Mango: Calories & Nutritional Values ​​of the Healthy Fruit

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Whether in a fruit salad or to refine Asian dishes - the mango is a hit in terms of taste. You can find everything about their calorie content and nutritional values ​​here.

Mango fruits in a bowl
The exotic fruit is becoming more and more popular with us [Photo: pilipphoto/]

Native to India, the mango (Mangifera indica) has also found its way onto our local supermarket shelves. The exotic, sweet fruit is not only a real export hit because of its taste. The Indian population even ascribes special healing powers to it - no wonder that mangoes are becoming increasingly popular here too. Whether freshly prepared in a fruit salad, cooked in Asian dishes or in the dried version as chips - the mango offers numerous possible variations. And luckily you don't have to pay dearly for the aromatic taste. In fact, the mango is considered to be extremely healthy and contains numerous valuable nutrients and vitamins. Find out everything you need to know about the nutritional values ​​and calorie content of mangoes now.


  • How many calories are in mangoes?
  • Which valuable vitamins are contained in mangoes?
  • How healthy is the mango?
  • use of the mango

How many calories are in mangoes?

Admittedly, when it comes to calories, the mango isn't exactly the most figure-friendly fruit. With a calorie content of almost 60 kilocalories per 100 grams, a whole mango (250 grams) is around 150 kcal - so you can still enjoy it without hesitation. The reason mangoes have more calories than other fruits is because of their sugar content, which is around 12 grams per 100 grams of pulp. This is particularly evident in the form of mango dried fruit: since the fruit is 80% water consists, 100 grams of the sweet mango chips from which the water has been removed contain a whopping 290 kilocalories. However, both the fructose content and the number of calories in mangoes are not unusually high for a fruit. at grapes (Vitis vinifera) and figs (Ficus carica) the fructose content is significantly higher, for example.

Nutritional table for mangoes
The reason for the slightly higher calorie content is their sugar content

Which valuable vitamins are contained in mangoes?

Even if the sugar content of the mango is relatively high, the sweet fruit is still very healthy. The high nutritional value of the mango is mainly due to its numerous vitamins and minerals. The proportion of vitamin C and provitamin A in the mango is particularly high, but vitamin E and some B vitamins, such as folic acid, are also found in the mango.

First and foremost, the active ingredient beta-carotene - also known as provitamin A - ensures that the mango is considered extremely healthy. As a precursor of vitamin A, it plays an important role in cell renewal in the skin and in maintaining the body's natural defences. But beta-carotene is also particularly important for the health of our eyes - in fact, a carotene deficiency can even lead to so-called night blindness. With a content of between three and ten milligrams per 100 grams, the mango is one of the fruits richest in beta carotene. The amount of provitamin contained, and therefore also the nutritional value of the mango, increases as the fruit ripens.

In addition to the beta-carotene, numerous other vitamins ensure the high nutritional value of the fruit. The content of vitamin C, which plays an important role in the immune system, is also particularly high. The concentration in the mango reaches similarly high values ​​as in the citrus fruits, which are particularly rich in vitamin C. However, the vitamin C content decreases in the course of the ripening process, so that it is highest in half-ripe fruits.

Information about the nutritional values ​​of the mango
The mango is simply a hit in terms of taste

How healthy is the mango?

The mango is considered to be particularly healthy, which is mainly due to its high vitamin content. But their low acidity and some secondary plant substances also ensure that the mango is extremely digestible. In addition, the fruit is full of minerals: potassium, copper, magnesium and calcium are just a few of the essential bulk and trace elements that the healthy mango has in store for us. As a particularly interesting ingredient, however, mangiferin must be mentioned, a secondary plant substance that occurs in the fruit. In some studies, this has shown a particularly high antioxidant effect and is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect.

use of the mango

Mangoes shine above all with their particularly aromatic taste and their juicy flesh. The mango can be eaten both when ripe and half-ripe. The taste is most intense when the mango is fully ripe. You can tell from various signs whether this has already been achieved: the skin gives way when you press your fingers and smells particularly intensely of mango. The mango is particularly popular when eaten raw, but it also tastes good warmed up in hearty curries or mango chutney. As mango juice, in smoothies or in the form of lassis, an Indian yoghurt drink, the mango is also a convincing sweet drink. If you have overripe mangoes, they are particularly suitable for pureeing - for example for making mango jam.

But the mango is not only good to use in the kitchen: you can use one too Plant mango seeds and grow a mango as a houseplant this way.

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