Plants for the balcony: our top 15

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Who needs a garden? Certainly not these fifteen plants, because they can also be grown on the balcony without any problems.

Herbs and vegetables in pots on a balcony railing
Many plants can be grown on the balcony, including herbs and vegetables. [Photo: Franz Peter Rudolf/]

Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a garden, but luckily, gardening is something you have to do still don't do without it: Because if you have a balcony, you can have your own green paradise here create. Many flowering beauties, vegetables, berries and even some trees can be grown here without any problems, turning the balcony into a small garden. You can find out here which plants are particularly suitable for the balcony.


  • 15. goldmarie
  • 14. sage
  • 13. tomato
  • 12. olive tree
  • 11. bluebell
  • 10. thyme
  • 9. raspberries
  • 8. crying heart
  • 7. potatoes
  • 6. fuchsia
  • 5. clematis
  • 4. radish
  • 3. lavender
  • 2. checkerberry
  • 1. strawberry

Whether it's a pretty ornamental plant or a practical vegetable - there are a variety of plants that also thrive on the balcony. Here you will find an overview of the plants that definitely deserve a place on your balcony.

15. goldmarie

Radiant flower colors on the balcony definitely promises goldmarie (Bidens ferulifolia). With its bright golden yellow flowers, the plant is a real eye-catcher that competes with the sun to sparkle. In addition, the Goldmarie also enchants your nose with her honey-sweet scent. At the same time, the flower impresses with its easy-care nature and rapid growth - it transforms the empty balcony into a blooming paradise in no time at all.

A field full of yellow gold maria
The Goldmarie brings radiant color to the balcony. [Photo: Photo Agency Zoonar GmbH/]

14. sage

Already since ancient times sage (Salvia officinalis) one popular medicinal plant and even today the subshrub is still very popular. But it's not just its healing properties that make sage so popular - the plant also cuts a fine figure as a spice for meat, fish and game. Sage thrives just as well on the balcony as it does in beds, as long as it is in a warm and sunny location.

Sage in a pot on a balcony
Sage also thrives on the balcony. [Photo: Massimo Parisi/]

13. tomato

It's not just in the garden tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) a true classic – also the Tomato cultivation on the balcony works wonderfully. A south-facing balcony is best for this, because the tomato is a real sun worshiper. In addition, the bucket in which you want to plant the tomato should hold at least ten liters. If you keep these points in mind, you will soon be able to eat fresh tomatoes right on your own balcony. A little tip: Although all tomato varieties can be grown on the balcony, bush tomatoes are best suited because they grow quite low and compact.

Small tomatoes in pots on a balcony
The tomato feels particularly at home on the south-facing balcony. [Photo: vaivirga/]

12. olive tree

Admittedly, with a height of up to 1.5 m is a olive tree (Olea europaea) only suitable for larger balconies. But do you have room for one? Olive tree in a pot, you will not regret it. With its smooth, silvery bark and silver-green leaves, the tree is a real beauty and brings a Mediterranean ambience to every balcony. In addition, self-fertile varieties delight their owners with delicious olives every year. In order for the olive tree to feel comfortable, it needs a warm and sunny place (for example on a south-facing balcony). In addition, the trees should not be exposed to frost and prefer to spend the winter indoors.

An olive tree and other plants on a sunny balcony
The olive tree is only suitable for larger balconies. [Photo: Ania K/]

11. bluebell

Almost all bluebells (campanula) the end. But the variety in this plant genus is unbelievable: it includes almost 3000 species - from the only 10 cm tall dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochleariifolia) to the 2 m large umbel bellflower (Campanula lactiflora). For the balcony, the carpet bellflower (Campanula portenschlagia) proven - this not only forms a beautiful violet-blue carpet of flowers, but is also hardy down to -20 °C.

A bush of purple bluebells
With their flower color, the bluebells look fairytale. [Photo: Scisetti Alfio/]

10. thyme

The provides an aromatic scent on the balcony thyme (Thymus vulgaris) with ease. Like most Mediterranean herbs, it can easily grow on a balcony as long as it gets a sunny spot. But finding a place for it is definitely worth it: thyme not only tastes fantastically delicious in Mediterranean dishes and also with meat and fish, but you can also use the Medicinal plant thyme also prepare cold-relieving teas. In summer, thyme also impresses with its beautiful purple flowers.

thyme sprigs
Thyme provides an aromatic scent on the balcony. [Photo: EQRoy/]

9. raspberries

Usually we know raspberries (Rubus idaeus) only from the garden, after all the plant needs a lot of space and develops a row of roots. Fortunately, if you don't want to do without the sweet berries, you can special raspberry varieties resort: These balcony raspberries grow very compactly and are therefore perfect for growing in pots. So-called two-timer varieties are particularly recommended: These can be harvested twice a year.

