Lilies: everything to buy, plant & care for

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Lilies are among the oldest ornamental plants. We have summarized everything important from purchase to planting and care for you.

Lilies flowers in the bed
Lilies are among the oldest and most magnificent ornamental plants [Photo: vitasunny/]

The genus of lilies (Lilium) is one of the most splendid among the flowering plants. Depending on the species, their elegant flowers appear from June to the first frost. The most famous of the species is the Madonna lily with its pure white petals. But with 150 species and 2000 varieties, lilies have much more to offer than the symbolic white lily flower. In the right location and with a little care, lilies come up with an unprecedented variety of flower colors and shapes.


  • Lilies: characteristics and origin
  • Lilies: The most beautiful and popular species
    • Hardy Lilies
  • Buying lilies: guides and sources of supply
  • Planting Lilies: Expert Tips
    • Planting lilies: The perfect location
    • Planting lilies: when and how to do it
    • Plant lilies in pots
  • Multiplying lilies: instructions
  • care for lilies
    • Water and fertilize lilies
    • Caring for lilies in pots
  • Successfully wintering lilies
    • Lilies after winter

Lilies: characteristics and origin

lilies (Lilium) are a genus within the lily family (Liliaceae). Perennial plants have a bulb as their outlasting organ. The lily retreats into this in autumn in order to survive the winter unscathed. The bulbous plants with the eye-catching flowers have their origin in the Himalayas. From here they have colonized areas in temperate and subtropical zones throughout the northern hemisphere. Its main distribution area is in China and Japan. Here the lily is still used today as a medicine and food. All parts of most types of lilies are edible, except for the stem. In Europe, too, especially in the Balkans and Caucasus, there are native species such as the Madonna lily (Lilium candidum) or the Turk's cap lily (Lilium martagon). In ancient Greece, the Madonna lily was the flower of Hera, one of the twelve Olympian deities and at the same time the wife and sister of Zeus. The lily is said to have been formed from milk spilled while Hera was nursing Hercules. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was so envious of the flower's purity that she shaped the lily's pistil like a donkey's phallus. In Christian symbolism, too, the lily is associated with purity because of its white flowers.

Madonna lily lilium candidum
The symbolic Madonna lilies are particularly widespread [Photo: alybaba/]

Lilies: The most beautiful and popular species

Not all lilies have white petals like the Madonna lilies. Within the 150 lily species there are representatives whose fragrant flowers shine in white, greenish, yellow, orange or reddish to purple colors. Most of the inner bracts have brown to pink spots. The diversity does not end with the flower colors. The flowers can be trumpet-shaped, bowl-shaped, occasionally tubular or cup-shaped or almost closed. There are also so-called Turk's cap lilies, where the flower resembles a turban. The flowers are arranged singly or in groups in umbels or racemes. A few particularly beautiful species with example varieties are:

Tiger Lily 'Flore Pleno': Flowering period: July - August; Growth height over 1 m.

Oriental Lily 'Scheherazade': Flowering period: May - September; Growth height over 1.5 m.

Trumpet Lily 'African Queen': Flowering period: July - August; Growth height over 1 m.

Hardy Lilies

Some types of lilies are hardy with us with a simple winter protection, if it does not snow or rain permanently. Most lilies sold as hardy in the trade belong to the Asian hybrids. The varieties have many star-shaped flowers that transform your garden into a sea of ​​blossoms from June to July. The plants reach heights of up to one meter and prefer a sunny to partially shaded location with fresh, humus-rich and well-drained soil. The varieties 'Netty's Pride', 'Grand Cru' and 'Mapira' are particularly robust. More hardy as well as particularly beautiful lily species and the ideal lilies for pot cultivation can be found in this article.

Netty's Pride Lily purple white
The 'Netty's Pride' lily has distinctive white tips [Photo: Jiab Ja/]

Buying lilies: guides and sources of supply

Since lilies have very sensitive bulbs, it is important to assess the seedlings. Look closely at the onions before you buy them. But not only the general condition of the onion should be right. The genus Lilium has 150 species, which differ in their requirements for location, winter hardiness and growth height. You should avoid impulse purchases. It is better to take the time to determine the location of your lily beforehand and, above all, to adapt the selected species and variety to it. There is guaranteed to be a lily that is perfect for you. You might even find your dream lily by browsing one of the dealer and breeder websites we recommend:

  • Lily Ark
  • Hide Flowerbulbs

More advice and the main questions to ask yourself before lily purchase can be found in our special article.

