Fertilize fig tree: tips on timing & fertilizer

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In order for a fig tree in the garden to bear fruit, it should also be optimally supplied with nutrients. Here you can find out everything about fertilizing fig trees.

Fig trees in the greenhouse
Proper care is critical to a bountiful harvest [Photo: Mohd Hafizan bin Ilias/ Shutterstock.com]

fig trees (Ficus carica) are becoming more popular from year to year - also among hobby gardeners in our latitudes. The easy-care plant normally makes hardly any demands on its location, except for the temperatures in winter. Fertilization is therefore not absolutely necessary. For a high yield of sweet figs, however, fertilizer can be useful. We will show you how and with what you can best fertilize your fig tree.

Even with a fully grown fig tree you should fertilize well dosed and pay attention to the right type of fertilizer. For the right supply of the plant for fruit formation, the point in time is also crucial. We'll show you the best way to fertilize your fig tree.

Fertilize fig tree: the right time

Basically, when it comes to fertilization, it is important to differentiate between cultivation outdoors and in containers. Free-growing fig trees require significantly less nutrients from external sources, so a spring fertilizer application is sufficient. If necessary in summer, you can also fertilize again to provide enough nutrients while the fruit is ripening. Note: Due to the hibernation of the plant, free-standing figs are no longer fertilized between October and March.

Fig Tree Sunset Italy
Fig trees exude Mediterranean flair [Photo: Cogi66/ Shutterstock.com]

Fertilize fig trees: organic or mineral?

Free-growing fig trees stand with their roots in the open ground - so it must be remembered that mineral fertilizers continue to be washed out and are not necessarily described as environmentally friendly can become. For this reason, the use of organic fertilizers such as compost, horse manure or biological fertilizers is a good idea. Compost in particular must be worked properly into the soil. But the effort is worth it, as the plant is supplied in the longer term (especially with phosphorus).

Properly fertilize the fig tree as a houseplant

If you have a potted fig instead of a free-standing fig, fertilization will behave a little differently due to the limited soil volume. After the basic fertilization in the spring, you should feed your fig tree every two weeks organic fertilizer such as the Plantura organic fertilizers supply. Depending on the size of your plant, it is also worth adding fresh soil to the planter in spring. After harvesting the figs in late summer, you can gradually reduce fertilization. If you put your figs in a cool but frost-free place in winter, you should take a break from fertilizing until next spring at the latest.

In addition to fertilizing is also that Pruning fig trees important for a good harvest. We have put together a guide with helpful tips for you.