Beetroot varieties: new & tried and tested varieties

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We show the best traditional and new varieties of beetroot. Seeds and seeds of these varieties can be obtained on the Internet.

harvested beetroot
Beetroot is an easy crop that easily produces good yields [Photo: Ulada/]

In the beginning, the hobby gardener has to decide whether to choose one of the well-established varieties or rather a variety that belongs to the newer breeds. In general, you start in April with the germination of the beetroot and from May you can start planting outdoors. Depending on the variety, you can expect a rich beetroot harvest for several months. As said, when exactly you should harvest depends on the exact strain. It is therefore advisable to take a look at the purchased seed bag or at our article Portrait of beetroot to stop by. For the hobby gardener who wants to grow the red tuber on the balcony or terrace, we still have it here A tip: The special "Baby Beets" are extra small breeds that also do well on a smaller cultivation area succeed.

Beetroot seedlings
Small beetroot seedlings [Photo: ROMAN DZIUBALO/]

A very unusual Bete variety, the Bete 'Rainbow Mix', is in ours Plantura vegetable growing set contain. This set also contains seeds for four more bute vegetables as well as all the materials you need to Sowing Vegetable Seeds Need - Growing pot, substrate, plant labels and a reusable mini greenhouse.

Beetroot seeds can be purchased from a specialist garden retailer or online from us. The varieties have differences in size, shape, colour, yield and ripening time. Here we have compiled some popular varieties for you:

Proven garden varieties:

  • Egyptian flat round: well-established variety; cultivation since the 19th century century extremely popular.
  • Albina Verduna: ivory beetroot, large fruit and very sweet; taste is reminiscent of sugar beets.
  • avalanches: white skin and flesh with clearly visible rings; mild taste.
  • Boldor F1: very productive; Yellowish flesh and orange peel; very mild in taste and sweeter than most red-fleshed varieties.
  • Boro F1: high yield and long storage; very robust, plump, fresh beetroot in a dark red colour.
  • Chioggia: colourful, inner rings in white and red; especially pretty in salads.
  • crapaudine: good for pickling; lush, pointed and long tubers; white-red inner rings.
  • rainbow: great mix of different varieties in one seed bag; recommended for a colorful bed.
  • red ball: spherical beetroot with deep red and very tender flesh; good yield and long storage.

Varieties for the terrace or balcony:

  • Monalisa: wonderful taste; ripe very early.
  • Monica: beautiful, plump beets with red flesh; no separation necessary.
  • Pablo: dainty, rounded turnips; juicy, red flesh; ripe very early.

Other varieties of beetroot

Cultivation of beetroot
The beetroot is growing rapidly [Photo: Real Moment/]
  • Cylindra: medium length beetroot with a cylindrical shape and deep red flesh. Usually no ringing visible; particularly productive and versatile.
  • Detroit 2: spherical, low in nitrate and good storage variety; Beet Detroit 2 has deep red flesh.
  • Egitto Migliorata: Italian early-ripening variety with smaller beets. Shape is roundish-flat with a red-purple flesh. In Italy, Egitto Migliorata is particularly appreciated for its mild and good taste.
  • formanova: long, cylindrical beets with dark red, ringless flesh; red-leaved variety that develops the main part of the beet above ground.
  • Forono: long, cylindrical beets with red flesh; when sowing correctly, only a little needs to be isolated; well suited for cutting even slices; very rich.
  • Golden burpees: small rounded turnip with yellow flesh (curled) and intensely orange skin. Very productive, quite sweet and particularly popular in the kitchen because Golden Burpees do not "bleed" when cut.
  • Golden: less sweet than Albina Verduna but more aromatic. Golden flesh and orange peel.
  • Hullahoop: Mixture of different colored varieties in one seed bag; yellow (Burpees Golden), red (Subeto, Bulls Blood) and white (Albina Vereduna) varieties are mostly included. Ideal for anyone who likes variety.
  • Moulin Rouge: mononuclear variety that does not need to be singulated after sowing; spherical and deep red beets.
  • Taunus (F1): Beetroot with a deep red color and a cylindrical shape. Ideal for cooking, as the Taunus variety can be cut into even slices. There are special "leaf beds" for salads, which are mainly cultivated for their leaves.
  • MacGregor's Favorite, Lutz Green Leaf, Bull's Blood: If you pick the leaves carefully, the plants will still produce large and tasty beets.

After the variety selection is before planting. All you for Beetroot cultivation need to know, refer to this article.

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