Cime di rapa: Cultivation & care of the cabbage

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The Italian kale is a relatively unknown but fast-growing vegetable. We give tips on growing and using Cima di rapa.

stem cabbage
Cima de rape is known to us as stalk cabbage and forms broccoli-like flowers [Photo: anna.q/]

cima or Cime di rapa (Brassica rapa var. cymosa) is called stem cabbage in German. It is a type of cabbage from the Brassicaceae family, which is particularly popular in Italy, Spain and Portugal. This has been on for a few years broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italiana) reminiscent vegetables are also increasingly being grown in the USA and Germany.


  • Cime di rapa: origin and characteristics
  • The best varieties
  • Growing Cime di rapa: sowing and planting
  • The right care
  • Harvesting and storage of the stem cabbage
  • Prepare and use cime di rapa

Cime di rapa: origin and characteristics

The stem cabbage originally comes from southern Italy, probably from the regions of Apulia and Campania. The stalk cabbage, also known as broccoletto, rapini, rappa, raab, grelo or asparagus broccoli, is considered a further development of field cabbage (

Brassica campestris), which grows wild as a weed. As an annual plant, Cima di rapa quickly grows to a height of 50 to 80 cm. The grass-green, strong stems are covered with leaves and numerous small inflorescences reminiscent of broccoli. The cabbage blooms about 40 to 80 days after sowing and then opens the bright yellow, four-petaled flowers.

Cime di Rapa flowers
The annual Cima di rapa forms several side shoots with tasty inflorescences [Photo: littlenySTOCK/]

The best varieties

Cabbage seeds are rarely available in garden shops. With a bit of luck, however, in specialty nurseries you will like deaflora or at Italian seed dealers, like the company franchise find it. We present the best varieties of Cima di rapa.

  • 'Cinquantina': Medium early ripening variety that can be harvested after 50 days. It has a good aroma and bears large leaves and inflorescences.
  • 'Grande Fasano': A cabbage variety that grows to a height of around 50 cm and is ready to harvest after just 40 days, making it one of the early varieties. The variety produces particularly large inflorescences.
  • 'mass frese': Italian variety with thick stems and a high proportion of leaves. It can be harvested after 50 days, before the buds are fully developed.
  • Novantina: Italian kale with a medium-early ripening time and a very intense taste. It can be harvested after 45-50 days (although "Novantina" means ninety).
  • 'quarantine': Easy-care, large-leaved variety that can be harvested after 35-40 days because it flowers very early. Several side buds with flowers can be harvested per plant. Plants of this variety reach a height of approx. 40 cm.
  • 'Riccia San Marzano': Columns of medium maturity, which can be harvested after about 45 days. It forms curled leaves and is thus an attractive vegetable plant in the bed.
  • sessantina: Medium late variety with a rather thick stem and a slightly bitter taste. It is one of the medium to late ripening varieties and is harvested after about 60 days.
Column cultivation
Cima di rapa is cultivated in spring or autumn in order to harvest as few woody plants as possible [Photo: Michele Ursi/]

Growing Cime di rapa: sowing and planting

Since the delicate stalks and flowers of the Cima di rapa quickly become tough and hard in the heat, it is worthwhile only growing kale in spring and late summer to autumn. The optimal location for sowing cabbage is on nutrient-rich soil in sunny to semi-shady locations. Since the seedlings develop extremely quickly, they are sown directly on the spot. The planting distance is approx. 10 to 20 cm and 40 cm between rows. The seeds of Cima di rapa should be planted between April and May or Sow about 2 cm deep into the ground in August to September. At temperatures above 15 °C, the cabbage usually germinates after 7 to 10 days. You can also grow the Broccoletto in a pot or window box. A high-quality potting soil like ours Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil is ideal for the cultivation of Cima di rapa. It is pre-fertilized and provides the fast-growing cabbage with all the essential nutrients right from the start.

The right care

Cabbage grows quickly and is ready to harvest after five to eight weeks, depending on the variety. Between sowing and harvesting, removing unwanted weeds is one of the most important care measures. With a hoe, the soil can be loosened once or twice during the growth phase and the weeds can be removed. Depending on the weather, the stem cabbage needs additional irrigation despite its origin from the Mediterranean region. Because the soil moisture accelerates growth, promotes flowering and reduces the premature lignification of the shoots.

Typical diseases and pests: Cime di rapa is generally considered to be more robust than other types of cabbage. However, it can also be infected by typical cabbage pests such as cabbage fly (delia), Cabbage White (Pieris) and flea beetles(Psylliodes) are affected. Is the soil with the fungus the Clubroot(Plasmodiophora brassicae) loaded, the roots of Cime di rapa can also suffer from it. At the same location, stem cabbage should therefore only be grown every 4 - 5 years. A balanced one mixed culture with other species can deter various pests.

ripe Cime di Rapa
When harvesting kale, the entire plant is dug up and served as an accompaniment to various dishes [Photo: KC Melete/]

Harvesting and storage of the stem cabbage

Cabbage is harvested whole just before the flower buds open, as the stalks are particularly juicy at this time. Everything about the plant is used: the mild flowers, the crunchy stems and the leaves, which taste strongly of cabbage. Depending on the planting time and variety, you can harvest from June or between September and December. Cime di rapa can be kept fresh for about a week if wrapped in a cool, dark and moist place or in the refrigerator. You should only ever harvest as much as you can use directly. Alternatively, the leaves and inflorescences of kale in particular can be frozen and stored for many months. Outdoors, the kale keeps well at the beginning of winter and easily endures light night frosts.

Prepare and use cime di rapa

Cime di rapa is rich in vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances such as the antibacterial mustard oils. It has a mild to intensely aromatic, partly slightly bitter taste depending on the variety and is considered to be very low in calories with around 30 kcal per 100 g. The taste forms a good contrast to hearty pasta or grilled meat, which is why the kale is often served in recipes as a side dish or ingredient in sauces. The mild flowers soften the strong cabbage flavor of the leaves and should therefore be processed as well. The kale should only be blanched or steamed briefly to preserve the health-promoting ingredients. You can also eat kale raw in a salad, similar to arugula (Eruca sativa), process. Blanched briefly and then seared for a minute, it can be enjoyed as a lukewarm salad with anchovy vinaigrette. Alternatively, after blanching, you can serve it with a little salt, balsamic vinegar and plenty of olive oil as an accompaniment to various dishes. Tasty pesto and spreads can also be made from kale.

Preparation of Cime di Rapa
A typical recipe for cima di rapa is the combination with orecchiette pasta as a green sauce [Photo: noemi_lightshadow/]

Are kale healthy? In addition to potassium, cime di rapa primarily contains calcium, folic acid, various B vitamins and a high vitamin C content. The low calorie count and antimicrobial mustard oils are also a major contributor to collards being considered a healthy vegetable.

The variety of the popular winter vegetable cabbage is great. In this article we have listed the most important ones for you Varieties and species of cabbage summarized.