Pointed cabbage: an overview of old and new varieties

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We show the three pointed cabbage varieties: As a hobby gardener, you are spoiled for choice, whether you choose well-tried or more productive new breeds.

pointed cabbage in the vegetable patch
Pointed cabbage: The name says it all [Photo: Carsten Medom Madsen/ Shutterstock.com]

Pointed cabbage varieties differ mainly in sowing and harvesting times, size and color. Here we have a few well-known varieties of Plantura Pointed cabbage listed for you:

  • Caraflex tolerant (F1): Tapered variety with medium heads between 1-2 kg head weight; aromatic taste; Suitable for both raw food and cooking.
  • firstborn: Rapidly growing; good to plant in spring; The first is usually preferred and planted outdoors from March. Ready for harvest from the end of May.
  • Calibos: hybrid of pointed and Red cabbage; nicely colored red-purple and loosely packed heads; the approx. 1 kg heavy heads are ready for harvest in September or October, depending on sowing; storage is only possible to a limited extent.

Our note: The three varieties above should not be confused with the lilac herb variety from Swabia, which belongs to white cabbage but has a pointed shape.

Cultivation differs from white cabbage only in the sowing and harvesting season. For all other aspects we would like to refer to our Portrait of the white cabbage.

I studied horticulture and am a real village kid. I grow herbs, sweet fruit and vegetables, using only organic products. In addition to my love of nature, I love to cook - preferably with fresh vegetables from my garden, of course.
Favorite fruit: elder and raspberries
Favorite vegetables: black cabbage, artichokes and asparagus

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