Home remedies for aphids: the 10 best tricks

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Did you get a louse on your liver? With these ten home remedies you drive away the annoying aphids - without any chemicals.

Aphids on leaf green pests
With our 10 home remedies you drive away the annoying aphids [Photo: chinahbzyg/ Shutterstock.com]

aphids are real pests: apparently overnight, the insects infest the garden and weaken the plants. As a result, the plants bear fewer fruits, are weak and even die. The aphid can also transmit diseases from one plant to another. No wonder, then, that the aphid should disappear.


  • Home remedy 1: soapy water
  • Home remedy 2: nettle broth
  • Home remedy 3: lend a hand
  • Home remedy 4: Oregano as an aphid deterrent
  • Home remedy 5: garlic and onion
  • Home remedy 6: Black tea
  • Home remedy 7: Wormwood
  • Home Remedy 8: Natural Enemies
  • Home remedy 9: The right neighbors
  • Home Remedy 10: Neem Oil

But you don't always want to resort to chemical agents and insecticides - after all, they also damage beneficial insects that you actually want to keep in the garden. These ten home remedies that do not contain any chemicals can help.

Home remedy 1: soapy water

A true classic in aphid control is soapy water. Made from 150 to 300 g of soft soap (household soap or washing-up liquid are significantly less effective and through contained perfumes not so environmentally friendly) and 10 l of water, this effective remedy against aphids is fast produced. The solution can now be applied with a spray bottle, for some Indoor plants with aphids, for example orchids, you can also simply wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. The application should be repeated several times and your plants will be aphid-free in no time.

Spraying against aphids soapy water Garden hand holding spray bottle
Soapy water is a classic home remedy for aphids [Photo: NinaMalyna/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 2: nettle broth

This is just as well known as the soft soap nettle broth well known. Although it only consists of the simplest means (water and fresh nettles), it reliably drives away light and medium-sized aphid infestations. About a kilogram of stinging nettles is steeped in ten liters of water for 12 to 24 hours and should be sprayed on the affected plants on the same day. In contrast to the notorious nettle manure, the broth is odorless and can be used around other people without a guilty conscience.

Nettle in the basket
Nettle broth is also a classic in the fight against aphids [Photo: Melica (Shuttersock.com)

Home remedy 3: lend a hand

Sometimes it can also be very simple - if an aphid infestation is detected early enough, the small pests can also be removed in the classic way: by hand. Collection is one of the most effective, albeit time-consuming, methods. If you want to make it a little easier for yourself, dab the plants carefully with a piece of adhesive tape. The aphids get stuck on the sticky side and can then be easily disposed of. Even a jet of water can sometimes work wonders. If the infestation is still small, the water washes away the pests never to be seen again.

Removing aphids by hand
Aphids can also be removed by hand [Photo: Helen Sushitskaya/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 4: Oregano as an aphid deterrent

oregano not only looks good in the kitchen. The Mediterranean herb can also be used wonderfully as a remedy against aphids. Like a tea, 100 g of fresh or 10 g of dried oregano can be brewed with a liter of water. The whole thing should then steep for 20 minutes and then be sieved to remove the last bits of plant matter. Mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3, it makes an agent that is sprayed on the plants and repels aphids.

Bowl of dried oregano
Brewed fresh or dried oregano repels pests [Photo: Catalina M/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 5: garlic and onion

garlic- and onionsmell have successfully put many an admirer to flight. So why shouldn't it work for plants too? The essential oils of the plants also have a deterrent effect on aphids. 40 g of chopped garlic or onion are brewed with five liters of water. After the mixture has steeped for three hours, it is sieved. If the plant is now regularly sprayed with the agent, the aphids disappear by themselves.

garlic cloves in wooden bowl home remedy
Garlic and onions also help as a broth against aphids [Photo: Marian Weyo/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 6: Black tea

Black tea is only enjoyed by humans - aphids don't like the hot drink at all. Two bags of black tea infused with one liter of water is therefore a sure means of repelling aphids. In order to have an optimal effect, the tea should steep for at least 15 minutes and this old household remedy will drive the aphids out of the garden. It is very easy to make in a very short time.

Black tea in a glass home remedy
Black tea is an easy way to combat aphids [Photo: slavomir.gawryluk/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 7: Wormwood

Not only is the legendary schnapps absinthe made from the well-known medicinal plant – a tea made from wormwood is also a nice thing, because fortunately it doesn’t get the aphids at all. 100 g of fresh wormwood leaves are scalded with one liter of water and poured through a fine sieve after 24 hours. You can then use the product undiluted not only against aphids, but also against other sucking insects - and without shedding a drop of bitterness.

Wormwood branch tea home remedy green
Wormwood leaves can be used to make tea that repels aphids [Photo: nnattalli/ Shutterstock.com]

Home Remedy 8: Natural Enemies

If you have three enemies, you have to get along with two: According to this motto, aphids can also be fought effectively. Because the annoying pests also have natural enemies who can be harnessed for you. ladybug not only look cute, but can eat up to 4000 aphids in their lifetime. But also lacewings and their larvae act efficiently against the aphids. But you don't have to walk around laboriously collecting the little beneficial insects: you can now find ladybug eggs and co. in almost every well-stocked garden center. If you provide additional retreat and nesting space with insect hotels and dead wood, the new helpers feel particularly comfortable.

Ladybug eats aphids on leaf natural enemy
Ladybugs are aphids' natural enemies [Photo: IanRedding/ Shutterstock.com]

Home remedy 9: The right neighbors

Better safe than sorry: If you don't want to risk an aphid infestation in the first place, you should consider a few things when choosing your plants. Because some plants drive aphids away effectively - and thus protect not only themselves, but also their neighbors. Savory, for example, is avoided by aphids and offers reliable protection when positioned between threatened plants. Particularly strong-smelling herbs such as rosemary, oregano and thyme not only taste good, but also drive away vermin. And also lavender is not only a beautiful decoration, but drives moths out of wardrobes and aphids out of the garden.

Butterfly on lavender garden
With the right plant neighbors, aphid infestation cannot occur in the first place [Photo: pixs4u/ Shutterstock.com]

Home Remedy 10: Neem Oil

neem oil is a true miracle weapon in the fight against aphids and other pests. The oil, extracted from the seeds of the neem tree, contains the active ingredient azadirachtin, which deters pests from eating. Beneficial creatures, on the other hand, are not affected. If you spray the diluted neem oil (a few milliliters per liter is enough) on the plants, the aphids stop eating - and starve to death within a few days. However, the neem oil should not be used in strong sunshine or in rainy weather: in strong sunlight, the There is a risk of the leaves being burned by the oil. When it rains, the agent is immediately rinsed off and cannot do its job unfold.

If diluting the neem oil yourself is too difficult for you, you can also use ready-made preparations such as our Plantura Organic Pest Free Neem use. Our 100% herbal pesticide works reliably and naturally against aphids and other pests on garden and indoor plants.

Neem oil home remedies
A few milliliters of neem oil is enough to drive away the aphids [Photo: espies/ Shutterstock.com]

How one Gall midges for aphid control can be used, you can find out in our special article.

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