Coriander: varieties, taste and uses

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Coriander is versatile and is considered one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world. We give tips on the choice of variety and use of the herb.

Coriander not only has a fabulous aroma, the flower also enhances your bed visually [Photo: SakSa/]

The real coriander is a well-known and widely used herb all over the world. We introduce you to the best types of coriander and give tips on how to use them.


  • Coriander: origin and properties
  • The most aromatic coriander types and varieties
  • How does coriander taste?
  • Is cilantro healthy?
  • Use of coriander
    • Use coriander seeds
    • Use cilantro
    • coriander flowers
  • Substitute for coriander

Coriander: origin and properties

The real coriander (Coriandrum sativum) belongs to the umbelliferae family (Apiaceae) and is therefore closely related to anise (Pimpinella anisum), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and Caraway seed (Carum carvi) related. It is also known as Asian parsley. Due to the unpleasant smell of the fresh, not yet dried seeds, which is reminiscent of the secretion of bugs, coriander is also known as bug herb. The real coriander has been used as a spice and medicinal plant for thousands of years. The feathered herb is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit traditions and also in early Bible texts. In the course of excavations, coriander seeds were already found in Tutankhamun's tomb. It can be assumed that the annual herb has its origins in the Mediterranean region.

Coriander is an annual, not frost hardy, up to 70 cm high and strongly branched plant with pinnate foliage similar to flat leaf parsley. The umbeled, white to pale pink flowers of the coriander appear from June to August - they have significantly larger petals on the outside than in the center of the umbel. The flowers attract numerous insects. After pollination, peppercorn-sized, hemispherical, light brown fruits form. From September, the coriander fruits can be harvested and dried as a spice.

white coriander petals
The outer petals of coriander are enlarged and colored white or pink [Photo: Le Do/]

What is the difference between cilantro and parsley? Parsley and coriander are closely related. The biggest difference between coriander and parsley is the taste, with coriander having a much stronger, earthy-cumin-like pungent aroma with orange-like nuances.

The most aromatic coriander types and varieties

To the genus of coriander coriander There are only three species in total, with only real coriander being grown commercially. Some varieties of cilantro have been specifically bred with a focus on flavor or seed size:

  • 'Indian Coriander': Annual coriander up to 70 cm with elongated seeds and a sweeter aroma than many other varieties. Important ingredient for the garam masala spice mixture.
  • Jantar': Nutty-tasting coriander with very shiny leaves and quite small, but extremely aromatic seeds. Both the foliage and fresh and dried seeds can be used.
  • Thuringian‘: Old, traditional German variety with good seed formation. The plants reach a height of about 40 cm.

In addition to the dried or ground fruits, coriander greens can also be used in the kitchen. While the seeds taste spicy and woody, the coriander leaves have a strong, earthy-spicy aroma. There are now varieties on the market that have been specially bred for their suitability as leaf coriander.

  • caribbean‘: Coriander with a particularly high yield of leaves and a growth height of 40 to 60 cm.
  • confetti': Coriander with finely divided, dill-like foliage and sweeter flavor than many other cultivars.
  • 'Dwarf Lemon': Compact growing coriander variety up to 30 cm with a lemony aroma.
  • marino': Coriander with strong leaf growth and spicy taste.
Vietnamese coriander
Vietnamese coriander is a perennial alternative to coriander [Photo: ntdanai/]

The Mexican coriander (eryngiumfetidum) is also known as long coriander and also belongs to the umbelliferae family, but to a different genus than real coriander. The elongated, toothed leaves on the plants, which are up to 30 cm high, have a strong coriander aroma. The Vietnamese coriander (Persicaria odorata) is similar in scent and taste, but belongs to the knotweed family (Polygonaceae) and is therefore not related to real coriander. However, the Vietnamese coriander has a clear advantage over the bugweed: it is perennial and more robust to cool temperatures, but should overwinter indoors.

Once you have decided on a suitable variety, you will find important tips in our special article plants of coriander.

How does coriander taste?

With the ripening and drying of the coriander seeds after harvesting, the characteristic spicy-earthy, cumin-like aroma with a light orange peel note develops. The leaves of the coriander, which can also be used as a spice, have a rather spicy-hot peppery to bitter taste. Opinions are divided on the palatability of coriander leaves: For some, coriander green tastes soapy and unpleasant, which is probably genetic.

Is cilantro healthy?

Coriander is a healthy herb that also stimulates digestion. The many essential oils it contains, such as coriandrol, geraniol and myrcene, can have an antibacterial effect. Coriander greens contain numerous vitamins as well as iron and higher amounts of potassium.

coriander seeds and oil
Coriander has a long tradition in cooking and as a medicinal plant [Photo: Halil ibrahim mescioglu/]

Use of coriander

Coriander can be used in many different ways because all parts of the plant are edible. In Thailand, even the roots are used in various dishes. Coriander is harvested in summer, first for the leaves and flowers and then for the seeds in autumn. In our special article you will find detailed instructions Harvesting and preserving coriander.

Use coriander seeds

The essential oils for the taste of the coriander seeds are partly formed only when the seeds dry. That is why post-harvest drying is extremely important for a full aroma. Ground coriander seeds are used, for example, in Frankfurter sausages, cheese or baked goods as well as spice mixtures for gingerbread, curries or spirits such as Carmelite Spirit.

As a medicinal plant, real coriander has been used since time immemorial for loss of appetite, colds, joint pain and migraines. For flatulence and other gastrointestinal complaints, the seeds are crushed and infused hot as coriander tea administered, whereby the beneficial effect of coriander in indigestion and to relieve cramps is lower as at fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and cumin. The real coriander is also known as a dizzy seed, since the seeds can trigger intoxication when consumed excessively. In addition, the oil extracted from the seeds is used as a fragrance in the perfume industry.

Use cilantro

Coriander leaves are used fresh in many Indian, Asian and South American dishes. In a traditional Spanish garlic sauce, mojo verde, the coriander leaves provide the green color.

Coriander leaves lie on a table
The coriander leaves should be used as fresh as possible, as they only keep for a few days [Photo: KatyaPulina/]

coriander flowers

In addition to the leaves and fruits, the flowers of the coriander are also edible and also have the typical aroma of the herb. They can also be used as a tasty decoration.

Substitute for coriander

Coriander can be replaced by a mixture of milder-tasting parsley, tarragon (Artemisiadracunculus) and cumin can be substituted if the taste is not well tolerated.

In order to get a good yield of coriander greens or the aromatic seeds, the optimum Caring for the cilantro be respected.

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