Summer pruning on the apple tree: the 7 rules

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Summer pruning on the apple tree: the 7 rules - cover picture

table of contents

  • Apple tree summer pruning: 7 rules
  • time
  • Tools and utensils
  • Thin out
  • Remove strong shoots
  • Summer crack
  • Thin out fruits
  • Water
  • frequently asked Questions

The Juniknip is essential for healthy apple trees and a rich harvest. There are a few rules that you need to follow when making summer pruning on the apple tree. You will find 7 rules for cutting in this guide.

In a nutshell

  • in July or August
  • Use garden shears or loppers
  • from the outside to the inside
  • Cut off problematic shoots
  • Tear off water bullets

Apple tree summer pruning: 7 rules


The timing is an important point of the summer cut. The main purpose of the pruning is to improve fruit ripeness and maintain the vitality of the tree. Ideally, the cut should be made in the following months:

  • July
  • August
Apple tree cut

Never prune before the end of June, as new shoots have not yet finished forming by then. That said, you'd have to do another cut to cut those shoots, which would weaken the apple tree significantly. In addition to the period, you should make sure to choose a suitable day for the summer cut that offers the right conditions:

  • dry
  • slightly cloudy
  • not at lunchtime

Tools and utensils

Various tools and utensils are necessary for the summer pruning measures so that shoots and branches can be removed as precisely as possible. The right secateurs are particularly important. The following types are suitable:

  • thin branches: anvil secateurs
  • thick branches: secateurs (with or without telescopic pole)
  • optional: pruning saw

There are also various aids that make the cut easier:

  • working gloves
  • ladder
  • optional: container for tree pruning
Apple tree summer pruning

Note: Make sure that she sharpen all cutting tools before useen and disinfect. This will prevent possible injuries and infections.

Thin out

When thinning, you need to be careful to remove enough material to make the crown as loose as possible. Always work from the outside in for this. Cut off the corresponding shoots and branches directly on the wood. Remove shoots with the following characteristics:

  • perpendicular
  • cross
  • inside
  • close together
  • without flowers or fruits
  • kinked
  • dead
  • ill
  • dried out

Note: If your apple trees have a certain shape, freshen them up. The Juniknip is ideal for this measure.

Remove strong shoots

This rule only applies to Apple varieties with slow or weak growth. Since they do not develop new shoots as quickly as other varieties, individual branches often grow stronger. If so, you will need to remove these instead of the thinner branches. The thinner shoots produce more fruit because they take longer to become woody.

Summer crack

In the case of a summer crack, you do not need to use tools and simply tear off the corresponding shoots. In contrast to the cut, the sores heal much faster after the summer crack, which has a positive effect on the vitality of the tree. However, this method is only suitable for certain shoots:

  • annual
  • slim
  • growing vertically
  • Water shoots
Summer cut

Thin out fruits

Don't forget to thin out the fruit when you are growing apple trees for the apples. If you reduce the number of apples on the tree, more energy can be put into fruiting. This has a positive effect on the taste, health and quality of the apples. Thin out as follows:

  • beginning of July
  • Reduce the fruit cluster to 1 or 2 apples
  • cut off at the branch or shoot


Do not forget to water the apple tree thoroughly after cutting. Since an ideally dry day is chosen for the summer pruning, the trees are thirstier than usual afterwards. The pruning measures ensure a high loss of energy and additional watering supports regeneration. Just be careful not to put the trees under water, especially if it is potted fruit.

frequently asked Questions

Why does the cut reduce susceptibility to disease?

Since the crown is thinned out by the cut, more fresh air gets to the leaves, buds and fruits. As a result, the treetop dries much faster, which means that fungi cannot spread and possible infections. At the same time, fruits inside the crown ripen better because they get more sunlight.

How is the cutting waste disposed of?

Depending on the amount of tree cuttings, you can dispose of it on the compost, the recycling yard or in containers. Chopped up it is suitable for compost. You can also use the individual waste as layer material for raised beds. Large branches or trunks must be handed in or professionally disposed of. The clippings do not belong in the organic or residual waste.

Are special care measures necessary after the cut?

No, after the Juniknip you simply continue with the normal maintenance measures that are due over the growing season. The use of special wound closure agents is not possible after the summer pruning and can even restrict the regeneration of the apple trees. Often not enough oxygen reaches the interfaces.