Planting Lilies: Expert Tips

Enjoying the splendor of lilies in your own garden or in a pot on the balcony is not as difficult as the later imposing sight might suggest. Simply planted in the bed or in the pot, lily bulbs or pre-grown plants will quickly bring you the long-awaited dream of flowers. The only thing to consider is when, where and how the lilies are planted.

Planting lilies: The perfect location

Lilies need a sunny spot where they can let their flowers bathe in the sun while keeping their roots in the cool shade. Therefore, they enjoy the shade provided by low companion plants. Large lily species such as panther (Lilium pardalinum) or tree lilies make an excellent background planting in perennial beds. Here they are best placed between simple bed partners. A mulch layer made of compost or bark humus is an alternative. But lilies don't just need shady roots to thrive:

  • Location: Sunny to semi-shade; cool with light shade
  • Soil: Loose, permeable, moist, humic
  • Soil pH: Slightly alkaline or slightly acidic
Pink-flowered lilies
The roots of the lilies like to stay in the shade [Photo: Lovelyday Vandy/]

The bulbous plants rot quickly when waterlogged. Therefore, lay out a drainage layer when planting and mix up too heavy, loamy soil by mixing sand or gravel into the soil. The information on soil and location is very general. In particular, the requirements with regard to soil pH differ greatly from species to species. For example, martagon lilies prefer calcareous soil, while the wild American species require calcareous soil. When purchasing a bulb or a preferred lily, it is best to always ask about the exact type and variety so that you can respond accordingly to the needs of the plant.

Planting lilies: when and how to do it

Lilies can start with you as bulbs or come to you as a preferred plant. We have already covered how to plant bulbs in the section "Propagating lilies: instructions". Early plants are planted in the bed from mid-May. It is best to lay out a drainage layer at the bottom of the planting hole here as well.

Plant lilies in pots

Small varieties such as 'Apricot Fudge' or 'Mona Lisa' are suitable for pot culture. These look particularly beautiful when planted as a group with a planting distance of about 10 cm in a nice, large pot. However, it cannot be just any pot. The ideal home for this pretty bulbous plant looks like this:

  • Minimum diameter: 15 cm
  • Minimum height: 20 cm
  • Pot with drainage hole
  • Substrate: Potting soil (slightly sandy, humic and nutritious)

Put the pot with your lily in a bright, sheltered place where the lily is not exposed to the blazing midday sun. The potted lilies not only look good on the balcony, they also leave a lasting impression in the living room. Lilies have no place in cat households. If the house tiger nibbles on the plant, this can lead to kidney failure. In our article “Lilies: poisonous or not?” learn more about it.

Orange lily flower in pot
Lilies can also be planted in pots [Photo: Irina Mos/]

Multiplying lilies: instructions

There are two ways to propagate lilies. In the case of generative propagation via seeds, two specimens are usually required. Because lilies are mostly cross-pollinators. After the flowers have been pollinated, capsule fruits are formed that can be harvested in autumn. The seeds contained are stored in the dark in the refrigerator until sowing. In the case of species with delayed germination, the seeds must be stored for at least a year until they are capable of germination. From January to the end of February, the harvested or purchased seeds are then sown. Lilies are propagated from seed as follows:

  • Soak seeds in water for 1 to 3 days
  • Sow about 1 cm deep in the seed tray (dark germ)
  • Temperature: 15 - 20 °C
  • Always keep soil moist
  • Germination time: up to 1 year
  • May: Plant out the young plants
Lily seeds in lily
This is what lily seeds look like [Photo: Scott Prokop/]

The bought, dried seeds have to swell in the water a little longer. One day should be enough for the seeds from the fridge. Keep in mind that hybrid varieties cannot be propagated by seed according to their variety. But who knows, maybe your very own strain will be created for it. However, it takes up to five years for the laboriously raised seeds to show their face and bear flowers for the first time.

