of lime.

Fertilize liverworts

Fertilization is recommended, especially in spring, to ensure a small growth spurt. The fertilizer should not be worked into the soil, as the liverwort is quite sensitive to disturbances in the root area. Fertilization is recommended every two weeks from March, especially when kept in pots, so that the nutrient-consuming plant is adequately supplied. In order not to disturb the liverwort here either, it is best to use an organic liquid fertilizer, for example ours Plantura organic flower & balcony fertilizer, be used. This not only ensures beautiful flowers and strong root growth, but also protects the environment with its natural and animal-free ingredients. The application of nettle manure is also suitable for the plants in the bed.

Flower carpet of liverworts
If there is enough space, carpets of flowers can form [Photo: Natalia Kazarina/ Shutterstock.com]

Cut and overwinter

The liverwort is hardy and does not need pruning. However, if you keep the plant in a pot, you should leave the pot in the pot for a long time Place in a sheltered place during periods of frost, as the pot does not have sufficient protection from the cold can offer. As it is a native wild perennial, a rather cold overwintering in a shed or garage is much healthier for the plant than overwintering indoors.

Tip: Hepaticas are very sensitive to disturbance and do not like transplanting. If you decide to move the plant, it will take a few years for it to recover.

Propagating liverworts

In favorable locations, liverworts multiply independently with the help of ants. If you still want to lend a hand yourself, you can sow seeds or divide the plants. However, since the liverwort does not tolerate any disturbance, it can happen that the plant does not sprout again after division.

Bee on Hepatica
Insects also enjoy the pretty perennials [Photo: IJPhoto/ Shutterstock.com]

If you want to sow, you can either use purchased seeds or collect the liverwort seeds from the plants yourself. Seed ripening takes place after the flowering period, i.e. between May and June. After the harvest, the seed should then be spread on potting soil, lightly pressed and moistened. The seeds can then hibernate in a sheltered place to finally sprout in spring. Since liverworts are about cold germinator are, they absolutely need wintry temperatures to break the dormancy, i.e. to enable germination.

Are liverworts poisonous?

Like all buttercups, hepatica is mildly toxic to both humans and animals. Therefore, gloves should be worn when coming into contact with the plant to be on the safe side, or you should wash your hands thoroughly after working with the plants.

blue liverworts
The early bloomer may not be collected in nature in Germany [Photo: lola_art/ Shutterstock.com]

effect and use

The name "liverwort" refers on the one hand to the shape of the petals, which are supposed to be reminiscent of our human liver. On the other hand, the plant was also used in the past to cure liver problems. When dried, the plant loses its toxicity and a decoction can be made with white wine, which is said to help against indigestion and cystitis, among other things. Such use of the plant should be discussed with a doctor beforehand to be on the safe side. Since the liverwort may not be picked or dug up according to the Federal Species Protection Act, only specimens from your own garden may be used for this purpose.

You can read more about early bloomers in our article on the snowdrop. There we give helpful tips for planting.

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