Effectively combat powdery mildew on zucchini

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Zucchini plants attacked by downy or powdery mildew? This is how you fight the pathogen quickly and effectively, whether with home remedies or sprays.

Powdery mildew zucchini leaf
Even the courgettes are not spared from powdery mildew [Photo: Maya DumatCC BY 2.0]

Unfortunately, zucchini and other cucurbits are all too readily attacked by powdery mildew and downy mildew. In most cases, however, direct combat is no longer useful. You can find out why this is the case here, along with other interesting tips on the subject of powdery mildew and zucchini.

Fighting powdery mildew on zucchini is often superfluous

Zucchini plants actually belong in every vegetable garden in the summer season, because the easy-to-cultivate plant can easily provide a whole family with delicious fruit. The plant only needs a sunny location and a good supply of nutrients. Sometimes, however, the harvest happiness is abruptly interrupted in late summer. The leaves of the zucchini get a whitish-grey coating like a cobweb and after a few weeks the leaves have dried up and the plant gradually dies. In most cases, this is powdery mildew or downy mildew. At this point, however, the pathogen should no longer be fought. The days will soon be too cold for the courgettes to be able to continue to produce beautiful fruit. By the way, you can safely eat the still growing fruits of an infested plant. Powdery mildew does not produce any toxic substances. Care should only be taken to thoroughly clean the fruit, as the adherent fungal spores can cause allergies

Home remedies also help with powdery mildew and downy mildew

If a young zucchini plant is attacked by mildew fungi in late spring or early summer, you should act quickly. Regular checking of the leaves is important so that powdery mildew or downy mildew can be combated effectively. At the first sign of a white or gray lawn, the pathogen should be treated immediately with biological preparations. First, you can try to combat it with home remedies such as milk and baking soda. If you have decided to do this, you will find further tips such as the right ratio of milk and water for the spray mixture in our powdery mildew main article. If you want quick control success, then we can recommend the preparation Fungisan rose and vegetable fungus-free. The natural spray from Neudorff also helps with other fungal diseases and is therefore a real all-rounder! Just three days after the spraying, the vegetables from the treated plants can be eaten again without hesitation. As with many other plant species, there are varieties of zucchini that are tolerant of powdery mildew. The following have proven to be tolerant varieties: Anissa F1, Diamant F1, Soleil, Mastil F1 and Leila F1. In addition to the choice of variety, the location also decides on a powdery mildew outbreak. In general, sunny and airy locations are good for avoiding mildew infestation. Keep in mind, however, that the courgettes do not like locations that are too airy. Another common mistake is planting zucchini too close together. A well cared for plant can easily take up more than a square meter. Planting distances of 100 cm are therefore not uncommon. Due to the large distance, the zucchini leaves can dry faster and the fungal spores of the mildew can germinate much more difficult.

The following products have proven themselves in our garden:

  • NEUDORFF Compo Ortiva special fungus-free: Environmentally friendly spray against many fungal diseases that is not harmful to bees
  • Zucchini “Mastil”: F1 hybrid with natural resistance to powdery mildew
  • Zucchini “Diamond”: F1 hybrid with natural resistance to powdery mildew

More information on combating Powdery and downy mildew can be found in this special article.