Plants that have been obtained vegetatively from onion bulbs or onion scales are able to bloom a little faster and are guaranteed to be true to the variety. If you want to use a scale for propagation, part of the onion base must remain on the scale. The small spring onions usually form at the base of the stem. The daughter bulbs or scales are removed during the dormant period when the plant has retreated into its bulb. When planting directly in the bed, the best time to plant hardy varieties is in autumn (September). However, planting in spring up to March is also possible. When propagating lilies over bulbs, the procedure is as follows:

  • Planting hole: 2 to 3 times as deep as the bulb is long
  • Planting distance: 15 - 20 cm
  • Mix in equal parts sand and mature compost to the excavated soil
  • Lay out a drainage layer of gravel or broken pottery on the ground
  • Lay out a layer of soil mixture
  • Place the onion in the planting hole with the tip up
  • Fill the planting hole with sand until the bulb is covered
  • Fill the planting hole with soil mixture
Lily bulbs are separated by hand
Propagation via onions is promising [Photo: Sarycheva Olesia/]

It is even better and essential for non-hardy varieties if you prefer the bulbs in the pot before moving them to the bed. The pot with the onion is placed in a dark and cool, but frost-free room until spring. From February, the bulbs can then move to a brighter place. When there is no longer any danger of frost, the preferred onion is planted in the bed. In a few species such as the trumpet lily Lilium puerense or the tiger lilies (Lilium lancifolium) the onions form in the axils of the leaves. These bulbs are planted directly in the bed as early as August.

Lily sprouts bed
The first sprouts of lilies [Photo: ArtSvetlana/]

Notice: The bulbs of the lilies lack the protective outer layer. Therefore, do not store the onions for too long, as they dry out quickly.

care for lilies

If you have prepared the soil well before planting and made sure that the roots of the pretty Plants don't get submerged, but with a little care, lilies lead a happy life in your Garden. After flowering, withered inflorescences should be cleaned off so that the plant does not put valuable energy into seed formation. The rest of the faded lily is left until the leaves have withered. During the wilting period, lilies transfer nutrients from the leaves to the bulb for the winter. If your lily stops flowering after a few years, it helps to dig up the bulb and move it. With the right care, your lily will return to its usual strength. Helpful tips on Caring for Lilies see this article.

Water and fertilize lilies

Lilies are extremely susceptible to stem rot, so avoid waterlogging from improper watering. In order for your lily to please you with beautiful flowers for a long time, it should be watered in such a way that the soil is always moist but never wet. Water regularly, even daily in summer. The bed is not watered in winter. Fortunately, the lily not only needs water, but also an adequate supply of nutrients. In order to ensure this, the irrigation water is fertilized once a year before sprouting and once during sprouting with low-nitrogen complete fertilizer. Use an organic fertilizer variant, especially for plants that rarely need to be fertilized. The nutrients remain in the soil longer and a depot effect is created. In addition, organic fertilizers are more environmentally friendly than mineral variants.

Lilies are watered with a watering can
Waterlogging should be avoided when watering lilies [Photo: Sarycheva Olesia/]

Caring for lilies in pots

When caring for lilies in pots, the main thing is a little skill with the water supply. In general, the following applies to the care of potted lilies:

  • Watering: Regularly; daily in summer, but no waterlogging
  • Fertilize: From June every 4 weeks
  • Pruning: cleaning out withered inflorescences; Cut to above ground level after wilt in autumn
  • Winter: Hibernate indoors; water if necessary

Successfully wintering lilies

There are hardy and non-hardy species of the genus Lilium. Accordingly, the species determines the accommodation during the cold season. With non-hardy lilies in the bed, the bulbs must be dug up after the first frost and kept in a dark, cool (15-20 °C) and airy place. Hardy lilies can overwinter in the bed. Pile up some soil at the base of the stem and cover the lilies with a protective layer of straw, sticks or twigs. Potted lilies are best stored in a frost-free, dark basement or garage. Potted lilies also need to be watered during the winter when there is a risk of drying out. More details on the right one Overwintering Lilies you'll find here.

Easter lily in the snow
Easter lilies are particularly hardy [Photo: Muskoka Stock Photos/]

Lilies after winter

After winter, when there is no longer any danger of frost, the protective covering of lilies that have overwintered in the bed is removed and bulbs that have overwintered indoors are buried again. Lilies that have overwintered in the pot are placed in a lighter spot from February and can go outside when it is no longer freezing.

Haven't you found the right lily for you yet? Check out our review article for the prettiest ones lily species listed.

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