Cutting dragon tree: timing & procedure

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If the dragon tree loses its shape, it is time for a pruning, just like when you want to propagate it. We show what has to be considered.

Close up of dragon tree sprout at cutting point
You can prune your dragon tree without any problems [Photo: Wikamol D/]

Basically comes a dragon tree (dracaena) even without a regular cut. If you no longer like the branching, there will be more dry or wilted leaves down or your darling simply outgrows you, you can use it without any problems cut back. We explain what you have to consider when pruning a dragon tree.


  • Dragon tree: when to cut?
  • Prune and propagate dragon tree
  • Cutting the dragon tree: Instructions in 4 steps

Dragon tree: when to cut?

The best time to prune a dragon tree is early spring. Your dragon tree is then just before the phase of greatest growth and has sufficient strength to sprout again quickly after the pruning measure. In this way, the biomass lost through the cut can be quickly compensated. Basically, a cut can also be carried out at any other time of the year if it is the circumstances demand - but then it can take much longer with the new, branching shoots last.

Dragon tree in the garden
The best time to prune a dragon tree is early spring [Photo: Colin Jackson/]

Prune and propagate dragon tree

Another purpose that can be fulfilled by pruning the dragon tree is its propagation via cuttings. The dragon tree cuttings can be obtained using several methods. For one, you can take cuttings directly from the stem of the dracaena cut, on the other hand also remove so-called crown cuttings from the shoots.

How to proceed: Cut 15 to 20 cm long pieces from the trunk of your dragon tree, or separate them Completely separate the crown shoots from the plant and clip them on both sides, leaving a straight end arises.

Dragon tree sprout on the trunk
Cuttings can be taken directly from the trunk of the dragon tree [Photo: ezphoto/]

One third of the freshly cut cuttings are placed in a pot with a permeable substrate, which is explicitly suitable for the propagation of cuttings. A high quality substrate like our Plantura Organic herbal & seed soil protects the growth from fungal attack and death. The original growth direction of the shoot must be taken into account - what was once up must also be up in the cuttings. This is the only way that new growth can take place in the right direction. Thoroughly and thoroughly moisten the plant substrate immediately after sticking the cuttings so that there is a good water supply.

Attention: Be sure to use containers with drainage holes for propagating cuttings, so that the excess water that accumulates when watering through can drain off.

Dragon tree sprout in pot
With the cuttings, the original growth direction of the shoot must be taken into account [Photo: Prapatip/]

After planting the cuttings in the well-moistened soil, cover the pot with perforated foil and place in a warm, sunny spot. Rooting is accelerated by the higher temperatures under the foil. After three to four weeks, your dragon tree cuttings should be rooted enough to be ready to be transplanted into a larger container. It is best to use a more nutrient-rich soil such as our peat-free Plantura Organic universal soil.

Notice: Alternatively, you can root the cuttings in water. However, care should be taken when repotting your dragon tree, as the newly pulled roots can break off very quickly.

Close-up dragon tree
A dragon tree can be cut off at almost any point [Photo: TippyTortue/]

Cutting the dragon tree: Instructions in 4 steps

A dragon tree is extremely robust and very willing to sprout again after it has been cut. Therefore, the dragon tree can be cut off at almost any point without endangering the survival of the plant. We provide step-by-step instructions on how to proceed correctly.

  1. Choose a spot where you want to prune your dragon tree. As previously mentioned, you can dracaena Prune almost all parts of the tree. The more shoots remain after pruning, the stronger the branching and the more new shoots will form.
  2. Use a sharp knife or fine saw to get a smooth cut surface.
    Caution: Do not use blunt rosette scissors or similar. The dragon tree must not be crushed.
  3. Seal the interface with wax to prevent unnecessary evaporation and to create a barrier to pathogens.
  4. Finally, place your dragon tree in a warm, sunny spot to support growth so the cut biomass can be quickly compensated.
Drauchenbaum sprout on branch
When cutting, the dragon tree must not be crushed [Photo: Christopher PB/]