Raspberries on a thin branch
Balcony raspberries need little space because they grow very compact. [Photo: pixularium/]

8. crying heart

Are normal flowers too boring for you? Then try this bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) the end. The perennial perennial impresses with its extravagant flower shape, which really reminds of a heart with a teardrop on it. The Bleeding Heart is also an impressive eye-catcher on the balcony, which also enchants dark corners with its colors - in contrast to many other flowers, the Bleeding Heart is namely a shade plant.

Bleeding Heart Blossoms on a branch
The Bleeding Heart impresses with its extravagant flower shape. [Photo: SNEHIT/]

7. potatoes

That potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) can only be grown in the garden is a common misconception - in fact, the plants can also be cultivated on the balcony. The right growing container is particularly important here, because the potato needs enough space to form many tubers. A homemade potato pot or that Planting the potato in a soil bag are ideal for growing potatoes on the balcony. Almost all of them are suitable for growing in pots potato varieties, but the 'Blue Anneliese' and 'linda'.

Plants in potato sacks
With such potato sacks, cultivation is also possible on the balcony [Photo: Angela Lock/]

6. fuchsia

Not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with a sunny balcony. If you still don't want to do without beautiful flowers, you should get the fuchsia (fuchsia) take a closer look. The fuchsia actually feels most comfortable in (partial) shade and is considered to be extremely easy to care for and robust. With its two-tone flowers that it thanks to many varieties in all sorts of color variations, the fuchsia also enchants shady balconies and is rightly considered one of the most popular potted plants of all.

A fuchsia in a pot with pink-purple flowers
The imposing fuchsia likes it shady. [Photo: Natashka-mamashka/]

5. clematis

Disdainful balcony railings made of metal usually don't look particularly decorative. Luckily she can clematis (clematis) change this. as climbing plant the clematis, as the clematis is also called, aims high and covers the railing in no time. Both many varieties of clematis there is not only something for every garden, with its dense leaves and bright flowers it also forms a great privacy screen. But not only people find the beautiful flowers of the clematis great - beneficial organisms such as bees and butterflies also love the flower.

Clematis with pink flowers
The clematis forms a decorative privacy screen. [Photo: Anna Tkach/]

4. radish

If you want to plant vegetables on the balcony for the first time, you should definitely do that radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) take a closer look: The radish is easy to care for and also suitable for beginners easily in a pot or flower box plant. You can plant the healthy root again and again throughout the summer and then enjoy it fresh from the balcony.

Radishes in a pot
Radishes are perfect for beginners. [Photo: cha_cha/]

3. lavender

A real all-rounder on the balcony is the lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Lavender is well-known for its purple flowers and its intense aroma. But the plant can do much more than just look and smell nice. as Lavender has medicinal plants a calming effect and helps to fall asleep. Nasty insects don't like the smell at all - Lavender therefore acts as a mosquito repellent and also keeps annoying moths away. But lavender is not to be scoffed at in the kitchen either: only a few people know that lavender can be used to refine both desserts and savory dishes. Our Plantura Organic universal fertilizer provides your lavender with the necessary nutrients.

Plantura universal fertilizer with lavender against a black background
Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer ensures healthy plants on your balcony.

2. checkerberry

While most balconies shine with beautiful flowers and plants in summer, many lack any leaf decoration in winter. But that doesn't have to be the case: Even in winter you can decorate your balcony with plants checkerberry (Gaultheria procumbens) beautify. Already in the spring, the cloudberry with its white-pink flowers is a real ornament and also attracts many beneficial insects. However, it only shows its full potential in autumn and winter: Red, aromatic, fragrant fruits and partly bronze-red foliage transform the plant into a real eye-catcher.

Red berries with green leaves
The cloudberry beautifies the balcony even in the cold season. [Photo: Photo Agency Zoonar GmbH/]

1. strawberry

What would a summer be without strawberries (Fragaria)? Of course, our favorite berries should not be missing on the balcony, because they taste best when you eat them straight from the plant. Luckily you can Growing strawberries on the balcony too: Many plants feel just as comfortable in balcony boxes as in beds, as long as they get enough sunlight. hanging strawberry varieties can also be planted wonderfully in a hanging basket - so they take up less space. If you have almost no space on the balcony and still don't want to do without the delicious berries, you can Also grow strawberries vertically. This not only saves space, but also looks great.

Strawberries in a pot in the sun
The sweet strawberry needs a lot of light: ideal for the balcony. [Photo: Maljalen/]