Fight woodlice & drive them away successfully

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Woodlice are not dangerous, but many are disgusted by the crustaceans. Here you can find out how to successfully combat and drive away woodlice.

Woodlouse on leaf
Woodlice are useful – but not in our basements or kitchens [Photo: Marek Velechovsky/]

woodlice (Porcellio scaber) are only at first glance small, useless animals that hide under flower pots or stones all day long. Because woodlice are actually very useful and they play an important role in the cycle of nature. Similar to earthworms, woodlice ensure nutrient-rich soil, for example, and should therefore only be fought if there is a real plague. By the way, there is also the possibility of catching the little woodlice with a trick. This will get rid of the animals in your apartment - in the garden, on the other hand, they will ensure fertile soil.


  • When does it make sense to control woodlice?
  • Woodlice in the house
  • Fight woodlice
    • Fight woodlice with home remedies
    • Combat woodlice biologically
    • Fight woodlice with beneficial insects
    • Fight woodlice with chemical sprays

We explain to you in which case woodlice should be fought and why they feel comfortable in the house at all. Then we present household remedies, chemical sprays and biological control methods - there is the right method for everyone.

When does it make sense to control woodlice?

Since the woodlice is actually a beneficial creature and also completely harmless to humans, the question arises in which cases it can make sense to control woodlice. Under certain circumstances, the woodlice can occur as a storage pest. For example, if you store vegetables in the basement, woodlice could see them as food. Rot and mold can spread quickly through their feeding tunnels. However, the humidity in modern cellars is often so low that woodlice cannot actually survive there.

Woodlice in the house

Woodlice are therefore always an indication of high humidity, which can also lead to mold infestation in living spaces. For this reason, measures should be taken to reduce humidity and drive out woodlice. In this special article you will find out how you can reduce the humidity in your rooms Home remedies against the woodlice. In short, you should ventilate sufficiently often and properly and avoid washing damp laundry or To store food in the affected room - unless structural damage is the moisture problem caused.

Important: All countermeasures should be taken in connection with combating the cause, because otherwise the subtenants with the 14 legs will always want to move in with you.

Woodlouse climbing on wall
Woodlouse is a climber - as long as there is something to fetch around the house, it will return [Photo: Pattarawat Loharnchoon/]

Fight woodlice

Fight woodlice with home remedies

Once the causes of the moisture have been clarified and remedied, you can tackle the expulsion of the woodlice. Depending on how much time and energy you can invest, you can choose home remedies that will help you get rid of the small Tadpole Shrimp in the long term. With the help of trap constructions or repellents (deterrents), they are gradually removed or convinced that the flying visit to your apartment was not a good idea. Regular checks and re-application of the traps or home remedies are necessary so that you can record lasting success. With these methods, all human and animal residents as well as the environment are guaranteed to be protected. An equally gentle and significantly less complex option is to use our Plantura ant remedy represent.

Combat woodlice biologically

However, quite a few of the active ingredients permitted in organic farming are nevertheless harmful to aquatic organisms and are not necessarily gentle on beneficial organisms. Our Plantura ant remedy enables non-chemical control with very fine kieselguhr (also known as diatomaceous earth or silica powder). The purest kieselguhr is made from fossil diatoms and has a sharp-edged, very large surface. Our Plantura ant remedy is not dangerous for the user due to its special purity, but its effect on many annoying arthropods such as ants, silverfish and woodlice is very effective. It absorbs the fatty layer of the chitin shell, causing affected animals to dry out. It also seals the breathing openings, leading to early death by asphyxiation. Our ant remedy is distributed in cracks, crevices and heavily frequented places of woodlice or around an bait - a boiled, slightly rotten potato, for example. If the isopods come into contact with the powder, they are very likely to no longer be a problem for you after four days at the latest.

Tip: Our Plantura ant remedy also counteracts ants (Formicidae) and silverfish.

Plantura ant remedy
Our Plantura ant remedy can also be used effectively against woodlice

Fight woodlice with beneficial insects

Beneficial insects have also been available for some time, with which you can fight woodlice. Tiny roundworms or nematodes (Steinernema carpocapsae), which fight woodlice with the help of bacteria. However, since the nematodes are practically immobile, the isopods have to be lured to the nematodes. Some suppliers of beneficial insects therefore sell ready-made woodlice traps. These contain an attractant that attracts the isopods. This gets them trapped and in contact with the nematodes, sealing their fate. The tiny nematodes penetrate the woodlice and secrete bacteria, which digest the woodlice from the inside. However, the trap system only works reliably at temperatures above 12 °C, since the nematodes are inactive at lower temperatures. In our article about Nematodes as beneficial insects find out which pests the roundworms can still be used against.

Fight woodlice with chemical sprays

If you want to see quick results without having to worry about a lot, you can spread chemical biocides in your basement. However, we would strongly advise against this because of the often poor ventilation and the use of basement rooms for laundry, supplies or the like. Even pets and children often get into the groomed areas and you are safe more comfortable if there are no toxins in the form of jars, powders or non-visible coatings anywhere are found.

Woodlouse sitting on mold
Woodlice love mold - this one is very interested in a slime mold (witch butter) [Photo: Matauw/]

Tip: Sprays are referred to as biocides which, in contrast to pesticides, are not used for plant protection serve, but are only used against pests that are annoying or dangerous for humans. However, the active ingredients contained are usually the same as those found in plant protection products.

If you want more about the woodlouse If you would like to learn more, you can find more information in our special article.