Snails in the raised bed: what really helps?

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Once they find a way in, slugs can do a lot of damage in raised beds. But it is possible to protect the raised bed from snails with very simple means.

Snails from a raised bed on a shovel
These guests don't like to be seen in the raised bed [Photo: epixproductions/]

A raised bed makes it harder for snails to get to your plants. However, if no additional measures are taken, snails cannot be prevented from attacking your vegetables. In this article you will find out how they get into the bed and how you can protect your raised bed from snails.


  • How do snails get into the raised bed?
  • Raised bed snail protection: Protect raised beds from slugs
  • Control: What helps against snails in raised beds?
    • Slug pellets against slugs in raised beds
    • Home remedies against snails in raised beds

How do snails get into the raised bed?

You might think a raised bed would be a good way to grow your vegetables out of the reach of snails, but they don't stop at steep walls either. If the raised bed is made of wooden boards, then it is easy for the small animals to climb up it. If a few snails have already found their way into the raised bed, then there is also the possibility that they have laid their eggs in the ground and soon there will be more offspring on your plants falls. However, it should be noted that not all snails are after your fresh greens. About the different

Types of snails in the garden, such as the tiger slug, where, among other things, snail eggs in the raised bed are on the menu, you can find out more in our separate article.

snail eggs
The tiger slug on the right preys on the snail eggs [Photo: Tomas Vynikal/]

Raised bed snail protection: Protect raised beds from slugs

Various measures can be taken to protect a raised bed from snails. An effective defense against snails can already be planned for the raised bed when it is created. For example, a bent metal sheet can be attached to the upper edge as a finish. This acts as snail fence on the raised bed and can also be a real eye-catcher when installed properly. The snails are prevented from climbing up by simply falling down when crossing the goal.

Another option is to attach a copper strip to the raised bed. This is often recommended against snails, but its effectiveness was proven in experiments with slugs (Arion rufus) cannot be confirmed. The situation is different when using electric snail fences with copper electrodes: at a voltage of 10 volts, these fended off practically all snails interested in the bait. However, if there is tall grass or other tall growth next to the raised bed, the snails may be able to bypass the barriers.

Plants against snails
In fact, there are also plants that have a deterrent effect on snails and can provide shelter for beloved vegetables by planting around them. Examples include savory (Satureja) and thyme (thymus). In our special article Plants against snails we will introduce you to some other suitable plants and explain how you can even use them to make a snail deterrent broth.

Snail climbs up raised bed
An overhanging frame makes it difficult for the snails to cross [Photo: Art_Pictures/]

Control: What helps against snails in raised beds?

If it is already too late for preventive measures and the snails are already in the raised bed, then you have to resort to other methods. Basically, it is recommended to collect the snails by hand as part of an evening or morning routine. In addition, the plants can do even more Protection from snails be offered.

Barriers in the raised bed
Here, for example, individual snail collars can be placed around the plants or snail barriers made of sheep's wool can be laid out. The sheep's wool makes it more difficult for the snail to move because it has to produce extra mucus in order to move forward on the porous, uneven material.

Snail collars around salads
Snail collars come in a variety of materials and protect individual plants [Photo: ChameleonsEye/]

Avoid mulching
Mulch material, such as boards or stones, is often used by slugs as a hiding place, as moisture and warmth are retained there. Therefore, mulching should generally be avoided in the case of snail infestation.

keep ground clear
With regular hoeing and weed removal, you can help ensure that the snails no longer feel at home in the raised bed, since fine-grained, weed-free soil can dry out more quickly. In addition, when chopping, the eggs may also be destroyed at the same time. But you can also try to place a hiding place, such as a board, in the raised bed and turn it over during your regular inspections and collect the snails.

Herbal snail barrier
A natural snail barrier made from herbs in a raised bed [Photo: Stanley Dullea/]

Slug pellets against slugs in raised beds

Spreading slug pellets in raised beds is also an option. However, it is important to ensure that you only use products with active ingredients that are as environmentally friendly as possible. In addition to conventional products, there are also slug pellets that work with iron-III-phosphate and are approved for organic cultivation. Our Plantura organic slug pellets with the naturally occurring active ingredient ferric phosphate causes the snails to stop immediately to eat, retreat to their hiding places without much mucus formation and finally there die. Our product is gentle on pets and beneficial insects and is also particularly reliable thanks to its rain resistance.

Notice: Of course, the slug pellets should not be eaten by animals or children.

If you choose this method, you have to be aware that the remedy works on all snails. The useful tiger slugs or house snails such as edible snails would also have to die when used. Therefore, the application is not permitted if these snails are also in your bed.

Home remedies against snails in raised beds

Probably the best known snail trap is the beer trap, which we would rather advise against as it may be more or less effective, but also represents a strong lure and thus only more snails find their way into the raised bed will. Better methods would be, for example, collected Coffee grounds against snails to scatter or to build a snail trap yourself. For instructions on how to do this and more information, see our related article.

Another effective method, particularly useful for animal lovers, is to Ducks versus snails to use. Everything you need to know about it is covered in our article.

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